Урок "Save our planet"

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Корисний матеріал для проведення нестандартного уроку у 9 класі на тему "Навколишнє середовище"
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Grade: 9

Author:  Posheliuzhna Valentyna Hryhorivna, teacher of English and German languages, Academy Lyceum of Karapyshi, Myronivka district.


  • to sum up the vocabulary on the topic “Environment”,
  • to practise listening skills,
  • to develop communicative skills and stimulate creative thinking through project work,
  • to practise using  Conditional I,
  • to help student understand the importance of environmental protection.


Learning outcomes:

  • by the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about environment protection programme and reasons of  global warming;
  • talk how they can protect our environment;
  • use vocabulary related to the topic;
  • speak English using prepared and unprepared speech;

Equipment: book  O. Karpyuk , computer, music video “Earth song” Michael Jackson.



1 . Greeting

Good afternoon, students! How are you doing? I hope you are fine because today we’ll work hard and speak a lot about how we can save our planet and what we can do for it.

 Your tasks at the lesson are:  to listen attentively;  to speak English as much as possible;  not to be afraid to make mistakes;  to express your opinion and to defend it;  to show your knowledge of the vocabulary on the topic, talk about environment protection programme and reasons of  global warming, tell how you  can protect our environment.

  1. Warming up

So let’s  watch  a video, and after that tell how each of you can save our planet.



  1. Listening.
    1. Pre-listening activities.

Now we᾿ll watch  music video “Earth song” performed by Michael Jackson. How do you think, what is it about? Who is Michael Jackson? Be ready to answer the question. What problems did the singer pay attention to?

1.2 While-listening activity


1.3 Post-listening activities.

What is this video about?

What problems did the singer pay attention to? 

The “Earth song” music video was made shot on four continents, all of which are in some form of distress created by men and his technology.

Now you have 1 min. Write as many words as you remember.

2. Project work.

Now I offer you to divide into two groups and make posters.  First group made about how humanity pollute our environment. Second group write how we can save our planet.  So, First group please go to the blackboard and make a presentation and then second group.

Thanks, good job. 

3. Grammar

3.1 Conditional I.  Let᾿s learn what is it? And when do we use it? Page 157

if + present simple + will or won’t.

If peop

le pollute the seas and the air they will become ill.


if clause                                    main clause

present simple                        future simple


If we don’t kill animals we’ll give them a chance to survive.

We’ll give animals a chance to survive if we don’t kill them.


If it will start raining... = WRONG!

If it starts raining... = RIGHT


3.2 Practice using of Conditional I. Page 157

1 Match.

1 If we pollute the air with

our cars and factories

2 If people throw rubbish

from their cities into the


3 If people get around on

foot, by bike or by boat

4 If farmers cut down

thousands of trees that are

in the tropical rainforests

5 If the air is not clean

 there won’t be so much

pollution in the air.

 they will kill animals and

plants and they’ll

disappear forever.

 you’ll have to wear a


 we’ll have serious health

problems for thousands of

people all over the world.

 they will kill millions of fish.

3 Fill in the gaps with the right tenses of the verbs in brackets.

1 If we ... (to have) enough water, we ... (to be) thirsty.

2 More species ... (to survive) if we ... (to protect) nature.

3 We ... (to reduce) the use of natural resources if we ... (to recycle) old and used things.

4 Clean water... (not; to be) a problem if people ... (to stop) throwing rubbish into

the seas and rivers.

5 Many animals and plants ... (not; to be) in danger if we ... (to stop) killing the animals and (not; to cut down) the trees.

4 Complete the sentences.

1 If you don’t litter...

2 If we reuse things ...

3 If people clean up after picnics ...

4 If people recycle old magazines and books …

5 If you turn off the lights when you leave a room …


4.1. Homework.

Write an essay on the topic “The Earth is our one and only home”.

Use the following the plan.

1. Make an introduction (state the problem)

2. Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for it

3. Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for it

4. Explain why you don’t agree with it

5. Make a conclusion restating your opinion.

4.2.Evaluation.  Summing up

T: The topic of our today's conversation was very serious, we have discussed the importance of the ecological problems.

There are a lot of problems but, unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to discuss all of them. We’ll have to stop now. That’s all for today. I'd like to thank you for good work at the lesson. All of you worked very well. I wish you good luck. So, all groups were active, but I want to  put excellent marks to ……good to …. Thank you very much for your active work at the lesson. It was great. The lesson is over. Goodbye.




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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
7 квітня 2021
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