Урок "Пошук роботи. (Мова жестів. Співбесіда.) "

Про матеріал
формування і вдосконалення умінь та навичок з елементами ірольової гри з теми Хошук роботи. (Мова жестів. Співбесіда.) ". Матеріали уроку розраховані на рівень Intremediate
Перегляд файлу

Цикл уроків                                                                                                                    Дибко О.В.

Урок 3

Level       -      Intermediate

Тип уроку формування і вдосконалення умінь та навичок з елементами рольової гри

Тема:                   Пошук роботи.

                      (Мова жестів. Співбесіда.)

(Мета уроку розроблена у нестандартній формі, та відображає роботу та результати над проблемою та описаним досвідом)


Мета:       Створити умови для формування та вдосконалення мовної, мовленнєвої,   соціокультурної, дискурсивної, соціолінгвістичної та стратегічної компетенцій.

                   Розширити та ознайомити з новою лексикою по темі уроку.

                   Сприяти адекватному використанню лексики пов’язану з професіями, звернути увагу на її особливості.

                   Розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення , аудіювання, читання та письма.

                    Розвивати вміння логічно будувати мовлення, аналізувати, приймати участь в інтерактивних ситуаціях.

                     Розвивати вміння знаходити правильні та альтернативні

                   Виховувати усвідомлене ставлення до вибору професій, поважне ставлення до думки співрозмовників.


Обладнання:  Текст «Learn to speak body language»

                     текст  для аудіювання “Job Interview”,

                     бланки до відповідей (Н.О.)

                     оголошення (Н.О.)

Джерела: “Speaking Extra”, “Headway Intermediate”, “Solutions                

Хід уроку

  1. Підготовка для сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.Організаційний момент (Greeting).

T: I am glad to see you. How are you getting on?

Hope you are ready to enjoy our work.

     2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу (Warming-up).

     T: Imagine that you work in a job centre and I’m your client who wants to get some information about jobs. I hope you can help me with it.

T: a babysitter

SS: a person whose job is looking after children while the parents are out. This job

is popular with teenagers.

T: a doctor

SS:  a person who has been trained in medical science, whose job is to treat people who are ill/sick or injured. This job is quite stressful and connected with constant stream of decisions.

T: a police officer

SS: a person whose job is to make people obey the law and to prevent and solve crime. I think the job is stressful because a police officer’s life is constantly at risk and he always faces dangerous situations.

T: a teacher

SS: a person whose job is teaching, especially in a school.

T: chef

SS: a professional cook, especially the most senior cook in a restaurant

T: paper rounds

SS: a person whose job is delivering newspapers to people’s homes

T: an actor

SS: a person who performs on the stage, on television or in films/movies

T: a builder

SS: a person or company whose job is to build or repair houses or other buildings

T: a secretary

SS: a person who works in an office, working for another person, dealing with letters and telephone calls

T: a mechanic

SS: a person whose job is repairing machines, especially the engines of vehicles

     3. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку (Explaining the aim of the lesson).

      T: Before we get a job we usually have to pass through the job interview. What is job interview?

(suggested answer: a formal meeting at which somebody is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job)

The main problem which we are going to solve today is how to make your job interview successful?


II. Oсновна частина.

1. Пред’явлення лексичного матеріалу (Presenting vocabulary)

T: To understand the topic better I ‘d like you to pay attention to the following words and write them down into your vocabularies.

A body language                                  Dress rehearsal

To appear                                             To maintain eye –contact

Employers                                            To make a point

Cautious                                                Panel

Lack of                                                 Tell-tale


  2.   Робота з текстом (Reading comprehension). (Дидактичний додаток 3.1. )

         2.1. Завдання перед прочитанням тексту ( Pre-reading activity).

        T: I would like you to write down some suggestions on how to make interview successful on the shit of paper.  You will be able to add new suggestions to the list if you read the text “Learn to speak body language”

Your ideas

Author’s ideas (key)

Ss’ answers

1. do a “dress rehearsal ” of facial expressions

2. smile when you enter and leave interview room

3. maintain eye-contact

4. use hands only to make a point

5. don’t play with your hair, watch or jewelley

6. don’t be fast-talking

         2. 2. Читання тексту (While-reading activity).

T: read the text and write down author’s suggestions on how to behave during the interview.

           2.3. Завдання після прочитання тексту (Post-reading activity).

T: Compare your list of points with a partner’s.  See if any of your suggestions were mentioned in the text.

           2.4. Обговорення результатів (Speaking).

     3. Розвиток діалогічних навиків (Work in pairs).

         На основі технології рольової гри.

          3.1. Цілеположення (Aiming).

T: Imagine that you are going to have a job interview.

What questions do you expect to be asked?

So, you will hear two interviews. Listen and note the interviewer’s questions.

          3.2. Пред'явлення діалогу-зразку (Listening). (Дидактичний додаток 3.2. )

          3.3. Перевірка розуміння (Comprehension check).

- Could you tell me something about yourself?

- How do you get on with people?

- Why do you want this job?

- What do you know about the company and the job itself?

- Why do you think you can do the job?

- What qualities would you bring to the job? 

          3.4. Повторне прослуховування діалогу.

T: Listen to the interviews once again and decide who will get the job and why?

(Key: The second person. He gave positive answers and examples of his experience) 

          4.4. Рольова гра “Job Interview”. (Дидактичний додаток 3.3. )

T: You’re going to practice interviews. Look at the job adverts and choose one to apply for. You can invent the experience. Applicants should bear in mind suggestions for successful interview. The interviewers should fill in the notes and then tell the group if the interviewees got the job explaining reasons.  


III. Заключна частина уроку.

1. Домашнє завдання.

-You are to know the vocabulary of the lesson

- You are to prepare a short report on the topic “Working alone is better than working in a team”

2. Підбиття підсумків.

2.1. Рефлексія і самокорекція.

На основі інтерактивної технології «мікрофон»

  • What problems have been discussed at the lesson?
  • What information was new for you?

2.2. Коментар роботи учнів на уроці та оцінювання. (Marks commentary)


(Дидактичний додаток 3.1. )



   When we go for an interview, most of us think carefully about what to wear and what to say but hardly ever about how to act- in other words, what our body language is telling the interviewer. So how can we appear cool when we are feeling so nervous?

   Judy James, a body language specialist and author, says that by marketing your body language, you can control your own success.

   According to experts, body language accounts for 55 per cent of the effect we have when communicating. Tone of voice accounts for 33 per cent, and words for just 7 per cent - so what you say matters much less than how you think carefully about behave.

    Employers nowadays are cautious about the fast-talking interviewee who has learned certain words and phrases but who may be hiding a basic lack of knowledge or simply lying. So they look increasingly for other signs which show person's character and ability — such as body language

    You will be more impressive at an interview if you have prepared by doing a 'dress rehearsal' of your facial expressions and hand movements in front of a mirror.

   When it comes to facial signals, you should always smile when you enter the interview room and when the interview has finished, because first and last impressions count. Try to smile from the eyes first - if models can do this, so can we. There is nothing worse than a painted-on smile and terrified eyes.

   You should also try to maintain eye-contact with the interviewer, but not for too long. If you are in front of a panel of interviewers, look first at the person who has asked you a question, and then at each of the other panel members in turn.

    Once you are sitting down, your hands should generally stay loosely in your lap. Use them to make a point occasionally but never raise them above shoulder level, and do not play with your hair, watch strap or jewellery.

   Tell-tale signs that the interview has gone well are increased eye-contact, the repetition of your name and perhaps even some closer body space. A look of relief may also be a giveaway sign - the process of choosing a candidate is stressful for interviewers, too.

  Body language is a subject that we have all heard about, yet we are not aware of the effect that our own body language has on others. In fact, it is vital- and after someone has noticed it for the first time, even subconsciously, they are unlikely to change their opinion because of what you say. So, at an interview, take the trouble to get it right.



(Дидактичний додаток 3.2. )


Dialogue 1

Interviewer: Could you tell me something about yourself?

Applicant:  Er, well, you’ve got my application and it’s all there. What sort of thing do you want to know?

Interviewer: Well, for example, how do you get on with people?

Applicant:  Fine.

Interviewer: I see. Well, perhaps you could tell me why do you want this job?

Applicant:  Er, I’m out of work at the moment and this is really near my house. I could walk to work. And the pay in good.

Interviewer: I see. What do you know about the company and the job itself?

Applicant:  Well, eaten in the café a couple of times and I’ve seen your delivery vans around. So I suppose the job involves making sandwiches and thing, delivering them – things like that.

Interviewer: OK. Why do you think you can do the job?

Applicant:  Well, it’s not hard, is it? I don’t see why I can’t.

Interviewer: What qualities would you bring to the job?

Applicant:  Em, what do you mean?

Interviewer: You’ve applied for the job of Catering Assistant. As you probably realize, this means working as a member of our catering team, taking orders? Delivering on time and to consumer satisfaction. Why should we employ you? What qualities would you bring to the job?

Applicant:  Oh, I see what you mean. Well I’d be OK. I mean, I’m not stupid. I’d be fine.

Interviewer: well, thank you for coming today. We have several other candidates to interview, and we’ll contact you when we’ve decided.

Dialogue 2

Interviewer: Could you tell me something about yourself?

Applicant: well, I’m very practical and organized. I’m also interested in food – and not just eating it. As you’ll see from my application letter, I’m taking night classes in Chinese cooking, and I do voluntary work serving lunches at a centre for old people.

Interviewer: Well, I see. How do you get on with people?

Applicant: Very well. I enjoy working as a part of a team and meeting new people, as I do in my voluntary work.

Interviewer: Why do you want this job?

Applicant: Well, as I mentioned, I’m interested in preparing and serving food. I know your products – I’ve eaten in your café – and I like the quality of the lunches you offer. I think the job would be interesting, and I’d enjoy the contact with the customers.

Interviewer: OK. Why do you think you can do the job?

Applicant: I can remember food orders correctly, even when it’s busy. Sometimes at the centre where I work, it seems like everyone is asking for things at the same time. I have driving licence if I need to deliver anything in van – and I’m fit, so carrying things is no problem.

Interviewer: What qualities would you bring to the job?

Applicant: I’m sorry, what do you mean?

Interviewer: You’ve applied for the job of Catering Assistant. As you probably realize, this means working as a member of our catering team, taking orders? Delivering on time and to consumer satisfaction. Why should we employ you? What qualities would you bring to the job?

Applicant: Oh, right. I see what you mean. Well, I enjoy working with people, I’m reliable and organized and I’m interested in catering. I know there’s a lot more to learn, but I’m enthusiastic and I’d welcome the opportunity.

Interviewer: well, thank you for coming today. We have several other candidates to interview, and we’ll contact you when we’ve decided.
















(Дидактичний додаток 3.3. )


























Interview notes

1. Can the person do the job? Is the person able to work to the required standard?

Yes _________  Possibly ________________  No_________




2. Will the person do the job? Is the person well motivated?

Yes _________  Possibly ________________  No_________




3. How will the person fit into the team? Will he be able to work well with the person?

Yes _________  Possibly ________________  No_________



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