Урок "Problems of teenagers in Ukraine and Great Britain."

Про матеріал
Lesson teaches students -to use new lexical material in communication; - to develop listening and speaking skills; - to develop students' informational and communicative competencies; - to be respectful of other people, their likes and outlook.
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“Problems of teenagers in Ukraine and Great Britain.’’


Активізувати мовленнєві навички учнів та розвивати вміння слухати та говорити, розширюючи  світогляд учнів.


I.Introduction. Greeting,

 (Стільці розташовані колом, у кожного учня є візитка: Ukrainian  teenagers, British teenagers, Independent observers. )

 - Dear children! Today we’ll have an unusual meeting. It will be a conference and you will be Ukrainian or British teenagers and some of you will be Independent observers.

II. Main parts of the lesson.

So, welcome to our conference. It will be devoted to problems of teenagers.

 - What do you think is the happiest time of a person’s life: when you are a child or an adult?

A market research organization did a survey to find out who are the happiest people in Britain. They interviewed over 5000 people. Here are the results of the survey.

The Best Years of our Lives.

15-19 years – 30%                                                           20-24 years – 40%

25-34 years – 42%                                                            35-44 years – 54%

45-54 years – 52%                                                             55-64 years – 42%

65+ - 30%

Our talking is about these ages from 13 to 19.

So, we propose to speak about teenagers in Ukraine and Britain. Let’s look at some of the things that are important to British teenagers and we’ll try to answer the questions:

 T. - Are teenagers in Ukraine different from their British friends?

I propose you to divide our group into 3 groups: the first group is the group of Ukrainian teenagers;

The second  is the British one; the third – the group of independent observes.

Ind. obs.  – Discussing the problem of teenager’s world we have to know who is a teenager?

“A teenager’ is a boy or a girl in his or her teens, the ages of 13 to 19. In Britain there is an expression “typical teenager”. This is usually said by adults to mean that teenagers are lazy, irresponsible and rude to their parents. But in fact, British teenagers work hard at school, respect their parents and plan for their  future.

 T. – And now answer the next question:

 - Are the teenagers studious and serious?

Ukr.st. – Let me introduce myself. I’m Helen. And today I’m a pupil of the 9th form and now I must think about the future. First of all I must do my best to be well prepared for exams. To pass exams well we must have rich knowledge. Knowledge is power. I want my future trade to be connected with foreign languages. I learn English at school. And I try to improve my knowledge in English visiting optional courses. Optional courses are free of charge for pupils. It is the advantage of school , education. So, I “make hay while the sun shines”. I know that “lost time is never found again.” And I try to save time and I “never put till tomorrow what I can do today.” I get up very early every day because “the early bird catches the worn.” And it is the way to lenghten my working day. I have chosen a profession of an interpreter. But “the devil is not so black as he is painted.” I must toil and toil. But “no pains, no games.”

Br.st.  – Hi! I’m Ann Brown. I’m not the only teenager who cares more about music than education. Music is the most important thing in many British teenager’s lives. Music is a language which speaks to everyone – from the day we are born we hear music most of the days of our life. But there are different kinds of music as there are different languages and it is impossible to describe them all. As for me I like classic music. And when I do my homework I like to have gentle background music, it helps me to concentrate.

Ukr.teenager  - Hi! I’m Olha. I’m Ukrainian teenager. I agree with my English friend. The more man interest in music, the more interesting he is. And now I propose you to listen to some minutes of my favourite music.

Ind. Observer – As well as music popular activities with teenagers are: sports, computer games, watching TV. Teenagers watch less TV than they did 10 years ago. They say that today the era of computers began.

Ukr.teenager -  Yes, I agree with you. Modern life is impossible without computers. With help of computers the factories, banks and other establishments work. Computer became the large assistant of the man. We can’t forget about the Internet. Such  network  helps  contact to any country and receive any information. The scientists work about creation of new electronic machines. Probably in 10 or 20 years the humanoid robots able logically to think will appear. And they can become the correct assistants of the man. The time will show.

Ukr. teenager –As for me I like to dance. Dancing is my hobby. Practically there is no man who doesn’t like to dance. Some people  go in for dancing clubs, other people dance only when they are in good mood. But “Many men – many minds.” I’m sure dancing is my life. Dancing makes my life more interesting . I can do it everywhere and every day. We dance and have such fun. Dancing is the language we can speak with everyone.

Ukr. teenager – Frankly speaking  I’m interested in art. Art makes my life interesting and enjoyable. It helps me understand life, people better, see the beauty of nature. What life is if full of care we haven’t time for art. But everybody knows that modern life is impossible without art. Art gives food for thought. It is a rest for our mind. The interests of people, of course, are different. But practically there is no man who doesn’t like Repin’s or Fedotov’s pictures. Art is a great power especially if it appeals to the heart and mind of man. Art is the city in the building of which many people  bring a stone. Art and life are closely connected. Many pictures reflect our life, the past, present and future.

(Exhibition of student works)

Ukr.teenager – To tell the truth I’m fond of painting. And when I have a free time I draw. Here you can see some of my drawings. Maybe they are not so well-done, but they show my world, things and feelings that are around me.

Ind.observer – A lot of teenagers are talented, creative. Young people dream of highly-paid jobs, of better life. They are interested in studying foreign languages and have excellent computer-operating skills. They want to be independent from their parents and teachers. In fact they don’t know how to do that.

T.-And another problem for today: “Are parents teenagers’ friends?”

Br.teenager – Since the 1950’s teenagers have been supposed to rebel against their parents.  But parents today understand teenagers a lot better and have better relationships with their children. As for me I have a lot of respect for my mum.  We are more responsible than in the fifties – we can stay out until midnight, more teenagers have own cars.

Ukr.teenager – and I think

They say a teenager is a dangerous age,

But what about adults?

They’re fatal and strange,

They always chase us with their special fear.

They say silly things,

They are never sincere,

They play their roles as in Hollywood.

They completely forgot

They were born in childhood.

Br. Teenager – There are many reasons why there is misunderstanding between grown-ups and children. But I’m sure a loved child grows up into a loving adult. Parents are often too busy earning money for bringing up and educating their children. They can’t give their children attention and understanding.

Ukr.teenager – That’s why  teenagers easily come under the influence of their people. They find idols among famous singers, sportsmen, actors and politicians. They try to copy them from hairstyles and clothes to bad habits or smoking and even using drugs.

Ind.observer – 70% of British teenagers neither smoke nor want to try it. Most teenagers are against drugs. Most teenagers do drink alcohol – about 80% - but most of them drink occasionally at family parties.


Br.teenager – And you know, for us, teenagers, money is also important. Most of us are given between 4-5 pounds pocket money a week by our parents. Some of us have jobs like paper-rounds  and baby-sittings.

Ind.observer – 43% of schoolchildren between the ages of 13 and 17 work in some form of employment in the UK. The UK has the highest percentage in Europe of working 13 and 14 year-olds – around 30%.

Br.teenager – And you think, why do British schoolchildren work? Most would agree that the main advantage of having a job is the pocket money we earn.  Many schools encourage pupils to include details of part-time work in applications for admission to college or an university, or for jobs on leaving school.

Ind.observer – In the UK 2 million children work but there are strict laws that only allow them to do certain kinds of work and they are not allowed to work too many hours.

Ukr.teenager – Maybe our teenagers can’t decide this problem because even adults can’t find a job. And many people are forced to support themselves by hard physical work for long hours, perhaps even doing a dangerous job for little pay. In Ukraine it is difficult for teenagers to have pocket-money.

T. – Do you want to speak about economical  problems in our country?

But nevertheless if your mum was ill

You wouldn’t  love her less…

In spite of all the troubles

I’ll never emigrate,

Believe in me, my Motherland,

Ukraine, you are my fate.

T.– Youth is the future of our country. Are all young people alike? Of course, not. But they have got similar problems. They want to go their way, have their own style of clothes, even their own language. But they have the only one dream – to be happy.

I want to live and not to die!

I want to laugh and not to cry!

I want to sing when life is fun.

I want to fly into the blue.

I want to swim as fishes do.

I want to stretch out friendly hands

To all the young of their lands.

I want to fight for what is right –

Against disease, against despair,

Against stark hunger everywhere.

I want to love.

I want to mate no atom bomb

Annihilate my shining world.

I want to laugh and not to cry!

I want to live and not to die!

III. Summary.

So, you listened to about some problems that have Ukrainian and British teenagers. And we want to tell you that teenagers are very much alike, but of course they have some different problems. But all teenagers are going to say “Stop” to whatever is bad, and welcome everything that promises a better future. I believe we are going to do it.

Thank you for your attention.




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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 липня 2020
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