Урок "Світ професій. Привілеї."

Про матеріал
вивчення нового матеріалу з елементами інтерактивнихтехнологій з теми "Світ професій. Привілеї.". Матеріали уроку розраховані на рівень Intremediate
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Цикл уроків                                                                                                                        Дибко О.В.


Урок 4

Level       -      Intermediate

Тип уроку – вивчення нового матеріалу з елементами інтерактивних



Тема:                   Світ професій. Привілеї.

(Мета уроку розроблена у нестандартній формі, та відображає роботу та

                   результати над проблемою та описаним досвідом)

Мета:       Створити умови для формування та вдосконалення мовної, мовленнєвої,   соціокультурної, соціолінгвістичної та стратегічної компетенцій.

                   Розширити лексику по темі уроку.

                   Сприяти адекватному використанню лексики пов’язану з професіями, звернути увагу на її особливості.

 Розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення , читання та   письма; вміння працювати в групі;

                    Розвивати уяву, вміння логічно, послідовно висловлювати думку англійською, вміння аналізувати, приймати участь в інтерактивних ситуаціях.

                   Виховувати правильне ставлення до вибору професій, ставлення до думки співрозмовників.


Обладнання:   тест “Personality test”

                            Картки для парної роботи

                            Текст «Suitable job»

                            Анкета “Questionnaire

Джерела: “Speaking Extra”, “Headway Intermediate”, “Solutions”


Хід уроку

  1. Підготовка для сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.Організаційний момент (Greeting).

T: Good morning. I am glad to see you. I hope you are well and are ready to start the lesson.

     2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу (Warming-up).

     T: Have you already thought what profession to choose? What job suits you most?

  I suggest you doing the personality test to find it out. For each pair of sentences choose the one that best describes you. Do you agree with the results.

(учні виконують тест та обговорюють результати) (Дидактичний додаток 4.1.)

 II. Oсновна частина.

1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку (Explaining the aim of the lesson).

T: One of the things about job that really important is something you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job or in other words what perks you may have. For example,  free meals” that is a company provides its employees with free lunches.

              2. Розвиток вміння працювати в групі. Обговорювання теми (Group discussion).

2.1. Метод «Мозковий штурм у парах»

     T: What other examples of perks can you give. First make your own list of ideas, then discuss it with your partner, enlarge your list, share your ideas with the class.  

2.2. Робота з лексикою (Vocabulary learning).

      T: You are going to look at other examples of perks. Read the information quickly and underline any words you don’t know.

(Лексика яка може викликати труднощі)

Pension scheme

Flexi hours

Child care

Reduced prices


Travel pass

To be demanding

Disabled person

Subsided meals

2.3. Group discussion  (Дидактичний додаток 4.2.).

       T: Which companies would be most able or likely to provide which percks? There may be more than one answer to some perks.

(Suggested answers)

1.  g, but also public services like c, and possibly any of bigger companies

2. d, but possibly any of  bigger companies

3. a, e, g, where times are not regular or set by demands of others

4. l seems likely, but possibly any of  bigger companies


6. c, but possibly any of  the companies that require particular skills e.g. a, e, g

7. b

8. f seems likely, but possibly c and any of bigger companies may have subsided meals

9. a, e,

10. k

11. any of the bigger companies

12. i


 T: Good for you. Work together to choose the best jobs for the people and prepare notes, not sentences, explaining the reasons for your decisions. (Дидактичний додаток 4.3.)

         SS: Mark: receptionist – reduces fees on all courses, child care facilities

         SS: Shella: ticket inspector – social club, pension;

                            Office assistant – flexible hours, pension

          SS: Jeff: Caretaker – free housing in school grounds

          SS: Angela: ticket inspector – family travel passes                

2.4. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення.

     На основі технології рольової гри.

Group A: Imagine how life has changed for the people since they took one of the jobs. You should include the description of their working life and developments in their personal life that have happened as a result of taking the job.

Group B: Adopt the role of one of the characters, a different one each. Play the part to the class, speaking as if the character themselves, describing changes to their working and personal lives.


3. Перевірка домашнього завдання ( Checking up the home task).

          На основі інтерактивної технології «Займи позицію»

  T: You were to prepare a short report on the topic “Working alone is better than working in a team”

       For                                              Against

SS’ answers


4. Створення проекту (Making a project ). 

  T: Imagine that you are the head of the company. Give your ideas on how your employees should\shouldn’t work.


 Group 1: Make up (work out) rules for employees.

             What should they do to contribute to the job.

Group 2: Work out rules for pupils. Say what they are not allowed to do at work.

Group 3: Say what perks they could have.


                Report on your results.


III. Заключна частина уроку.


1. Домашнє завдання.

T: Interview your parents about their job using the questionnaire (Дидактичний   додаток 4.4.). Be ready to share information with the group.


2. Підбиття підсумків.

T:     Коментар роботи учнів на уроці та оцінювання ( Marks commentary).












(Дидактичний додаток 4.1.)

What job is the best for you?


1. A    I enjoy studying for exams with a fried.

    B    I like learning for exams on my own.

2. A    I’m good at remembering facts and information.

    B    I’m good at remembering jokes and funny stories.

3. A    I always hope to get to marks at school.

    B    I love helping friends with their problems.

4. A    If I don’t like something, I’m not afraid of saying so.

    B    If I don’t like something, I always manage to be diplomatic.

5. A    I must finish my work before I think about going to the party.

    B    I can always find time to enjoy myself – even if I have a lot of things to do

6. A    I want to use my practical knowledge in my future career.

   B    I would like to use my imagination and my creativity in my future career.

7. A    When I am with my friends, I hate being the centre of attention.

   B    When I am with my friends, I love being the leader.

8. A     I need to have new experiences and meet new people very often – if I don’t, I start feeling bored.

   B     I avoid being in new situations if possible.









POINT                                                     RESULT



Ideal jobs


 Librarian, therapist, priest, accountant, scientist, nurse


Engineer, computer programmer, pilot, police officer, doctor, architect


Psychologist, writer, translator, fashion designer, teacher, musician


Businessman, lawyer, judge, salesperson, insurance agent


Company director, banker, politician, reporter, actor

 1  A 50     B 5

2  A 10     B 25

3  A 20     B 10

4  A 20     B 10

5  A 5       B 40

6  A 10     B 25

7  A 5       B 50

8  A 30     B 5










(Дидактичний додаток 4.2.)




(Дидактичний додаток 4.3.)

























(Дидактичний   додаток 4.4.)



Name_________________________     Surname________________________


  1.  What job do you do?


  1. Do you enjoy it?


  1. Why did you choose your job? What was your motivation?



  1. How stressful is your job?


  1. Was your job interview successful?


  1. Do you work in a team?


  1. What perks does your job offer?


  1. Would you recommend your son / daughter to choose your job?





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