Урок "Щоденне життя"

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Конспект уроку до теми "Щоденне життя" з англійської мови для 4 класу. Активізація усіх типів мовленнєвої діяльності.
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Розробка заняття до теми

«Щоденне життя»

(для 4-го класу)

Тема: Щоденне життя ("Everyday life")

Мета: Узагальнити вивчений лексичний, граматичний та фактичний матеріал з теми; розвивати навички усного мовлення, читання, письма та аудіювання. Стимулювати творчий пошук учнів. Виховувати любов та повагу до природи.

Обладнання. Картки, малюнки, ребуси, кросворди, текст для аудіювання.

1 Організаційний момент. Бесіда з черговим учнем.

Т - Who is on duty today?...What day (date, year, season) is it today?...What is the

weather like today?... Do you know what temperature is it now? Do you like such a

weather?...Let's remind a proverb about weather..."There is no bad weather, there

are bad clothes".

As a warming-up we'll learn one more proverb. But you have to decode it.



A-l C-2 D-3 E-4 K-5 L-6 N-7

0-8 P-9 R-10 S-l 1 T-12 Y-13 W-14

T - You are right. "An apple a day keeps doctors away". Put down this proverb

into your vocabulary and learn it.

2. Постановка перспектив на заняття.

So, it is very important to be properly dressed in any weather, to eat useful food and it is not less important to know your everyday vocabulary in English: to know pieces of clothes, fruit, vegetables, berries and so on. Today we'll try to use them as much as possible in  different exercises, situations. You'll be working in two groups, so it will be a competition-lesson. Your task for today: to be active and attentive.

3. Проміжний контроль засвоєння лексики( підтема: овочі, фрукти, ягоди)

1) We'll start with a game"Hot Potato". I tell you the group of words, throw you a
toy and you'll have to say us a word from this group and throw the toy to your
neighbor. Now it is his turn to say a word. Do you understand the rules of this

Let's start. "Fruit", "Vegetables", "Berries'', “Clothes"

2) Who's the best painter in your group? You have to paint these fruit, berries and
vegetables and then your groupmates will have to guess what it is.

(1-а pine-apple, a cucumber, a tomato, a lemon, a melon)

(2- grapes, a banana, a potato, an orange, a water-melon)

3) On the blackboard you can see a long word "Pomegranate". Your task is to
make up as many words as possible from its letters and in 2 minutes present them
to us.

(Map, grape, rat, net, pet, mat...)

4) Each pupil should take one letter; stand in a line to make a word. We'll see who
will be the fastest.

(water-melon, cucumber, currant)

5) Now we'll see whose snake will be the longest. You have to write down a word
beginning with the last letter of a previous word. Whose snake will be the longest
in 3 minutes - is our winner.

The first words of this chainword are "Berry" "Fruit"

6) Classify any fruits, berries or vegetables according to this table and another team should guess this word.

Category: (fruit, vegetable, berry)

Shape: (oval, round, long)

 Size: (small, big)

Taste: (sour, sweet, bitter)

 Colour: (red, green, yellow)

 Are you ready? Then let's start.

7. Проміжний контроль засвоєння лексики (підтема: опис зовнішності, одяг).

Т - We'll review words and word-combinations dealing with appearance and clothes.

1) Listen to the description of this schoolgirl (in the picture) and say what is untrue in it. Be very attentive.

Let me introduce this girl. Her name is Olenka. She is 8. She is a tall dark-haired

girl. There is a blue ribbon in her braids. Olenka's eyes are large and green, her

eyebrows are dark. Her face is round and her cheeks are pale. She has a nice white

dress and a blue apron on. Olenka wears green shoes and blue socks. I think she is

well-bred and polite girl."

Discuss and write down how many contradictions you have noticed....

(There are 7 contradictions in this text)

8) Each pupil should fill in a table a proper word describing his own appearance.
Hair:  Eyes:  Face:  Cheeks:  Nose:  Clothes:

T- Hand in these sheets of paper to me. Now I'll exchange them and you have to guess whose description it is.

(A pupil from one group reads a description and says whom they recognize in it)

9) I'll give you a picture of a famous fairy-tale character, you'll make it
description and another team has to recognize it.

(Pictures of Buratino and Little Red Riding Hood)

10) It's high time to check up your project work. You had to make a research on a
modern six-former. The first team had to study what a pupil of the six forms likes
to eat, to wear, to do in leisure time and what he or she dislikes. And another team
had to explore what the six-formers look like.

Now it's your turn to present the results of your work.

(Pupils speak and show their results)

T- I'm sure that you enjoyed such a work and by the end of the year you'll make a research on all pupils of our school.

11) Let's play a game. A pupil has to interview the members of the opposite group
and find out whom they think of. You may use only general (yes or no) questions.

(Is this a boy? Is he dark-haired?..)

12) You have two minutes on fashion-show preparation. A boy and a girl will present the best school uniform. You have to comment on the models' wearing.

13) Has anybody ever dreamt to work in a circus? You have an opportunity to test your skills. Mime-game. With a help of gestures you should show your outfit to your opponents, you shouldn't speak, only nod with your head. And the opponents may put him questions about his clothes and their colors.

T - Now describe your outfit.

14) Your home task was to make up crosswords on fruit and vegetables. Are they ready? Let's start.

15) Підсумок заняття.

T- Our lesson has come to its end. We have to sum it up. Let's do it together. Do you like your work at today's lesson? Who was the most active? Which team was better? Whom shall we put the best marks?

I wish you were more active during our lesson, but some pupils tried to show their best. And I'm sure the results of your test-paper will prove it. Your home work is to be ready for a written test-paper. Review the spelling of all learnt words. Thank you! Have a nice day!





9 червня 2020
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