Урок "Спорт у нашому житті"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему "Спорт у нашому житті" у 6 класі за підручником Алли Несвіт
Перегляд файлу

Form: 6

Theme: Sport in our Life

Lesson’s type: forming pupils’ skills and habits

The aims of the lesson:

– Practical: to continue to form monological speech; to improve reading skills.

– Educational: to train pupils’ skills during the reading; to give the general information about adverb.

– Developing: to develop students’ memorization, concentration, thinking; to develop pupils’ pronunciation.

– Cultural: to bring up the positive attitude to the sport in our life.

Equipment: a text-book “We Learn English” by Alla Nesvit, scheme, blackboard, cards.

 Procedure of the Lesson

  1. Organization moment

T.: Good morning, everybody! I hope you are ready for your English lesson. Today we will speak with you about the sport and recreation in our life, about the different kinds of sport and its influence to our health.

II.  Warm – up

T.: You can see a word «Sport» on the blackboard. You will say the first word that pops into your head that’s associated with it. Please, raise your hands!





                                     tennis                   jumping


                                                                                                     running                                       swimming




cricket                                                                                         volleyball                                                                                             


                                 boxing                                    basketball                                   

T.:  Yes, you are right! Now look at the pictures and say what kinds of sport the sportsmen enjoy (Ex. 2, p. ).

P. 1: Mr. Johnson enjoys swimming.

P. 2: The boys enjoy fighting.

P. 3: He likes skiing.

P.4: Nick likes cycling.

T.: That’s nice!

  1. The main body

T.: Let’s read a text «Sport in our life» (Ex. 3, p. ) .

Sport in Our Life

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. There are summer and winter sports. The most popular winter sports are skating and skiing. Some people greatly enjoy figure skating and ski- jumping. It’s so nice to go to a skating rink or to a forest on a frosty sunny day!

The most popular summer sports are swimming, cycling, and sailing. It’s so wonderful to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy nature!

Children like to attend sports clubs and train in the gym. Athletics and gymnastics have great popularity among girls. Boys go in for boxing, football, tennis, and basketball.

T.: Why is it important to go for sport?

P. 1: Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports you have good health and don't catch cold.

P. 2:  Sport makes more organized and better disciplined.

T.: Read and complete the sentences (E. 4, p. ).

1. People all over the world are fond of..

2. The most popular winter sports are....

3. The most popular summer sports are.

4. Children all over the world like to play games.

5...... have great popularity among girls.

6. Boys go in for.....

T.: Let’s work in pairs (Pupils get the cards with the task).

Talk 1. What sport are you playing now? Describe it.

Talk 2. Do you like to watch sport competition on TV? Describe this kind of sport.

Example: I like to watch racing competitions. I am a racing competition fan. I saw an interesting racing competition last Thursday.

Прислівники бувають прості (here, how, stіll), похідні (утворюються за допомогою додавання -ly: slowly, daіly) і складні (утворюються із двох і більше коренів: sometіmes,

everywhere). Прислівники способу дії можуть утворювати ступені порівняння:

прислівники early, fast, hard, late, near, soon – за допомогою -er, -est, інші – за допомогою more, most.

Місце прислівників у реченні

• Прислівники часу розташовуються або на початку, або наприкінці речення:

Tomorrow I’m goіng home або I’m goіng home tomorrow.

• Прислівники повторюваності або частотності ставляться перед основним дієсловом (крім дієслова to be):

I often go there або She іs often at home.

• Прислівники способу дії зазвичай ставляться після дієслова або після прямого


She plays the pіano well.

• Прислівники ступеня зазвичай ставляться перед прикметниками або іншими прислівниками (за винятком прислівника “enough”, що ставиться після прикметника):

She іs very beautіful. I know her quіte well. Thіs TV-set іs good enough.

• Якщо в одному реченні вживаються прислівники часу і прислівники місця, то

спочатку ставиться прислівник місця:

I’m plannіng to return here tomorrow.

also, too, eіther.

Перші два вживаються у розповідних, а останній – у заперечних реченнях.

Also ставиться перед основним дієсловом, а інші – наприкінці речення:

I also know hіm – I know hіm, too – I don’t know hіm eіther.

T.: Read, complete and write down the sentences. Use the adverbs: slowly, well, hard, quickly, carefully, loudly (Ex. 6(a), p. ).

1. Paul rides his bike very......... One day he’ll have an accident.

2. You have to train ....... if you want to win the competition.

3. Rita plays tennis.......... One day she’ll be a champion.

4. The children were talking....... The coach asked them to be quiet.

5.  Bill was very tired after his training and he walked home....

6. You have made a lot of mistakes. You must listen to me......

IV. Results of the lesson

T: Today we knew that sport is the main part in our life. And if people want to be healthy, they should go in for sport. Your home-task will be make your own sentences with the adverbs in the list (Ex. 6 (b), p. 80). Write 5 rules for keeping your body in a good form.







                                                                                                                                 Додаток А.

Card 1

Talk 1. What sport are you playing now? Describe it.


Card 2

Talk 2. Do you like to watch sport competition on TV? Describe this kind of sport.





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