Урок "Спортивні ігри"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку з англійської мови Мета: навчити учнів розуміти на слух і вживати в мовленні ЛО для розмови про спорт; розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення; сприяти формуванню в учнів вміння працювати в парах і самостійно, в групах, виділяти головне; виховувати любов до спорту.
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Тема: „Спортивні ігри”

Мета: навчити учнів розуміти на слух і вживати в мовленні ЛО для розмови про


           розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;

           сприяти формуванню в учнів вміння працювати в парах і самостійно, в

           групах, виділяти головне;

           виховувати любов до спорту.

Обладнання: малюнки про спорт, схема „Спорт”, таблиці, тести, картки.


Хід уроку

І. Організація класу.

   1. Привітання.

T: Good morning, children. How are you?

II. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Arrange the letters in the right order and you’ll get the topic of our lesson (ROPST).

    You are quite right! It’s sport. Today we’ll talk about different kinds of sports and what

    should you do to keep fit. You will also interview a very popular sportsman

    You know sport is very important to everybody. If you go in for sport, you get healthy and full of energy. What is sport for you?

III. Фонетична зарядка.

      Sport is fun for girls and boys.

      It’s much better than the toys.

      You can swim and play football.

      Hockey, tennis, basketball.

      You can jump and you can run,

      You can have a lot of fun

IV. Основна частина

  1.  T: Today we are going to speak about sports in different countries. On the blackboard you can see pictures of different kinds of sports. Let us name the sports.

(Учні прикріплюють назви спорту під відповідними малюнками). 

                         football                                      basketball

                                   tennis                       golf


                        hockey                                         boxing

                                   gymnastics              volleyball


   T: I know that almost of you go in for sports. Why do you go in for sports?

Метод „Мікрофон”

   P!: I go in for sport because I want to be strong.

   P2: … it is interesting.

   P3: … I like doing physical exercises.

   P4: …to be disciplined. Etc…

(for enjoyment, to keep fit, to keep body slim, for pleasure, to look young, to make new friends, to be full of energy, to be healthy)


2. Бесіда за темою „Спорт”.

   T: What kinds of summer sport do you know?

(The most popular summer sports are swimming, cycling, boating and yachting. The boys go in for boxing, wrestling, football, tennis and basketball)

   T: What kinds of winter sport do you know?

(The most popular winter sports are skating, skiing and tobogganing. Some people enjoy figure skating and ski-jumping)

   T: Who likes to play winter (summer) kinds of sports?

(Учні розповідають про свій улюблений вид спорту)

   T: I see that most of pupils like sports and now tell me if sports really help you to keep

       fit? Discuss in groups

3. Фізкультхвилинка.

   T: I see that most of pupils like sports. You know that all sportsmen always do physical exercises for warming-up. We will do the same. One of you is a coach.

(Вірш “Hands up)

T; Well done! How do you fell? Are you ready to continue?

 Imagine that you are the famous sportsmen. One of you is an interviewer. The interviewer wants to get the following information:

(ставить запитання)

- Do you go in for sport?

- What kind of sport do you go in for?

- What kinds of summer sport do you know?

- What kind of winter sport do you know?

- What games do you like to play?

- Do you like quiet or noisy games?

- Do you watch sports on TV?

- What sports do you like to watch?

- Do you like to watch the Olympic Games?

- Who is your favourite sportsman?

T: And now I want you to listen to the points of view of one pupil.

(Учень розповідає про улюбленого спортсмена)

T: Ira likes football, so I think that she’s a sociable person. She is cheerful and optimistic.

    And we are different.

4. Group work

What kind of sport would you recommend for:

I – a brave person

II – an intelligent person

III – a lonely person

5. Writing

(Відгадати спорт)

1. a) volleyball; b) hockey; c) golf;

2. a) basketball; b) swimming; c) football;

3. a) hockey; b) skiing; c) football;

4. a) cycling; b) figure-skating; c) cricket;

5. a) tennis; b) basketball; c) ski-jumping;


6. Group work

Put each of these sports into one of the three groups given in the table: football, cycling, basketball, boxing, table tennis, volleyball, swimming, badminton, wrestling, golf, boating, ski-jumping, skiing, skating, baseball.


Sports played or done in teams

Sports that can be played or done against one person

Sports that can be played or done alone





7. Аудіювання

T: Do you like to watch the Olympic Games?

(Відповіді учнів)

T: You know there are Summer and Winter Olympic Games now. Listen to the text about the Olympic Games and choose the correct item. (Текст підручник О.Карпюк с. 52)

8. Anagrams

T: There is a paper flower with some petals on the blackboard. The class is divided into 2 teams. A pupil of each team chooses a petal. One pupil mimes doing some sport or game. You try to guess it asking questions.

P1: Are you playing football?

P2: No, I am not./ Yes, I am.

9. Підсумок уроку.


1. Favourite sport in England. (football)

2. The sport of one who swims. (swimming)

3. A game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a net. (tennis)

4. A kind of sport on two wheels. (cycling)

5. The “queen of sport”. (athletics)

6. A game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice-field. (hockey)





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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
11 квітня 2019
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