Урок "Професії які ми обираємо"

Про матеріал
запропонований конспект уроку допоможе вчителю у підготовці до уроку по темі " Професії"
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  Тема: Job. Occupation. Pofession.


  Навчальна- працювати над активацією лексичного матеріалу по темі « Робота»;  розширювати словниковий запас під час формування навичок опису різних професій; розвивати вміння працювати в групах.

  Розвиваюча- розвивати вміння логічно висловлювати думки, робити висновки, аналізувати інформацію та робити висновки; розвивати мовну здогадку.

   Виховна- виховувати повагу до представників різних професій, відчувати відповідальність за прийняті рішення.

   Тип уроку- комбінований.

   Обладнання- зошити, рпоздатковий матеріал, картки з видами професій, презентація.

  Хід уроку:

  1. Introduction

T. Today we continue a very interesting, important and serious topic “Jobs. Professions. Occupations.”

2. Brainstorming

T. Where does a working person spend a day?

Ss. at school;

      in the office;

      in a hospital;

      at home;

      at the factory;

      in the driving seat;

      behind the counter,ets.

T. What can the work be like?

Ss. tiring;






      rewarding, ets.

T. What kind of job can people have?

Ss.  a full time job;

      a part time job;

      a temporary job;

       vocational work;

       a job share;

       seasonal employment, ets


What is the difference between:

job-the regular paid work that you do for an employer;

occupation- a job or profession (it’s used in official papers);

profession- a job that needs a high level of education and training;

work- a job or activity that you do regularly, especially in order to earn money;

qualification –a skill, personal quality, or type of experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or position.

Speaking about professions we can’t remember some other words:

            ability- someone’s level or skill at doing something;

            duty-something you have to do as part of your job;

            vocation- a particular type of work that you feel is right for you;

            career- a job or profession that you have been trained for, and which  

             you do for a long period of your life;

             labor- all the people  who work for a company or in a country.   

 Т. Look at the sentences in which one word is missing and three variants of it. Fill in the missing word.

  1. He needs a more suited job to his…
  1. Duties
  2. Abilities
  3. Efforts
  1. He is new in the … but he’s already gaining some experience.
  1. Work
  2. Know-how
  3. Job


  1. She will spend most of her… as a doctor in Paris.
  1. Career
  2. Housework
  3. Business
  1. The employer needed more skilled…  .
  1. Zeal
  2. Labor
  3. Employment
  1. The employer wanted to know employee’s name and…  .
  1.  Occupation
  2. Work
  3. Vocation
  1. She is an engineer by …  .
  1. Work
  2. Labor
  3. Profession
  1. Treating people is more than just a way to earn a living, it is not a profession, it’s a…  .
  1. Vocation
  2. Trade
  3. Career
  1. People don’t usually go to… at the weekend.
  1. Labor
  2. Job
  3. Work

Key: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b, 5-a, 6-c, 7-a, 8-c.

  1. Reading

T. A man can’t live without work because work keeps him alive. Work means life. Any work should be absorbing and interesting for a man.

( scan the text)

                               World of Jobs.

    We spend great part of our lives at our jobs, so choosing a right career is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Many students finish school and begin college or university without a clear idea of what to do in future. Some of the occupations are overcrowded. In old industries there may be little need for new workers, while new and growing industries will offer jobs now and in the future. So, it’s important to explore your choice of occupations from every side, collect as much important as you can. Challenging, rewarding, exciting, prestigious professions seem to be attractive. If a job is monotonous, exhausting, messy you will say it doesn’t appeal to you.

       It is impossible to achieve success in something that is boring or makes you unhappy day after day. It’s not important what to do, but it’s a lot more important if you get joy  and energy from what to do. You might be a businessman, a builder, a carpenter, an artist, a farmer, a car mechanic. If you like it, than you have a chance to be successful. Be honest with yourself. Don’t do something because it’s prestigious or popular. Remember, that it’s your lifetime that you are going to spend.


  1. Read each sentence. Mark “T” if it is true and “F” if it is false.
  1. The right career is not an important thing.
  2. Many students don’t know what to do in future.
  3. It’s not necessary to explore different professions and jobs.
  4. It’s not important what to do, if it makes you happy  and full of energy.
  5. It’s possible to achieve success if you work day after day.

Keys:  1F, 2T, 3F, 4T, 5F.

  1. In the text find the words denote professions and tell their definitions:

A businessman is a person, who runs business;

A builder is a person, who builds houses;

A carpenter is a person, who makes wooden things;

An artist is a person, who paints pictures;

A farmer is a person, who grows plants, breed animals, provide us food;

A car mechanic is a person, who repairs cars.

Add more professions.

A surgeon, a dress-maker, a driver, a baker, a doctor, a teacher, a secretary, a militiaman, a lawyer, a journalist, a university professor , an actor, a nurse, a librarian, an engineer, a shop-assistant, a dentist, a miner, a pilot, a waiter.


  1. Game. Group work.

Take a box with papers with the professions on them. (you need a box, papers with the names of professions)

A student takes out a paper speaks about a chosen profession. Other students may ask him additional questions. (This game may be played in groups. Pupils choose a profession and discuss it in group, than a speaker tells about it.)

  1. Speaking.

T. What do you want to be?

    Which of professions are well-paid in our country?

    Which ones are badly paid?

    What are the important things about a job?

    Possible variants:

    -chance of promotion;

    - career advancement;

    -the feeling that you are helping other people;

     -people you work with;

     -an opportunity to travel;

     -high salary;

     - a pleasant working environment;

     - flexible schedule;

     - learning new skills;

     - interest in work;

     - security.

      8. Summing-up.

T. Well, choosing a career in your life is a very serious task. All professions are equally good and noble. I advise you to make a good choice not because this or that profession is highly profitable, but choose it according to your abilities.

      9. Home assignment.

Choose an occupation. Write a short description of it (where you work, what you do, etc.).





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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
5 травня 2020
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