Урок "Світ професій. Робота для підлітків."

Про матеріал

формування і вдосконалення умінь та навичок з елементами інтерактивних технологій з теми Світ професій. Робота для підлітків.урок розрахований на рівень Intremediate

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Цикл уроків                                                                                                                             Дибко О.В.



Урок 1

Level       -      Intermediate

Тип уроку – формування і вдосконалення умінь та навичок з елементами

                       інтерактивних технологій

Тема:                   Світ професій. Робота для підлітків.

(Мета уроку розроблена у нестандартній формі, та відображає роботу та

                   результати над проблемою та описаним досвідом)

Мета:       Створити умови для формування та вдосконалення мовної, мовленнєвої,   соціокультурної, соціолінгвістичної та стратегічної компетенцій.

                   Розширити лексику по темі уроку.

                   Сприяти адекватному використанню лексики пов’язану з професіями, звернути увагу на її особливості.

                   Розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення , читання та письма.

                    Розвивати вміння логічно будувати мовлення, аналізувати, приймати участь в інтерактивних ситуаціях.

                   Виховувати правильне ставлення до вибору професій, ставлення до думки співрозмовників.


Обладнання:  Текст «Jobs for teenagers»

                           Текст для аудіювання

                           Бланки для відповідей Interview

 Джерела: “Speaking Extra”, “Headway Intermediate”, “Solutions


Хід уроку

І. Підготовка для сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.Організаційний момент (Greeting).

T: Good morning. I am glad to see you.

     2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу (Warming-up).

     T: When do you usually get up?

          Who is the first to get up in your family? Why?

           Do you consider your studying in lyceum to be a kind of job? Why? Why not?

     3. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку (Explaining the aim of the lesson).

      T: Of course? Studying in lyceum is a job. The topic of our today’s lesson  is “The world of professions”. What’s more during next 4 lessons we are going to find out what professions are most demanded nowadays, what are the most suitable jobs for teenagers, how to make your job interview successful.


II. Oсновна частина.

1. Розмовна розминка (Discussion).

Метод «мозковий штурм»

T: Why do people work?  Let’s write down your ideas on the board.













2. Аудіювання тексту (Listening ). (Дидактичний додаток 1.1)


               2.1. Прослуховування тексту «Why work

       T: You are going to hear people talking about their job. Listen and answer the question: What is each person’s motivation?

Key: 1. The nurse likes helping people.

         2. The factory worker does it for the money, and also likes the people there.

         3. The sports centre manager loves people.

               2.2. Завдання після прослуховування тексту.

        T: Do you agree with the following opinions? Why? Why not?

(на дошці)

                      I don’t do it for the money.

                      I work to live, don’t live to work.

                      My work is my life.

 (Ss’ answers)

               3. Говоріння (Speaking).

(на основі інтерактивної технології «Інтервю»)

       T: You are going to think why people work, and reasons for not working.

(Клас поділяється на дві групи, в кожній групі учні обєднуються в пари.)

            Group A: read the sheets and help each other with anything you do not understand. Do not interview each other.

            Group B: talk together about reasons for working and not working.

               3.1. Робота в парах.

               3.2. Обговорювання (Sharing the results with the rest of the group).

               4. Читання та обговорення проблемного питання.

(на основі інтерактивної технології «коло ідей»)

4.1. Запитання перед прочитанням тексту ( Pre-reading activity).


  T:  Have your brothers or sisters ever done a part-time job?

        What were the jobs?

4.2. Читання тексту (While-reading activity).

  T: Read the text and complete the gaps with words provided.

(Key: experience, advantage, afford, meeting, problem, tired, need, important, education, opinion)

4.3. Завдання після прочитання тексту (Post-reading activity).

                            a) Discussion

         - How many young people aged 16-17 have jobs in the UK?

     - What is the most common job for teenage girls?

- What is the most common job for teenage boys?

- How many hours in total can young people work during a school week?

- Can babysitters work after 7 p.m.?

- Why do teenagers get part-time jobs?

- What is the minimum wage for a 16-year-old?

- What is the minimum wage for a 15-year-old?

                         b) Vocabulary work

Match the highlighted words and phrases in the text with the right definition and say in what connection it is used.

1. looking after children while the parents are out

2. get money for working

3. jobs that you do for a few hours a week

4. the smallest amount of money you can get for working, by law

5. can’t

6. delivering newspapers to people’s homes

(key: 1 babysitting 2 earn 3 part-time job 4 minimum wage 5 not allowed 6 paper rounds)


                         4.4. Постановка та обговорення проблемного питання.

Should teenagers do any part-time job?

Should parents pay their children for doing household chores?

 T: So, I ‘d like you to organize 3 groups. Discuss the following problems and make list of your ideas. Then you will take turns expressing them. I’d like you to choose a person who will write down your ideas on the board.

      a) generating ideas

      b) expressing ideas and putting the down on the board

      c) discussing the list of ideas


Ш Заключна частина уроку.

1. Домашнє завдання.

-You are to know the vocabulary of the lesson

- You are to write about your ideal job and why it would be perfect for you.


2. Підбиття підсумків.

1) Summarizing

I hope that our lesson will help you in some way to choose your future profession more consciously and be able to give advice to those who haven’t made up their mind yet..

2) Marks commentary





(Дидактичний додаток 1.1)


You are going to interview someone. First, read and check that you understand.

The interview

Reasons for working

1. Tell your partner that you are going to give them ten reasons for working. Ask your partner to give each reason a score from 1 to 5

1 not important at all

2 not very important

3 quite important

4 important

5 very important

 2. Read the reasons to your partner and write their scores

3. Ask your partner if they have got ant other reasons. Write their reasons in the list

4. Ask your partner to give their reasons a score.

5. Find the total score

1. to get money _____                      11 ______________________________   ______

2to help other people  ______          12 ______________________________  ______

3 to learn new skills _____               13 ______________________________  ______

4 to do something useful _____        14 ______________________________  ______

5 to have power _____                      15 ______________________________  ______

6 to meet new people _____

7 to travel ______

8to keep fit ______

9 to be a part of a team _____

10 to help save the planet ______

                                                       TOTAL ______

Reasons for not working

6. Ask your partner if they can think of any reasons for not working. If they can, write their reasons in the list

7. Ask your partner to give each reason a score from 1 to 5

1 very important

2 important

3 quite important

4 not very important

5 not important at all

8. Find the total score

1 _______________________________  ____

2_______________________________  ____

3 _______________________________  ____

4_______________________________  _____

5________________________________  _____

6________________________________  _____

7________________________________  _____

8________________________________  _____

                                                                                TOTAL ______





1. How many reasons can you think of for working and not working? Talk with other students and make notes.

Reasons for working                                                                 Reasons for not working






2. How important are the reasons? What do you think? Give them a score from 1 to 5:

Reasons for working scores                                    Reasons for not working scores

1 not important at all                                              1 very important

2 not very important                                               2 important

3 quite important                                                    3 quite important

4 important                                                            4 not very important

   5 very important                                                    5 not important at all






How to find the final score:

Reasons for working TOTAL_____+ Reasons for not working TOTAL_____ - final score

Under 15. You will have to win a lot  of money or marry a millionaire because you have no interest in work.

15-19 You must be more positive or you will never be happy in your job

Over 20: You are quite interested in working, but you can also see the positive side of not working

Over 30: You are quite interested in working. Good luck with your future.

















(Дидактичний додаток 1.2)

Jobs for teenagers

(opinion, experience, education, meeting, advantage, important, tired, afford, need, problem)

About half of 16- and 17 –year-olds in the UK have got jobs, and three quarters of this age group also go to school. They do part-time jobs before or after school and at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with girls) and paper rounds (popular with boys). Cleaning and working in a shop are also popular jobs.

In the UK, school students are not allowed to work more than two hours on a school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are not allowed to work before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. (but babysitters can work later).

Teenagers do part-time jobs because they want to earn some money. However, they don’t usually earn very much. In the UK, there is a minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour. For 16- and17-year-olds, it is £3.40 an hour. For children under 16, there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for £2 or £3 an hour.

    Jack   I think it’s a good idea for teenagers to do part-time work. Part-time jobs give good _________________________ of working. It’s important to find out what kind of job you want to do before you leave school. The other ________________________ of a part-time job is that you can earn some money. When you are 16, it’s better to have your own money – not ask your parents for money! Anyway, my parents haven’t got much money, so they definitely can’t ____________________ to give money to me. That’s fine, I’m happy to earn it.

Ryan      A lot of my friends have got part-time jobs. Part-time jobs are a good way of ______________ people. You can make some really good friends. The _____________ is, you spend all your time working – working at school or working in your job – and you’re always ___________ .  Sometimes, part-time jobs male teenagers too tired to study! But they’re still a good way to earn some money and meet new people, so they aren’t  a bad thing, really.

Lauren  I don’t have time to do a part-time job – and I don’t really _____________ one either. My mum and dad give money. The most _____________________ thing for teenagers is to get a good ________________. Then they can get good jobs in the future. Teenagers can only get part-time jobs that are badly paid - £3.00 an hour. You can’t earn much money like that. Parents have to give teenagers more money so that they don’t have to do these jobs. That’s my _____________ .


29 серпня 2019
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