Урок "Престижні професії в Україні"

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Theme of the lesson: Prestigious Professions in Ukraine

The aims of the lesson:

to activate background knowledge of the vocabulary;

to practice listening for specific information;

to practice reading about different professions;

to discuss the most prestigious and non-prestigious professions in Ukraine.

The equipment: computer, multimedia projector, lesson presentation, handouts (cards for group work), textbook.

The Procedure:

  1. Organizing the group. Introduction.

Good afternoon, dear children! Welcome to our lesson! How are you feeling today? Today we are going to talk about the prestigious professions in the world and in Ukraine in particular.

By the end of the lesson you will be able to activate background knowledge of vocabulary, practice in talking about different professions, practice in listening for specific information, find out about demanding skills for the future, draw the attention to the future jobs.

But first of all, I would like to acquaint you with the quotations of famous people.

  1. Warming-up.

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” Aristotle

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking, and don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. Steve Jobs.

“Your dream job doesn’t exist. You must create it.”

Now tell me what you think about these quotations? Thank you for your answers.

  1. Actualization of the knowledge.

Now it’s time to refresh the vocabulary about professions. Let’s do the task No.1. Guess the profession.

  1. Letters, postbox, newspapers. Postman
  2. Law, court, crime. Lawyer
  3. Fire, helmet, fire engine. Firefighter
  4. Stage, film, act. Actor / actress
  5. Musical instrument, play, audience. Musician
  6. Cut, hair, scissors. Hairdresser
  1. Vocabulary work.

Now let’s look at the list of the professions and write them down into three groups.

Working with people. Art professions. Working with machines.

A journalist, a computer programmer, a teacher, a designer, an engineer, a manager, a politician, a mechanic, a librarian, a cook, a nurse, a hairdresser, a factory worker, a musician, an artist, a shop assistant, an actor, a driver, a pilot an accountant, a scientist, a businessman, a doctor, an economist, a farmer, a painter, a fisherman, a gardener, a lawyer, a tax officer.

I’ll give you ten minutes to do the task.

Let’s check the task.

  1. Watching the video. Listening comprehension. “The 10 Highest-Paying Jobs in the World”

Your home task was to prepare the reports about the most prestigious professions in Ukraine. Let’s watch the video about the most prestigious professions in the world.

Watch and listen to the video. For statements 1-5 choose T if the statement is true according to the video, F if it is false. Write your answers on the sheets of paper. You will watch the video twice.

(Video “The Ten Highest-Paying Jobs in the World”)

The Task

  1. Marketing manager is responsible for analizing the results.
  2. IT system managers protect offices from hackers’ attacks.
  3. You can get a profession of a CEO without a degree.
  4. The dentist can’t get more than 200 thousand dollars a year.
  5. Surgery is an easy job.
  6. Anesthesiologist is a trained physician who ensures that the patient are asleep during the operation. 

Now let’s discuss the video. Which of the jobs is the most responsible? Which is the most interesting? The most boring? Which job do you like most? Which job do you like least? Discuss the choice with your partner.

  1. Reading for specific information

Now we are ready to read the texts about the most prestigious professions in Ukraine. Work in groups. Discuss these statements. Give your reasons why you

think so. Present the results of your discussion to the classmates. So you will have some minutes to read and then to present the information. 

What jobs, in your opinion, are:

— the most interesting/boring;

— the most dangerous/stressful;

— the most prestigious/non-prestigious;

— the most useful.

  1. Summing up. Conclusion.

I want to finish our lesson with the poem “Just Me”

Grown-ups always want to know,

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

I’m never sure what to say, my answer changes every day.

Maybe I’ll be a detective on a TV show.

I might be a disk jockey on the radio.

I’ll be a pilot and fly through the sky.

I’ll be a dancer and leap way up high.

I’m never sure what to say, my answer changes every day.

I’ll be an author and write a great book.

I’ll be a chef – the world’s greatest cook.

I’ll be a sailor and sail on the sea.

I think for now that I’ll just be me.

Thank you for your work, children, you’ve done it perfectly. I wish you good luck! Good-bye!

The Most Prestigious Professions and Non-prestigious Professions in Ukraine

There are a lot of different professions but high-prestige positions are  those  which  have  not  only  a  good  salary,  but  also  a  high  public status,  influence  and  are  respected  in  the  community.  The  prestige of  a  profession,  on  the  one  hand,  depends  on  the  degree  of  responsibility and  complexity,  but  on  the  other  hand,  it  depends  on  the  great  demand  for  specialists  in  the  labour  market.  And  the  demand  depends  on  the  macroeconomic  situation  in  the  region  and  the  sociopolitical  situation.  But  still  more  often  the  prestige  of  a  profession  is determined  by  its payment.

According to a survey conducted by the experts of the HeadHunters portal  now  in  Ukraine  the  most  prestigious  is  the  profession  of  an  IT  specialist  because  it  is  extremely  in  demand  in  the  domestic  labour  market.  Thus, only one candidate claims one opened vacancy. One of  the  types  of  software  developer,  a  web  developer,  a  specialist  in  the sphere  of  information  security,  a  programmer  are well paid  but  employers’  requirements  for  them  are  quite  high.  These professions give you the  chance  to  work  everywhere  in  the  world,  either  as  a  freelance  worker  or an  employee  of  a  company.  Nowadays especially information security is very important.  Every large company needs not  only  someone  to analyse  their  data,  but  also  they  need  someone  who  can  keep  their data  and  system  safe,  regardless  of  their  location.  A good IT specialist is respected everywhere.

The  second  place  in  the  rating  of  the  most  prestigious  professions 

is top  management.  The senior officers and managers have overtaken the positions  of  lawyers,  prosecutors  and  defence  lawyers.  Professionals  working  in  the  field  of  jurisprudence  are  proud  of  their  professions very much.  The top 10 of  the  most  prestigious  professions  also  include  bankers,  businessmen,  pilots,  doctors  and  astronauts  as  well  as economists and  financial  officials.

 The  top  5  non-prestigious  professions  include  retail  workers,  professions  in  the  field  of  agriculture,  consulting  services  for  the  public and  representatives  of  the  banking  sector.

Card 1.

Write the professions down into three groups.

A journalist, a computer programmer, a teacher, a designer, an engineer, a manager, a politician, a mechanic, a librarian,

a nurse, a hairdresser, a factory worker, a musician, an artist, a shop assistant, an actor, a driver, a pilot, an accountant, a scientist, a doctor, a farmer, a painter, a lawyer, a tax officer.


Working with people

Art  professions

Working with machines














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