Тема: Підсумок по темі: «Шкільне життя»
Мета :
Обладнання : комп’ютер(презентації), картки для групової роботи, підручник, робочий зошит.
Хід уроку
I am glad to see you again!
Look at cards.
What sounds are these?
[f], [w], [t], [h], [u:]
Let’s read a poem
Today I hurry off to school,
To work and learn and play.
I’m in a third form this year.
What a happy day!
On today lesson we’ll repeat days of the week, school subjects and learn how to say about your favourite lesson.
Let’s sing a songs ’’Days of the week’’. (p.56)
1.What lesson is it?
Do you speak English at Maths lessons?
What do you do at Maths lesson?
Do you sing songs at Music?
What do you do at Sport lessons?
2.4 Ознайомлення з новим матеріалом.
(Я розповідаю про дівчинку, ілюструючи розповідь малюнками на дошці іставлю аудіо запис відповідно до тексту у підручнику)
Look! This is Vicky. She is a school girl. She goes to school five days a week. She likes music and singing. Music is her favourite lesson is Music. Her favourite days are Wednesday and Friday. She has got Music lessons on these days.
Let’s read about Vicky in your books. Ex.1 p.55
“Vicky’s favourite lesson”
2.5 Фізкультхвилинка.
“Take my hands and jump with me”
Take my hand and jump with me, jump with me, jump with me. 2p
Put your right leg, put your left leg, 1,2,3 1,2,3.
Raise your hand and wave to me, wave to me, and wave to me. 2p
Jump on your foot, jump on your foot 1,2,3 1,2,3.
2.6 Гра ’’Jumbled letters’’(робота в групах)
ІІІ. Заключна частина.
“Unfinished lesson”
I can:
I know:
(Діти ставлять хрестик біля того пункту, якого вони досягли під час уроку)
I can |
I know
Діти заповнюють таблицю:
You were very active and work well. You have got marks…
Ex. 1 p.55 - read and translate.
WB ex.1-2p.26