Урок "Places of Interest in London" (4th Grade)

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Розробка уроку на тему Places of interest in London для 4 класу за підручником О.Д.Карпюк.

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                                                                                4th Form

Theme: Places of interest in London


  • to revise students’ vocabulary on the topic;
  • to extend students’ knowledge about London;
  • to develop students’ listening and speaking skills;
  • to develop students’ imagination;
  • to develop students’ knowledge about history and culture of Britain

Equipment: Pupil’s book O.Karpiuk 4, CD with the text, HOs for group work, overhead projector multimedia presentation with sights of London



I. Introduction

       - Greeting and aim.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you. How are you today? Look at the blackboard at these pictures. How do you think? What is our lesson about? (учні відповідають)

Teacher:Yes, you are right. It is about London. Everybody likes traveling. So, today we are going to travel to London. But look!  Do you know this woman with umbrella?

T: Yes you are right! We have a letter from her! Let’s read it.

Dear friends, hello!

I live in the country, where boys and girls

just like you live, but they speak English.

I am writing to you from Paris.

I’m visiting my friends here. Unfortunately

One bad magician stole my umbrella.

I can’t come back home without it.

Please, help me to return my umbrella.

You have to do some tasks

to help me to give it back.

He will send the letters

with different tasks.

Yours, Miss Poppins!

T: Are you ready to help this pretty woman?

Ps: Yes, with pleasure.


II. Main part

- Pre-listening (Vocabulary Revision)

  1.              We are going to listen to the text about London. You know some places of interest in London. What are they? Let’s revise. Look at the screen and repeat after me. (Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Regent’s Park, the Tube)

- Listening

- Post-Listening

a) Answer the questions

Teacher: Now, let’s check up what you know about London. Will you, please, answer my questions? For each right answer you’ll get a sticker.


1. What is the most famous river in London?  -  The Thames

2.  What is the most famous clock in London? - Big Ben

3.  What is the most famous museum in London?  - The Tower of London

4. What is the most famous bridge in London?  - Tower Bridge

5. What is the longest metro in London?  - The Tube

6. What is the most wonderful classical church in London? - St Paul’s Cathedral


b) Say if the sentences are true or false

- London is a capital town.                                                T

- The population of London is about 10 thousand people. F

- Tower Bridge crosses the river Thames.                         T

- Tower of London is a church.                                          F

- There are about 10 thousand streets in London               T

- One of the oldest royal churches is Westminster Abbey. T

- There is only one park in London – Regent’s Park.         F

- Regent’s Park is the home of London Zoo.                      T


c) Match the pictures with the words



Tower of London





Westminster Abby




Regent’s Park




St. Paul’s Cathedral





River Thames





Metro called Tube





Big Ben



Tower Bridge




Keys:  1 - e                          5 - b

            2 - h                         6 - d

            3 - a                         7 - c

            4 - g                         8 - f


d) Complete the sentences using the words from the box


clock, gardens, Tower of London, river, capital, Westminster Abbey, streets, metro


  1. London is the __________ of Britain.
  2. There is a big __________ in London - the Thames.
  3. From Tower Bridge you can see the ________________.
  4. There is a famous _________in London called Big Ben.
  5. ________________________ is one of the oldest royal churches.
  6. London parks and_____________ are really beautiful.
  7. There are about 10 thousands ____________ in London.
  8. 8. The oldest ___________ is called the Tube.

Teacher: At last we have done all magicians’ task. Look we got the letter from Marry. Let’s read it!

My little friends!

You worked hard.

You made all exercises and

the magician retuned me the umbrella.

At last, I can back home.

Thank you very much.

Oh, just a minute!

Open my umbrella.


III. Rounding-off

  • Summing up
  • Assessment

T: I am satisfied with your work today. You were active. Your marks for today are…

Our lesson is over. Good-bye.