Урок "Present Participle" в темі "Environmental Protection"

Про матеріал
Матеріал уроку містить завдання на закріплення навичок роботи з текстом та матеріал з ознайомленням та практикою застосування дієприкметників теперішнього часу.
Перегляд файлу

Урок 3.


  • Закріпити навички роботи з текстом (складання плану та резюме).
  • Ознайомити учнів з формами дієприкметників.

Мовний матеріал:  Participle.



  • Підручник, картки з текстом для читання, таблиця «Present Participle»,  .






1.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.


Т: The topic for discussion today is Ecology and Nature Protection. Ecological problems have become global nowadays. So, it’s important to increase our knowledge of environmental needs. If we can be active participants in the protection and rebuilding of our environment we can help our planet to survive and keep it healthy for future generations. Everybody on the Earth must think of saving our planet before it’s too late.


 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.



Т: Name the environmental problems we’re having now.

You have ten seconds to think, and write down an idea or two.

You can contribute any kinds of ideas, maybe simply something that came to mind but relevant to the issue. (P1  is the secretary. He/she notes down all the ideas. A student who has no idea may say, “pass". When one circle of ideas is completed, a second round may be attempted.)

Secretary, read out the list of ideas, and let’s discuss which of the ideas are the most relevant (relevant means connected with what you are talking or writing about important).

Suggestions of Ps: Water, air, soil pollution;

rubbish problem;

nuclear stations;

killing plants and animals.

(If  Ps are lack of vocabulary, help them with e.g. acid rains, greenhouse effect extincting species, global warming, the destruction of forests — deforestation, nuclear waste, nuclear contamination, etc.)

T: You’ll go on working over this topic at home. You’ll have to write a passage, (let it be an article to the Greenpeace newspaper) dealing with the ecological problems of our region.



  1. Пред’явлення нового граматичного матеріалу: «Вживання дієприкметника».


1) Ознайомлення з вживанням дієприкметників.

Т: In order to actively use the knowledge of English in connected speech and to write accurately and effectively, to enrich your speech you should be able to use Participles which can extend your statements.

How will you translate the following sentences?


Extinct means no longer existing or found on earth, (такі що не існують)

Ozone layer is a region in the upper atmosphere containing a high amount of ozone gas. (такий що містить)

Deforestation is the destruction of forests resulting from clearing, (такий що є результатом)


  Discussing grammar.  Прикметник це неособоваа форма дієслова, що поєднує властивості дієслова, прикметника та прислівника “Participle 1” (asking — такий що питає, writing — такий що пише;

 а також дієприслівник недоконаного виду speaking — говорячи,

або доконаного виду seeing — побачивши).


Participle” може мати форми відносно часу та стану.






Present Participle

Perfect Participle

Past Participle


having asked


being asked

 having been asked



3) Language work. Практикування учнів у вживанні дієприкметників.


1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl.

2. The little plump woman standing at the window is my grandmother.

3. The man playing the piano is Kate's uncle.

4. Entering the room, she turned on the light.

5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the performance had already begun.

6. Looking out of the window, he saw his mother watering the flowers.

7. Hearing the sounds of music, we stopped talking.

8. She went into the room, leaving the door open.

9. Working at his desk, he listened to a new CD.

10. Running into the road, the young man stopped a taxi.

11. Looking through the newspaper, she no ticed a photograph of her boss.

12. Using chemi cals, the firemen soon put out the fire in the forest.



  1. Закріплення теорії у вправах.


1. All the people who live in this house are students.

2. The woman who is speaking now is our secretary.

3. The apparatus that stands on the table in the corner of the laboratory is quite new.

4. The young man who helps the professor in his experiments studies at our university.

5. People who borrow books from the library must return them in time.

6. There are many pupils in our class who take part in all kinds of extracurricular activities.


1. As he now felt more at ease, the man spoke in a louder voice.

2. Since he knew who the man was, Robert was very pleased to have the chance of talking to him.

3. As he thought that it was his brother at the window, Steve decided to open it.

4. As the people were afraid of falling into a ditch in the darkness at any moment, they felt their way about very carefully.

5. Since he needed a shelter for the night, Peter decided to go to the neighbours' house.


T: At home you will do the rest of cards. Let’s translate the Participles in each sentence to be sure you’ll be able to do it.


  1. Пред’явлення тексту для читання

Pre-reading activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту.

а) Presenting vocabulary.

Т: Find and underline the odd word out.

pollution, radiation, destruction, population, environment

to damage, to endanger, to destroy, to ruin, to create

safe, nuclear, dangerous, poisonous, harmful

paper, waste, glass, wood, plastic

habitat, fox, insect, reptile, pigeon

rare, valuable, disappearing, extinct, diseases


Complete the collocations below by adding an appropriate noun. Some can combine with more than one noun.






12.Rain forest




4.Waste products







a) Acid

d) Global

g) Public

j) Air

m) Clean

b) Tropical

e) Ozone

h) Traffic

k) Sea

n) Recycled

c) Exhaust

f) Nuclear

i) Natural

l) Greenhouse

o) Solar

While-reading activity. Етап власне читання. (Клас поділено на 2 групи)

1 група:

Read the text and fill in the blanks in the text with the words from the box.

a) nowadays

e) population

i) endanger

b) serious

f) nuclear

j) solve

c) environment

g) noise


d) shortage

h) wildlife




(Note: fragile - means delicate, easily broken or damaged.)

           This word “environment” means simply what is around us. The air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink are all part

of the _______________ (1).

_____________(2) people understand how important it is to ___________ (3)

the environmental problems that ______________ (4) people’s lives. The most

__________ (5) environmental problems are:

  • pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, ________ (6) pollution);
  • ________________(7) from cars, planes, trains;
  • destruction of _____________ (8) and countryside beauty;
  • _______________(9) of natural resources (water, metals, different kinds of fuel);
  • the growth of ______________(10).

Answer the questions.

What does the word “environment” mean?

What is associated in your mind with the word “environment”?

What are the most serious environmental problems of your region?


2 група:

Fill in the blanks in the text using a word from the list.

a) weather


e) environmental

i) energy

b) exhaust


f) on

j) atmosphere

c) fuel


g) greenhouse


d) resources


h) recycling



Save it!

In recent years, the number of ___________(1) problems has increased dangerously. One of the most serious problems is changes in the _______ (2) which has led to the ________              (3) effect; this is making most climates warmer. It is already affecting several areas of the world with unusual _________(4) causing

draughts or heavy storms. Cutting down on __________(5) fumes from cars and

buses would help solve the problem. Natural ______________ (6) such as oil and coal are not endless, so using other forms of _________              (7) such as sun, wind, water and even sea waves would help preserve our planet. Very soon we will be able to drive cars in cities and towns that run _________              (8) electricity — a much cleaner ___________________(9) than petrol. And we can also help to reserve finite resources by ___________________(10) things made of glass, aluminium, plastic and paper.


Ask 6 questions on the text and say why the humanity is so much worried about the environmental problems.




  1. Підбиття підсумків уроку

Т: You worked hard and were very active and attention. What was it difficult for you?


  1. Домашнє завдання.

Т: Read the passage below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines, are correct, and some have word which should not be there. Write out an unwanted word.




  1. The atmosphere is a blanket of gases around of the Earth.  
  2. For thousands of years these gases have kept the our planet’s t° at about 15° C.  
  3. How? By trapping some of the sun’s heat.  
  4. But now, because of a pollution, there and more gases in the atmosphere.  
  5. This is means that the Earth is getting hotter.  
  6. A greenhouse becomes hot for the same reason.   
  7. Its glass lets the sun’s heat to pass through, then stops some of it.   
  8. That’s why scientists call the problem of earth’s the rising temperature  
  9. “The Greenhouse Effect”. A pollution sends four main “greenhouse gases”  

              into the atmosphere. These are: carbon dioxide (C02),  

  1. Methane and Nitrous Oxide which come from fertilizers and a rubbish;  
  2. CFCs (chloro-fluoro-carbons) in aerosols, refrigerators and plastic boxes. 


Write a summary of the text. Use the following phrases.


The text deals with   

To begin with 

Speaking about 

The problem is that 


The point is that  

In conclusion


Використано вправи:

 Ю. Голіцинський, Н. Голіцинська. ГРАМАТИКА. Збірка вправ. Каро. Санкт - Петербург, 2006. Ст. 305,309,310



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