План-конспект уроку Вчителя англійської мови Шевченко С. В. ТЕМА "Is the Earth in danger?" Мета: 1) Систематизувати та узагальнити знання з теми. 2) Виховувати дбайливе ставлення до навколишнього середовища. 3) Розвивати пам'ять, логічне мислення, уміння систематизувати, аналізувати, робити висновки. Обладнання: дошка, ілюстрації, прапорці країн, роздатковий матеріал, мультимедійна система. Тип уроку: узагальнення і систематизація знань (нестандартний урок – рольова гра, урок-конференція) Хід уроку І. Організаційний момент. Привітання. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку, пояснення форми оцінювання та використання роздаткового матеріалу. ІІ. Основна частина уроку. Введення в атмосферу уроку-конференції. На екрані з’являється назва конференції: «The World Environmental Problems» Глобальні проблеми навколишнього середовища. Цитати: “Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children.” Lee Taibоt. “Mother planet is showing us the red warning light – be careful – she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of your house.” The Dalai Lama
“ Представлення плану конференції (на екрані). Презентація 1 Представлення учасників конференції: Експерт з питань глобальних проблем Делегація України Делегація Європи Делегація США та Канади Делегація Японії Делегація Грінпіс Кожна делегація захищає свій проект (групова робота) (Проблеми навколишнього середовища в даній країні). Презентації 2-6 Запитання після виступів в режимі клас-учень. Прийняття резолюції ( в режимі учень-клас, голосування зеленими сертифікатами) Закриття конференції. Пісня “Life is Good”. Фотографування. ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку. Підсумки уроку Виставлення оцінок. Домашнє завдання: написати твір « Environment of my region ».
Ukraine is a highly developed industrial and agricultural country.The serious problems of Ukraine are air pollution land pollution and water pollution. Pollution became very intensive in the 19 century as a result of the development of industry. Ukraine has the most polluted landscapes in the Eastern Europe.
Air pollution is very strong in many industrial cities and towns especially in Kharkov, Luhansk, Donetsk, Dnipro and others. Coal rising industries, metallurgical, chemical plants, power plants are major sources of high levels of uncontrolled emissions of different harmful substances.
The present alternative is nuclear fuel, which, while not directly polluting the environment, contains untold dangers from radiation remember the Chernobyl power plant catastrophe which took place in 1886.A lot of people died because of this accident. Therefore we need an alternative source of energy. The future lies in fusion power.
Greenpeace (Greenpeace English - "Green House") - an international environmental organization based in Vancouver (Canada) September 15, 1971 David Maktahharti The main purpose of "Greenpeace" – is to achieve solutions of global environmental problems, including the attracting of the attention of public and authorities. Презентація 6
Preservation of green shield in the planet; Cleaning and sorting garbage for its further processing; The struggle for replace the atomic electrical energy to alternative energies; Struggle for the abolition of plastic bags; Struggle for the purification of polluted water; Replacement of ordinary light bulbs with energy saving ones; Exclusion of GMO products; Fight for the preservation animal world;
"Japan can fully replace the atom to wind,and solar energy already in 2040 - this confirms the energy programme which is developed for Japan by Greenpeace in 2008 - says Vladimir Chuprov,the head of Greenpeace Russia's energy program. The organization Greenpeace shows the replacement of nuclear power all over the world.
There are a lot of problems solved by Greenpeace, but I was most touched by the problem of stray animals, which at the present time is very crucial in our country. Preparing for Euro 2012, the authorities are thinking on the problem of uncontrolled population of stray animals in Ukraine and have decided to clear the streets of stray animals .And the problem can be solved: In Europe stray animals are not killed and sterilized. Warsaw holds shelters for such animals and the centers , where they can be taken.Euthanasia of homeless animals is completely prohibited. Sterilization - is not only human, but effective. It solves the problem permanently.
General Assembly Resolution on Global Environmental Problems The protection of nature has become one of the most burning problems nowadays nature provides us with mineral resources, forestland fields. The rapid growth of science, technology and industry resulted in an increasing negative effect on the nature of the whole world. Huge industrial enterprises pollute the water we drink, the air we breath, the land which gives us bread, vegetables and fruits. Acid rains destroy the ozone layer and causes greenhouse effect. Polluting leads to the reduction of man’s lifespan. The worst situation with air pollution is in big overpopulated cities. Breathing in big industrial cities is equivalent to smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day. The world's oceans are filled with poisonous industrial waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. To understand the nature of this ecological crisis in general and to make the conclusions is the reason why this conference is held now. So we have to accept decisions: To control the production of the plants, to use only ecologically clean materials To recycle waste materials, to change equipment To use ozone friendly products To use wind and solar energy instead of nuclear To save electricity To protect rare species To preserve wildlife To plant more trees To minimize noise disturbance