Урок "Система освіти у Великій Британії"

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Розробка уроку на тему: "Система освіти у Великій Британії", з презентацією
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Тема: The System of Education in Great Britain


  • розширити та поглибити знання учнів щодо системи освіти Великобританії,
  • закріпити знання з граматики;
  • формувати навики діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, розширити словниковий запас;
  •  розвивати уяву , навички аналізу та узагальнення інформації;
  •  виховувати  толерантність.

Обладнання: компьютер, проектор, экран, презентация в Power Point, тест в Excel, бланки завдань, міні словничок, схема «Правила поведінки», зірки – бонуси.

Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нового матеріалу.

Хід уроку 

І. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Teacher:                                                                                                                                                                  – Read this aphorism.

Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.
Live and learn.
It’s never too late to learn.
Experience is the mother of wisdom.
Knowledge is power. (Francis Bacon)

 Do you agree with Francis Bacon? Why?                                  Учні читають вислів і висловлюють власні думи відповідно змісту вислову.

II. Повідомлення  теми, мети та завдань  уроку.


– Great Britain is one of the most powerful countries in the world with high living standards providing its people with lots of benefits and opportunities. Do you think the progress in the British society can be explained by the good quality of education? Let’s examine the way schools function in the country. So, the subject of our discussion is education in Great Britain. In our lesson we constipation grammar knowledge about I Conditional sentences.



Завдання уроку :

  • To familiarize with the system of education in Great Britain.

Познайомити учнів з системою освіти Великобританії.

  • To deepen knowledge from  grammar  in relation to make The First Conditional sentences.

    Поглибити знання учнів з  граматики  щодо створення умовних речень першого типу

      – During the lesson you'll receive the stars for each correct answer.

Викладач оцінює роботу учнів за допомогою зірок – бонусів(кожна правильна відповідь – одна зірка)

III. Активізація лексичного матеріалу.


– Complete the lists with these words and add more your own examples to each column.  (презентація слайд1)

  Учні працюють на бланках,  здійснюють самоперевірку за допомогою   презентації (слайд 2)  

• French • head teacher •Maths • primary • Art• secondary • Geography • high • nursery • Music • headmaster • pupil • Science • library • state • private • lab • playing fields university • classroom • playground • canteen • gym •  librarian • college


Further Education

Types of school

School facilities

School subjects

People in a school







3.2 Парна бесіда



  Discuss the questions with your partner. Use words from the lists.

1   What type of school do you attend? Is it single-sex or co-educational?

2   Which is your favourite/least favourite school subject?

3   How many days a week do you attend school? What time do classes start/finish?

4   What facilities does your school have?

5   Which years are compulsory? When can you leave school?

6   Are you planning any further studies?

IV. Вивчення нового матеріалу.

Teacher:                                                                                                                               – Today we will consider the system of education in Great Britain. In detail we will be stopped for every its constituent. During my story you should fill the table. So let’s start with the types of British schools.                                                                                                                     Ознайомлення учнів  з презентацією  «Система освіти у Британії», заповнення    таблиці (слайд 4 - 11)









V. Закріплення отриманих знань.


Teacher:                                                                                                                           – Each group gets an utterance which  must be read distinctly aloud   and  other groups must set accordance of the got information as educational establishment  in  Great Britain.                                                                                                                          Учні працюють спочатку в в малих группах, а потыв всім класом.

Speaker 1: On the one hand, I’m really grateful to my parents for giving me a chance to study in this school and I have no any doubts that here I’ll get the best education possible. But there is one thing that makes me envious of my friends who study in ordinary schools and have the opportunity to communicate with teens of the opposite sex. In this respect, I believe that our school doesn’t prepare us for future life in the society made up not only of males but females as well. (Boys’ school)

Speaker 2: I think that my school is neither better nor worse than other schools of the kind. We have quite good facilities: a well-stocked library, a computer room, a gym. Our classes are equipped with TV sets and tape-recorders. But what really prevents the students of our school from achieving good academic results is classes with students of mixed abilities. Bright students are usually bored at the lessons as they don’t have a chance to excel in class where some of their fellow-students are just unable to master the basics of the subject. (Comprehensive school)

Speaker 3: I’m lucky to study at such a school. It is ranked as one of the best in our city due to its high academic standards, efficient staff, excellent facilities and a wide range of extra-school/leisure activities. My school provides me with an opportunity to develop physically, mentally and spiritually and what is more essential – to get prepared for the exams. But as you understand not everyone can afford to send their child to such school. You must be pretty rich to pay high fees to go there. (Private school)

Speaker 4: It’s important that you make your subject choices carefully. At our school everyone can choose subjects that they like/enjoy and that are relevant to their chosen career. And you can be sure that you’ll receive proper guidance and tuition in all of them. Of course, you have to study hard and spend a lion’s share of your time slaving at books and preparing for exams. But all the months of learning will pay off when you get good grades in your A-levels. (Secondary school)

Діалогічний вернісаж

Teacher:                                                                                                                   School can not exist without pupils and teachers.
- Do you like your teachers?                                                                                             - What your favourite teacher should be?                                                                                          


Complete the dialogue with the replies (a—d) and act it

Учні дописують діалог та розігрують його


a)  Mr Griggs was also an understanding and friendly teacher

b)   but he is really strict

c)  Mr Griggs, I suppose

d)  worry about the grades


Ben:    Do you know who is going to teach our class Biology this year?

Seon:    1)_____________________________________.

Ben:    Have you heard anything about him?

Seon:    Sure. My elder brother was in his class two years ago. So. us far as 1 know, he is very interesting and challenging. He really knew his stuff, 2)_______________________________. Would that be OK?

Ben:   Yes, I think so. You know, I really need to learn something, out f also


Seon:    There's nothing to worry about! My brother said that 4)_________________________________________. Do you enjoy that in a teacher?

Ben:    Sure! Who does not?

VІ. Граматична сходинка .


  Construct the sentences from  the given words.

Учні отримують набір слів з яких необхідно cкласти  речення протягом 1 хв.

1.     If / you’re / you’ll / in / study / elementary / three / core / school / subjects

2.     you / attend / you won’t /  have to / pass / an entrance /  a comprehensive school / exams / If

3.     A-levels / If / pass / you / exams / enter / university / you’ll

4.     get / will / if / a personal grant / Student /he / good / marks / has

5.     if  / Tommy / the privet /  he /  will go to / entry / test / school / pass

6.     you / do not / a formal / have/  If / education / you / will get / further education

7.     Ann / a good mark / her / hometask / if / she / will get /does

8.     If /  you / a grant / a good sportsman / you / are / get / from / local authorities


VIІ. Розвиток усного мовлення.  Мозковий штурм.

Speaking about schools it’s impossible not to mention school rules the aim of which is to ensure discipline without which no school will function properly. English school has its own code of conduct but in fact the rules don’t differ much from our country. Let’s look some of them.


VIІI. Підбиття підсумків.

Teacher:                                                                                                                             – Today we’ve discussed quite a number of things about school education and I hope it helped you to learn more about this side of British life.  And now let’s summarize the lesson. If you count all your stars you will know your mark for the lesson.

        Викладач:                                                                                                                               – What do you like the most in this lesson?                                                                                       – Thank you for the lesson. I wish you to get an education as you want .

IХ. Домашнє завдання. (1 хв.)

Високий рівень Написати листа другові про систему освіти у Великобританії

Середній рівень Вивчити діалог напам’ять.

Низький рівень Вивчити нові слова та вирази з теми


















  1. single sex school – школа, де навчаюттся тільки діти однієї статі
  2. boarding school – школа-інтернат
  3. extracurricular – факультативний
  4. secondary school – середня школа
  5. to transfer – переходити
  6. comprehensive – загальноосвітній
  7. mixed ability classes – класи, де навчаються діти з різним рівнем підготовки
  8. subject teacher – учитель-предметник
  9. “core” subjects – основні предмети
  10. “foundation” – базовий
  11. primary school – початкова школа
  12. pre-school - дошкільне
  13. privet – приватний
  14. compulsory – обов’язковий
  15. types of postgraduate  - типии асперантури
  16. the Master's degree – ступінь   магістра
  17. higher degree of Doctor of Philosophy – вищи ступінь  доктора філософії
  18. to split up – поділятися
  19. use quiet voices – говорити тихше
  20. ask for help – питати про допомогу
  21. good listening – добре слухати
  22. try hard – докладати багато зусиль
  23. care for each other – піклуватись один про одного
  24. don’t hurt anybody – нікому не завдавати шкоди
  25. don’t damage things – не ламати речі
  26. use good manners – бути чемними
  27. respect school – поважати школу





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