Урок "Our beautiful planet. Can we save it?"

Про матеріал
Урок має на меті систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми; практикувати учнів в усному мовленні; тренувати учнів у вживанні лексичного матеріалу в мовленні на рівні слова, фрази та над фразової єдності; практикувати учнів в аудіюванні та читанні; вчити учнів презентувати підготовлений матеріал; розширювати філологічний світогляд учнів; збагачувати знання учнів з теми;розвивати фонематичний слух учнів, довготривалу, оперативну пам’ять, слуховий контроль, здатність самостійно планувати мовний вчинок, вміння логічно, послідовно висловлювати думки іноземною мовою; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію, мовну здогадку, пізнавальні інтереси учнів, розвивати мислення, увагу, уяву в умовах гри, культуру праці та спілкування учнів;
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Тема уроку: “Our beautiful planet. Can we save it?” 

Мета уроку: практична: систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми; практикувати учнів в усному мовленні; тренувати учнів у вживанні   лексичного матеріалу в мовленні на рівні слова, фрази та над фразової єдності; практикувати учнів в аудіюванні та читанні; вчити учнів презентувати підготовлений матеріал;

освітня: розширювати філологічний світогляд учнів; збагачувати знання учнів з теми;

розвивальна: розвивати фонематичний слух учнів, довготривалу, оперативну пам’ять, слуховий контроль, здатність самостійно планувати мовний вчинок, вміння логічно, послідовно висловлювати думки іноземною мовою; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію, мовну здогадку, пізнавальні інтереси учнів, розвивати мислення, увагу, уяву в умовах гри, культуру праці та спілкування учнів;

виховна: виховувати бережливе ставлення до природи та її багатств, почуття відповідальності, доброзичливості; виховувати інтерес до навчання, до вивчення англійської мови, культуру спілкування.

Тип уроку: інтерактивний урок.

Методи і прийоми навчання: «мозковий штурм», «займи позицію», «криголам», «валіза», «мікрофон», аудіювання, говоріння, читання, письмо, «дерево рішень», «чарівний клубочок мудрості», бесіда, слово вчителя, робота в групах, проектна робота, доповнення речень, самостійна робота, повторення, мовна здогадка, фізкультхвилинка, релаксація, вправа «трансформація», фонетична зарядка, мовна розминка, лексична розминка, метод вправ, монологічне мовлення, чайнворд, загадки, анаграми.

Обладнання:  дошка, комп’ютерна презентація, відео «Планета Земля», відео на пісню Майкла Джексона «Пісня Землі», аудіо записи «спів птахів», «сюрчання коників», пісні англійських та американських виконавців про природу, схема «мозкового штурму» по темі «Проблеми навколишнього середовища», вислови та цитати відомих людей, яблуко, роздатковий матеріал для учнів, ілюстративні картки по темі «Природа», ілюстрації, проекти учнів,  малюнки, декорації (сердечки, листочки, дерева), «дерева успіху», наклейки, клубок, футболки, маркери, «мотиваційні квітки», декоративні комахи «сонечки», ножиці, скотч, клей, кнопки.

                      План уроку.


2.Оголошення, представлення теми та очікуваних навчальних матеріалів.

3.Надання необхідної інформації.

4.Інтерактивна вправа.

5.Підбиття підсумків (рефлексія), оцінювання результатів уроку.

Dear children! How are you? I glad to see you. Hope you are well I see everybody is ready, so let’s start the lesson. Today we have an unusual   lesson. There are many guests in our classroom. Greet our guests, please. The topic of our discussion is really interesting to everyone. I expect you will be hardworking and active at this lesson as usually.  «Валіза»

  Look at the interactive board (Video “The Earth.”) 

  • Can you guess what our today’s lesson is about?

(Slide 1) So the topic of our today’s lesson is “Our beautiful planet. Can we save it?”

Objectives– Can you suppose what we will do on our today’s lesson?

(Slide 2) Yes, today we are going to speak about environmental problems and suggest ways how to help the environment. We’ll improve your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills on the topic, revise lexical material, involve you into communicative activities by means of group work. Your tasks at the lesson are:

* to speak English as much as possible;

* to listen attentively and try to understand everything;

* not to be afraid to make mistakes;

* to express your opinion and defend it;

* to show your knowledge of the vocabulary on the topic.

I suppose this topic will be interesting for you, because nature is our home and our duty is to respect its rights. You have “Trees of success” on your desks. This is a demonstration of your knowledge and activity during the lesson. If you are active on our lesson and work excellent I’ll give you a present. It is a sticker with the words which mean your praise. You can stick these stickers in the trees. At the end of the lesson we’ll see the most beautiful trees. It means that you are the best pupils on our lesson. Look at these flowers. The following tips on how to study effectively will help you to be motivated:

1. Set your personal goal.

2. Think positively.

3. Reward yourself.

4. Develop a true interest to the subject.

5. Enjoy our every lesson.

6. Try to remember a material of the lesson.

7. Believe you can do everything.

8. You are the best pupil in the world!

  (Slide 3) I’d like to start our lesson with the words of great philosopher the Dalai Lama: “Mother Planet is showing us the red warning light – “be careful” – she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our house”. The intensive development of science, industry and chemistry has made the pollution of the environment a global problem of our century. You know that people all over the world are worried about it. Our planet is in a danger. 

The motto of our lesson is “Look after this planet, it’s one only we have”.

 (Slide 4) We live in a magic world. The world is full of wonderful things. It is our planet. The Earth gives us life. We are the children of it. Nature is our best and kindest friend. It teaches us to understand the world around us. Our planet shows us wonderful pictures of different colours: the blue sky and the green grass, the white snow and the bright sun. It gives us the possibility to listen to beautiful songs: the song of the wood, the song of the wind, the song of birds, the song of the rain.

(Slide 5)  Phonetic drill.

I would like to recite a poem (melody “Serenada” D. Cimarosa – Serenada)

I’m the Earth.

Look at me!

What do you make with me?

Only when all the rivers have run dry

And all the fish in the sea have died,

Only when the rainforests have been burnt down

And there is no food for animals,

Only when all the blue skies have been filled with smoke

And cities of the world have choked,

Will the white man understand

That is too late to save the Earth?

  • What environmental problems are mentioned in the poem?

(water pollution, deforestation, the ozone layer, air pollution)

(Slide 6)  Once Y. Gagarin said: “How beautiful our blue planet is! How small it is! People of the world, take care of it, protect it!” I want this poem to be the epigraph of our lesson. I know that you have prepared proverbs, the quotations of the famous people about nature and our planet Earth. What are they? Read and stick to our blackboard. (Bruno Mars – Talking to the Moon)

1. Nature pardons no errors. (R.W. Emerson)

2. The Earth does not belong to us we belong to it.

3. The Earth is our home and we must take care about it!

4. Don’t kill the world!

5. Don’t let the Earth down!

6. Do not destroy the ground!

7. Do not let the Earth die!

8. Help the Earth to survive! 

9. The air, the water and the ground are free gifts to man and no one has the power to portion them out in parcels. Man must drink and breathe and walk and therefore each man has a right to his share of each. (James Fennimore Cooper)

10. Our mother planet is showing the red warning light. “Be careful”, she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house. (Dalai Lama)

11. What is this life, if full of care

We’ve no time to stand and stare.

No time to see when woods we pass

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see in broad daylight

Streams full of stars like skies at night.

(Slide 7)  Look at this apple. (Hurts – Mother Nature) Is it beautiful? Imagine that is our precious planet.  But there are many dangers and harmful influences on its atmosphere, soil, water reserves. It is using chemicals, cutting forests, water pollution, soil pollution, light pollution, killing animals. People damage our planet. I am sorry of it. Let’s save our planet. It is our home. The Earth is about 4,600 million years old. Modern man has lived only 35,000 years, but in that time we have changed our planet in many ways. Many of the things that we have done are good, but many more are not good for the Earth. So you see, we live in a magic world and this world is full of wonders. 

(Slide 8)  Mind – map. - What environmental problems do you know?

Slide 9)  Look at the mind – map.

Water pollution         Endangered species     Climate change

Global warming                                                            Acid rains

Land pollution                                                                  Ozone layer

Light pollution                                                                 Noise pollution

Destruction of rainforests                                     Nuclear contamination        

Industrial pollution     Greenhouse effect    Illegal hunting


Warming up activities.

(Slide 10)  You have markers and files. Draw “+” and “-” on the files. I read you sentences about nature. Agree or disagree showing me an answer.

+1. Nature gives us people a lot.

+2. The land, the forests and the rivers are a great treasure to people.

-3. Children don’t like animals.

+4. It is interesting to study the animal world.

+5. It is important to keep rivers clean.

+6. It is necessary to feed birds in winter.

-7. We must damage trees.

(Slide 11)  “Microphone”. I hope you will agree with me that nowadays everybody wants to live in a safe and healthy world. We are given the world that is… Finish the sentence.

1. beautiful, fantastic                     7. unforgettable, phenomenal

2. wonderful, nice                          8. enormous, exciting

3. unique, looking good                 9. excellent, bright

4. magnificent, smart                     10. outstanding, the best

5. precious, spectacular                  11. remarkable

6. various, marvelous                     12. super

(Slide 12)  Ice - breaker “A magic flower”. Look at this flower. On the petals of it the word “Environment” is written. You must write some word which starts on the letter of petal and connects our planet.









Natural resources


Illegal hunting

Rare animals

Ozone hole

Natural disasters


Endangered species



(Slide 13)   Listen the song by Michel Jackson “Earth song”. (Video Michel Jackson “Earth Song)

(Slide 14)  After watching the video clip, answer my questions:

- Describe the most shocking scenes from your point of view.

- What environmental problems are presented in the video? (global warming, acid rains, forest fires, pollution, ozone layer, rainforest destruction, animal extinction);

- What endangered species of animals and birds could you see? (swans, whales, dolphins, elephants);

- What is the main idea of the video? (People should care about the environment, stop killing animals, destroying forests, polluting air, water and land. Humans should to live in a harmony with nature and save this beautiful world).

(Slide 15)  Project work. (Shid-sontsa –spiv) Now I want you to take part in the contest. Imagine that you are some Green organization activists. Name your team. You should design T – shirts telling people about ecological problems of the day. Work in groups. Use markers, scissors, pictures, glue. You have 4 minutes.

Are you ready? Now come out to the blackboard. Show us T – shirt and tell what environmental problem did you want to attract our attention to?

1.”Golden drop”. On our T – shirt you can see a drop of pure water. We suggest the following solution to the problem of water shortage: people must keep water clean and save water!

2.”Forest’s tears”. We are the activists of the organization “Forest’s tears”. On this T – shirt you can see a green leaf. It relates to the problem of deforestation. People must plant new trees and take care of nature.

3.”Animals’ lives”. We are the activists of the organization “Animals’ lives”. On our T – shirt you can see a broken gun.  We suggest the following solution to the problem of endangered species: feed birds and help them to make bird – houses, do not kill animals.

(Slide 16)  Let’s do morning exercises.  (Queen – We are the champions) Imagine you are an ancient giant and you must hold the Earth on your head. Take your books and come to the blackboard. Remember you must save our planet! Let’s have a relaxation! Make yourselves comfortable. Relax your face, neck, shoulders, arms, backs, legs. Imagine you are in the forests. You are alone. The weather is good. It’s warm. You are comfortable and happy. You have no problems. Clap your hands. Smile to yourselves, smile to our guests, smile to me, smile to each other. Thank you very much. You save our planet.

(Slide 17)    Work in groups. First group must put the verbs from the box to complete phrases. Second group must match the suggestions with the possible results. Third group must correct mistakes into the sentences.   You have 4 minutes.

(Slide 18)  Task for the first group.  The first group is writers. You must write down all the information into “the Book of Wise”. The computer of Mother Nature was breaking and all the information has been lost. Put the verbs from the box to complete phrases.



  1. to………………………………………national parks
  2. to………………………………………environment
  3. to……………………………………….pollution
  4. to……………………………………….many bins in the streets
  5. to……………………………………….recycling factories
  6. to……………………………………….new trees

(Slide 19)  Key: 1. to create national parks; 2. to protect environment; 3. to shortage pollution; 4. to put many bins in the streets; 5. to build recycling factories; 6. to plant new trees  

 (Slide 20)  Task for the second group. You are diplomats. You must fix a contact with Mother Nature. You must find possible solutions of ecological problems. Match the suggestions with the possible results. Do this task on the blackboard.

Ecological problems      Possible solutions










(Slide 21)  Key:

 Ecological problems        Possible solutions












(Slide 22)  Task for the third group. The third group is specialists of Nature’s revival. You are engineers. Some terms in the sentences are not right. Check them and regenerate our Mother Nature. You must correct the mistakes into the sentences.

  1. Environment is garbage like food, paper and cans.
  2. Global warming is an area set aside and carefully planned with all the necessary elements for preserving nature.
  3. Acid rain is layer of gases that surrounds the Earth, including the troposphere and stratosphere.
  4. Pollution is rain polluted by chemical compounds that have been released into the atmosphere from factories.
  5. Atmosphere is a result of people’s bad actions in nature.
  6. Litter is warming of temperatures around the world.

(Slide 23) Key:

    1.  Litter is garbage like food, paper and cans.

 2. Environment is an area set aside and carefully planned with all      the necessary elements for preserving nature.

  1. Atmosphere is layer of gases that surrounds the Earth, including the troposphere and stratosphere.
  2. Acid rain is rain polluted by chemical compounds that have been released into the atmosphere from factories.
  3. Pollution is a result of people’s bad actions in nature.
  4. Global warming is warming of temperatures around the world.

(Slide 24)  Exercise “Transformation”. (звуки природи –  звучання коників - стрибунців у траві) One Bulgarian poet wrote: “I picked up a flower and it drooped, I caught a butterfly and it died on my palm. Then I understood that to touch nature I could only by my heart”. Now I take a lady – bird into your arms. Your task is to transmit on it and to touch to people’s hearts with a request to save our planet.

(Slide 25)  “Tree of decision”. (John Lennon – Imagine) Look at this old magic dead tree. It lost its leaves. It is so poor. Let’s help it together. Let’s cure the tree which is a symbol of wildlife for us. Everybody can do something to help nature. Now imagine   you take a seat in a magic plane. You must fly around our Earth and write ecological problems of our planet on the leaves of this tree. Choose a leaf, make a report, then come to the blackboard and stick it to the tree.

(Slide 26)  In order to add beauty to our magic tree let’s guess anagrams.


















(Slide 27)  “The magic ball of wise”. Dear children!  I’m sure you are real friends of our planet. And I hope our lesson helps us to be more active in the ecological movement. In fact we live only once and not a very long life. We have one Earth for all those who love it and who do not. Imagine you are a president of Ukraine. Let’s take our magic ball of wise and answer the question: “What must people do to protect nature from pollution, to keep The Earth clean and people healthy?” Give me ideas about it.

- take care of nature;

- put litter away;

- don’t let anyone trash our planet;

- don’t pick up wild flowers, plants from Red Book;

- recycle used materials;

- clean rivers and springs;

- keep our schoolyard clean;

- take care of nature;

- put litter in the bin;

- feed birds and help them;

- plant many trees;

- keep our Earth clean;

- don’t throw rubbish;

- use less water;

- purify our water and land;

- lessen the number of garbage;

- stop killing animals.

Take our planet (a globe) and keep it carefully.

(Slide 28)  I would like to finish our lesson with the “Pledge of allegiance to the Earth”: “I pledge allegiance to the Earth, to its flora and fauna and human life that is supports. I know that our planet is indivisible with save air, water and soil”.    

Summarizing. Our lesson is coming to the end. You have made a very good job. Thank you and remember the words of Lucy Larcom: “He who plants a tree, plants a hope”. Let’s plant a tree. It will be the tree of your wise. You will help to save our planet. Let’s stand together and answer my question: “Can we save our planet?”

-Yes, we can.

(Slide 29)  - Did you enjoy your lesson? I am happy because you love our planet. You were good at using vocabulary of the topic in different situations. You have colorful hearts on your desks. They are self – estimation cards. Please, evaluate our today’s lesson. If our lesson was excellent show me red hearts, if our lesson was interesting show me blue hearts, if our lesson was not interesting for you show me green hearts. Thank you very much for your evaluation. Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents it was loaned to you by your children.   

Today you work very active and let’s look at your trees. You can take this tree after the lesson. Whose tree has more leaves? It is your mark.  Your marks are …because…


(Slide 30)  Home assignment. Your home task is to write a composition “Ecological problems of your village”.

Protect our nature! Save our planet.

 (Slide 31)   Find the words in the crossword.





































































































(Slide 32)   Key: environment, flora, fauna, sky, cloud, wood, forest, trash, grass, smog, pollution, protect, land, problem, water, marsh, sea, soil, sun.

(Slide 33)   The lesson is over. Good – bye!

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