Урок розвиток комунікативних вмінь та навичок учнів

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Jobs and professions

Aims and objectives:

• introducing and practicing vocabulary

• developing basic skills

Equipment: writing paper, pictures, handouts


I. Warming-up

The teacher may either use the warming-up activities desrcibed earlier or invent the ones of his / her own.

II. Main part

1. Reading and speaking

Read one more list of jobs and professions and sort them out in two columns:

A geologist, a journalist, a gardener, a film star, a shop assistant, a businessman, a bank manager, a book-keeper, a waiter / waitress, a tourist guide, a computer operator, an interpreter, a pop singer, a bookseller, a bodyguard, a bus driver, a nurse, a teacher, a cook.

Give at least three reasons why you’d like to have these jobs / professions:

e. g. I’d like to become a lawyer because:

a) this job is well-paid;

b) it helps people to solve their problems;

c) it is rather prestigious now,

Give at least three reasons why you’d dislike to have these jobs / professions:

e. g. I’d hate to become a journalist because:

a) this job sometimes does more harm than good;

b) it involves meeting too many people;

c) it needs too much writing.

2. Reading

Psychological Test “A map of interests”

Answer the following questions by writing “Yes” or “No” next to each of them. Then write out the numbers of your “Yes” answers and look in the Key to find out what profession you are cut out for.

1) Are you interested in the causes of different diseases and their cure?

2) Do you like to read critical articles after you’ve read a book?

3) Do you like to take responsibility in organizing things (e.g. parties)?

4) Do you like to read historical novels?

5) Do you ever go to listen to symphonies?

6) Do you like to explain to your classmates how to do a sum or write a grammatically correct sentence?

7) Can you say that your first impulse when you see somebody hurt is to give first aid?

8) Do you like to write poetry and prose?

9) Do you like to observe people’s behaviour?

10) Would you like to find out about the history of your family, the street you live in, your city, etc.?

11 ) Are you fond of singing, reciting poetry, dancing, etc. in front of the audience?

12) Do you enjoy spending time with kids, reading them books, playing with them, helping them, etc.?

13) Are you irritated when your sick relatives ask you to help them?

14) Do you soon get tired when you work with dictionaries or reference books?

15) Can you quickly switch from one job to another?

16) Do you like to make reports on history?

17) Do your hobbies include playing musical instruments, drawing or wood carving?

18) Have you ever wanted to give a class instead of your teacher?

19) Are you interested in people’s anatomy?

20) Do you like to discuss books with your friends?

21) Do you like to analyse the events that have happened in your or your friends’ and relatives’ lives?

22) Are you interested in your country’s past?

23) Do you enjoy reading about the history of arts?

24) Can you say that you find more positive than negative sides in the work of a teacher?

25) Have you ever wanted to work as a nurse during your summer holidays?

26) Are you interested in word origin?

27) Do you keep a diary?

28) Are you interested in the past of other countries?

29) Do you like to watch one and the same film or play several times?

30) Have you ever tried to teach your younger brothers(sisters, cousins, etc.)?


1) If you positively answered questions No. 1, 7, 19 and 25, and negatively No 13 — we would recommend you to think of choosing a medical profession.

2) If you have written out No. 2, 8, 14, 20, 26 — your special field is literature and languages.

3) If you have marked No. 9, 19, 21, 27 — your vocation is journalism.

4) If you have chosen No. 4, 10, 16, 22, 28 — you are mostly interested in history.

5) If your answers include No. 5, 11 , 17,23, 29 — you’d better choose arts as your future profession.

6) If your choice is No. 3 ,6, 12, 18, 24, 30 — you are a born teacher and you’ll regret it all tour life if you don’t follow your vocation.

Can you say that the test results prove your job likes and dislikes?

In no, why do you think it happened?

3. Writing


Your topic is “My Future Career Plans”. For five minutes write as much as you can. Write everything that comes into your mind in English.

Don’t worry about mistakes. Don’t edit.

Then, in groups of four students, exchange papers with your classmates.

Keep exchanging until everyone in the group has read everyone else’s paper. After reading, talk about the similarities and differences of your plans. Talk about how you will accomplish your career goals.

III. Summary

IV. Homework

Test someone in your family and find out what job field this person is cut for psychologically. Then interview him / her about his / her job and note down the answers to report in the class.

Interview questions

What is your job?

Is this job something you have always dreamed about?

If no, what influenced your choice?

What sort of training does the job require?

How dangerous is it?

What sort of career development does the job imply?

Would you change this job for something else?

If yes, what would you change it for and why?





Satsyk Larysa
До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
4 лютого 2020
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