Урок "Пори року, погода. Безособові речення"

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови на тему " Пори року, погода, природні явища. Безособові речення."
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Тема : Пори року. Погода. Природні явища. Безособові речення.


Навчальна: ознайомити дітей з новою лексикою, повторити раніше вивченні ЛО, розвивати вміння читати та аудіювати тексти, ігноруючи незнайомі слова.Формувати уявлення про таке  граматичним явищем, як безособові речення, розширити та доповнити знання учнів з теми, ознайомити з таким  граматичним явищем, як безособові речення.

Розвивальна: розвивати навички спілкування, логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам’ять, вдосконалювати артикуляцію розвивати вміння робити усні та письмові повідомлення про явища природи, використовуючи зорові опори.

Виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, зацікавленість у розширенні знань, загальну культуру, почуття відповідальності, любов до англійської мови, зацікавленість у розширенні знань, прищеплювати любов до природи, викликати інтерес до природних явищ та бажання вивчати їх. Формувати командний дух.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал-картки, таблиці для перевірки розуміння текстів читання та аудіювання, а також для відпрацювання лексичного та граматичного матеріалу, роздруковані заздалегідь.


Хід уроку.

Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

 Dear studentss, I am glad to see you here. I am sure you are ready for active work. Our topic today is “Seasons and Weather”. By the end of the lesson you should learn more about nature, seasons of the year, the weather in England and Ukraine. We will also learn how the weather forecast is made.  So let’s start our class with one of our favourite songs from the British Council Internet site.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Read  and try to learn the poem by heart.

Whatever the weather

When the weather is wet, we must not fret,

When the weather is cold, we must not scold.

When the weather is warm, we must not storm

But be thankful together whatever the weather


Phonetic warm up. Tongue twister (вимовляючи скоромовку учні практикуються у вимові звуку b)

 Betty Botter bought some butter


I Основна частина уроку.

Practice topic words.


summer            cold          sun                  fog                       favourite

spring              warm         rain                wind                  at the seaside

autumn              hot           snow              thunder                hurricane

winter              frosty         cloud             lightning            weather forecast


Find the weather words



  1. Weather in UK. Match the weather to the seasons.

Робота з флеш-картами інтернет-сторінки BritishCouncil. (роздатковий матеріал)

С) One Odd Out.



  • South





to wear

to blow

to fall


to shine














Vocabulary Practice. Активізація лексики.

And now we are going to play the Game “Clap your hands” if the sentences are true.                                                             

  (Гра на уважність “ Плескай у долоні ”, коли речення є вірним. )

  1. Winter comes after summer.
  2. We can ski, skate and play snowballs in winter.
  3. Autumn is the coldest  season in a year.
  4. Summer is warmer than spring.
  5. There are twelve months in a year.
  6. February is the shortest month in a year.
  7. It often snows in summer.
    8. Leaves are yellow in spring.

9. It is sunny today.


Reading  Pre-reading task.

Put the words into the correct order to make up sentences:








Check yourself

English families like to spend their holidays in the countryside.

The English countryside is like a carpet of  many flowers.

There is little snow in winter in England.

The English summer is never very hot.

English children like to play football very much.



The Seasons in England.

English families like to spend their holidays and the weekends in the countryside. The English countryside is like a carpet of many flowers in every season. In spring and summer the fields, the meadows and the forests are light green and dark green. The gardens are red, blue, yellow and white with flowers. In autumn the leaves on the trees change their colour from green to yellow, brown, red and orange. The English summer is never very hot and in winter it is not very cold. Spring and autumn are cool. Cold wind blows in winter from the sea, in summer the winds are cool. There is little snow in winter, and it never stays on the ground for long. There is little snow in winter, and it never stays on the ground for long. But there is much rain in England all the year round. The weather is very changeable. The grass in the mountains is green all the year round. That’s why you can see many cows and sheep in the meadows. English children like to play football very much. They can play football even in winter because the football fields are always green. All children like summer best of all because it is the season of their holidays. They can go to the seaside, play in green parks and walk in the mountains.

Post-reading task. Choose the correct variant.

  1. English families like to spend their holidays and the weekends

 in the countryside/at the seaside.

  1. Cold wind blows in winter from the sea/from the ocean.
  2. There is little snow/rain in winter.
  3. The weather is changeable/fine.
  4. The grass in the mountains is green all the year round/in summer.
  5. You can see many cows and sheep in the meadows/in the countryside.


Grammar   Impersonal Sentences  Writing.

Безособові речення (Impersonal Sentences) – речення в англійській мові, що не мають суб’єкта дії. Але оскільки за правилами англійської граматики у реченні завжди має бути підмет, то його роль у таких реченнях виконує займенник it.

Займенник it у безособових реченнях не перекладається і це потрібно запам’ятати.


1. Для опису погоди і явищ природи

It is cold.


2. Для позначення часу, дати, дня тижня і т. д.

It’s 5 o’clock a.m.


3. Для позначення відстані

It’s too far.


4. Для вираження думки мовця

It is difficult.

It is raining. – Дощить.

It’s too late. – Надто пізно


Use the words in brackets in a proper form.

It often (to snow) in winter.

The sun (to shine) brightly in summer.

It (to be) hot in the South.

It seldom ( to rain) in summer.

Ann usually (to wear) bright dresses in spring.

Boys (to play) football in warm seasons on the football field.

It usually (to rain) in autumn.



Check yourself.

It often snows in winter.

The sun shines brightly in summer.

It is hot in the South.

It seldom  rains in summer.

Ann usually  wears bright dresses in spring.

Boys play football in warm seasons on the football field.

It usually snows in winter.


Listening    Weather.

 Pre-listening tasks

Weather word bank.























natural features

природні риси


weather station



weather forecast

прогноз погоди








Match the pairs.





















природні риси


natural features



weather station

прогноз погоди


weather forecast









Weather is a part of nature. Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a particular place during a short period of time: heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudness.  Weathermen study natural features. They collect information from ships, planes weather stations and space stations. So they can understand what the weather will be like during the next few days. Then they make a weather forecast. With the help of weathermen we know what clothes to choose for the day.

The weather forecast.

Good evening! And here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. In the Western Ukraine it will be cold with snow in the mountains. In the north of Ukraine it will be a wet day with rainstorms that will move to the east during the afternoon. The weather in the centre of Ukraine will be dry but cloudy. In the south of Ukraine the day will be bright and clear with a lot of sunshine but it may be windy in the evening.

Post listening task. Answer the questions

  1. What is weather?
  2. What do weathermen study?
  3. What do weathermen collect?
  4. Who make weather forecast?



Teamwork. Гра “Guess what season it is.” Speaking.

 Учні поділяються на 4 команди. Кожна команда отримує картки з описом однієї пори року. Команди опрацьовують свій текст, готують питання для інших команд, потім презентують свою пору року. Вони відповідають на питання представників інших команд, які намагаються здогадатись, яка це пора року. Перемагає та команда, яка перша  дала вірну відповідь.

Зразки питань:

  1. Are the days long or short?
  2. Do the birds come back from the South or fly away?
  3. What is the weather like?
  4. Is it warm or cool?    Is it cold or hot?
  5. What can we see in the parks and squares?
  6. Are there leaves in the trees?
  7. What colour are they?
  8. Do they fall from the trees?
  9. Does it rain or snow?
  10. Are there clouds in the sky?
  11. What   colour is the sky?
  12. What clothes do people wear?
  13. Are there fruit and vegetables?
  14. Can children bathe in the river or swim in the sea?
  15. Do children ski, skate or sledge?


Тексти для команд.


Spring comes after winter. March, April and May are spring months. In spring the days are long and the nights are short. The birds come back from the South. In March it sometimes snows but in the South we can see the green leaves in the trees and the first flower in the fields. In April and May it is warm. The weather is fine. The sun shines brightly in the blue sky. We can see many beautiful flowers in the parks, gardens and squares. In spring people do not wear warm coats and hats.


Summer comes after spring. June, July and August are summer months. In summer the weather is fine. The sun shines brightly in the blue sky. It is hot. Sometimes you can hear thunder and see lightnings in the sky. The trees are green. The flowers in the parks and garden are white, yellow, blue and red. The days in summer are long and nights are short. In summer people usually wear summer suits and dresses. All the children like summer very much because they have they the longest holidays. In hot summer days they can bathe in the river or in the sea and lie in the sun.


Autumn comes after summer. September, October and November are autumn months. It is cool in autumn. The weather sometimes isn’t fine. The sky is grey. There are clouds in the sky. It often rains and the wind blows. The leaves in the trees are yellow and red. They fall from the trees. The days in autumn are short and it often rains. There is much fruit and vegetables in autumn.


Winter comes after autumn. December, January and February are winter months. In winter the weather is frosty. It is very cold. It often snows. There are no leaves in the trees. The streets, the trees and the fields are white with snow. The days are short and the nights are long.  In winter people usually wear warm coats and hats. In January children have their winter holidays. In frosty snow weather we can see many children in the parks, gardens and stating rinks. The ski, skate, sledge, play snowballs and make snowmen. Winter is a very nice season. Many people like winter very much.

III Заключна частина уроку.

Підсумки уроку. Dear friends! Our lesson is coming to an end. It’s time to say good-bye. We’ve done much at the lesson. We read, listened to the text, did exercises on the texts, you sang songs you presented your projects. You were great!  You all get good and excellent marks. Your home task for the next lesson is to do the task on the sheets and tell about your favourite season.




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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
12 травня 2023
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