Урок "Правила здоров’я в моїй школi"

Про матеріал

Урок вдосконалення навичок говоріння. Граматичний матеріал Наказова форма дієслова. Мета-надати можливість учням висловити свої емоції в реаліях COVID-19 та дослідити засоби забезпечення їх власного здоров'я та здоров'я оточуючих. Діти роблять свій внесок в практичне втілення ідей про це створюючи Правила здоров'я в моїй школі.Мета-допомогти дітям віднайти практичне втілення ідей про збереження свого морального та фізичного здоров'я. Розвивати критичне мислення. Сприяти розвитку навичок співпраці.

Перегляд файлу


 Procedure and time





My school rules


1.Encourage the learners to use Imperative Mood of verb.By the end of the lesson learners will be able to generate health rules for their school.

2.To help learners find practical solutions to look after their health in situation COVID-19.

3.To develop critical-thinking skills.

4.To promote pair work and collaboration skills.


paper signs


1.Place signs from the previus lesson(Don`t eat! Don`t use your mobiles! Stop! etc.) to capture learners` attention and indicate which topic the lesson is based on.

2.Brainstorm the ideas deal with their health in coronavirus realities (in your students` native language).

3.Write down their propositions in English on the blackboard:(put a mask, keep distance, use antiseptic, wash your hands, stay at home, tease)


1 min

2 min

Stage 1

Key words

Activity 1


Help the children to demonstrate in gestures the meaning of every word in the word combinations on the blackboard.

Check their understanding by getting one or two of them to demonstrate in gestures for the teacher and the whole class.

The teacher reads all the words to teach the learners to pronounce correctly. The children train to pronounce.

1 min

1 min

3 min

Activity 2 "Actors on the stage"


 Some learners work in front of the class,show in gestures the meaning of the word combnations. Other students gues what they want to say.




Activity 3

5 min

. The children do the same in pairs.


Stage 2

Activity 1

3 min

 Discuss what is good and what is bad for everyone`s health.


Put a tick or a cross in front of every word combination according to children`s propositions (must do/ can`t do).


Stage 3

Do! / Don`t do!

Before you start : review how to make orders (the material of the previous lesson).


Activity 1.


Discuss how to behave at school to be healthy and happy. fight? cheat?

listen to your teacher? shout? work hard?

Add them to the list on the blackboard.


Activity 2 Controlled practice.

10 min

Make "Health rules for our school" on the material from the list you have on the blackboard.

Challenge learners to decide themselves which of them are good, which are bad.

Activity 3 Freer practice

10 min

Set up the situation "At the break". Let the children decide on their own role-play language using what they know and what they have recently learnt.

Follow up

Ask the children what topic is to make paper signs on.-Yes! "Health rules"!



Propose to draw some paper signs about health rules at our school.

These signs may be put on a special poster in the classroom.



17 листопада 2020
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