Урок " Розвиток граматичних навичок. The Present Perfect Tense"

Про матеріал
Вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення та граматичні знання: вживання The Present Perfect Tense. Виконання граматичних вправ із вживанням даної часової форми. Розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів та компетентність спілкування іноземною мовою; комунікативні здібності учнів; критичне мислення; уміння висловлювати й аргументувати власну точку зору, аналізувати, порівнювати;
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Topic:  Present Perfect with « For/since»

Objectives: Teaching students to use for and since in a proper way. Teaching students to use Present Perfect.

Materials : Handouts Power Point Presentation  a toy







Stage 1



The teacher brings a toy doll.

T.: Today we are going to learn about the differences between these words for and since. How to use them in conversation

.My toy  doll (  Sasha) is going to help you.

Слова FOR и SINCE: в чем разница? - YouTube




 Period                  point


What tenses  should we use when we see these two words in the sentences ?

Do you remember how to use this tense ?


Teacher –Class

Choral repetition

Students should repeat after the toy doll  ( She will tell them some information about herself)

She has lived in Ukraine since 1975

She has been studying English for 3 years

( Students analyse these two sentences and try to guess what is the main difference between them)

Mumbling (each

Students say some words about Present Perfect; try to pay attention to the key words ( for and since ) Think over the question ^How these words are connected with Present Perfect


Stage 2


The teacher’s


To introduce

How to use for and since

 in context

T: speaking as a doll

I have  lived  in America since my childhood  . My parents have owned restaurant since  I was 19 years old. My family and I have played football on Saturday morning since June.

We have been improving our English skills for 2 years.


Stage 3

To check


of the using words since and for





























practice activity

Concept checking questions:

T:  Have my family and I been living in America for a long time

 ST.: We don’t know.

T: When did my family and I start to play football?

St: since June



Helping the students to realize the form of the present perfect and the ways how to use key words for and since

T: When did we use for and since?

T : Do we use the same times with these words ( for since )?








     An hour,  Monday,  a long time , 7 a.m , 2001


Now listen to doll’s  story again.

The students read the story in chorus, supplying the

missing verbs.

I have  *    in America   *          my childhood. My parents ** restaurant * I was 19 years old.

My family and I have *  football on Saturday morning  *June.

We *been improving our English skills * 2 years.































St1, St2, St3 +

choral repetition

































20 травня 2020
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