Урок-свято "Easter" 4 клас

Про матеріал
Цей урок-свято ознайомить учнів з традиціями святкування Пасхи в Україні та Великій Британії. Урок насичений цікавим матеріалом: віршами, пісеньками, що сприяє розвитку мовленнєвої діяльності і аудіюванню учнів початкової школи.
Перегляд файлу


Мета: 1.тренувати мовленнєві навички учнів з теми «Пасха», використовуючи автентичний пісенний та віршований матеріал;

2. ознайомити з новим лексичним матеріалом, іграми, піснями і віршами з теми «Пасха»;

3. розвивати навички учнів працювати командою, розвивати світогляд дітей, знайомити їх з культурою англомовних країн, порівнювати традиції святкування в Україні та Великій Британії.

Тип уроку: Урок-свято

Обладнання: тематичні малюнки, картки, поробки на тему «Пасха», ноутбук

Хід уроку

І. Introduction


T. Good morning, glad to see you!

Ps. Good morning, we are glad to see you too.

T. How are you today?

Ps. We are fine, thanks and  you?

T.  I'm too, thank you. I see you are OK! By the way, what is the day today?

Ps. It is  Easter.


T. The topic of our today's lesson is “Holidays and Traditions. Easter in Britain and Ukraine”. We'll have two teams: The first team represents Easter in Britain and the second team represents Easter in Ukraine. We'll compare traditions of these two countries and have a good time.

Warming up

T. First of all I want to show you a presentation about Easter. Be ready to answer my questions. (діти дивляться презентацію «Пасха»)

T. As you see ice and snow disappear, green grass and leaves appear. April is the month of heavy spring rains, the month of first spring flowers. Listen to the poem about the first spring flower.(лунає композиція “Snowdrop”)

Song “Snowdrop”

Sweet, sweet snowdrop,

Dancing in the sun.

Tender, tender snowdrop

Tells me spring will come.

Like winter snow you are white.

But lovely spring you will invite!

T. In spring we have some religious holidays. One of them is Easter. It is always between the 4th of April and the 9th of May.

II. Main part of the lesson.

T. Easter is the greatest holiday and we must dedicate some poems to it. Our Ukrainian team recite a poem “My Easter Basket”.

 Poem “My Easter Basket” 

I have a basket it's for Easter.

What in the basket, please, tell me,

Paska, babka, cheese and butter,

Ham, hourse-radish and kovbasa.

With some onions and beet radish,

A painted egg and coloured ones.

And an Easter Egg!

We are going to light a candle,

Go to church and Have it blessed,

And together we'll all sing out.

Christ has risen!

Indeed He has risen!

T. Our English team wants to tell us a story about the symbol of Easter in England. It's an Easter Bunny. Listen, please.


Story “An Easter Adventures”

  1. One sunny Easter morning

With a basket in his hands

The Rabbit walked. And he was going

To visit relatives and friends.


  1. Blue and yellow, white and red

Flowers nodded their heads.

The sun was brightly shining.

And our friends was smiling.


  1. A garlands of violets on Rabbit's head

Carrying a basket off chocolate eggs

You are handsome, brother dear.

Cross the wood and do not fear.


  1. He met the bear on the way.

Said “Good morning” to his friend,

Didn't notice a stump.

Oh, dear! He fell down!


  1. What a pity! We are sorry!

Brother Rabbit, please, don't worry!

Easter eggs and all the toys

Rolling down making noise.


  1. Poor Rabbit has got afraid

And hasn't received the first aid.

He has bumped his knee.

Jumped into the bushes under the tree.



  1. The children came into the wood.

They have seen the Rabbit's foot

Hidden in the grass

And they began to laugh.


  1. “What are you doing here?

Easter is near.

Morning bells are ringing.

All the children are singing”.


T. Children, do you know English Easter Song “Hot Cross Buns”? Let's sing it.

Діти співають народну дитячу пасхальну пісеньку “Hot Cross Buns”


Hot сross buns!

Hot cross buns!

One a penny,

Two a penny ,

Hot cross buns!

Give them to your daughters,

Give them to your sons.

One a penny,

Two a  penny,

Hot cross buns!

T. And our Ukrainian team prepared a tale. Be ready to watch and listen tale

Riaba the Hen

Teller: There once was an old man and an old woman and they had a hen Riaba. Once the hen laid an egg, and not an ordinary one, but a golden one. The old man hit it and hit it, but could not break it.The old man cried, the old woman cried,
and the hen cackled:

Why do you cry, grandparents?

Why do you cry?

Why do you?

Why do you?

Why do you, grandparents, cry?

«Do not cry old man, do not cry old woman.
I will lay you a new egg, not a golden one,
but an ordinary one!»

Teller: The man hit it and hit it, but could not break it. A mouse ran past, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke.


 Golden egg is falling down,

Falling down,

falling down.

Golden egg is falling down,

My fair grany!


Take the basket and catch it up,

Catch it up, catch it up,

Take the basket and catch it up,

My fair grany! (В цей час діти грають у народну гру «Джерельце»)

T. Children, let's call a Pussy Cat to help us. (інсеніювання: Pussy Cat лякає Мішку, та тікає)

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, where have you been ? -

I've been to London to visit the Queen. -

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, what did you do there? –

I frightened a little mouse under her chair.

P1. - Где была сегодня, Киска?

P2.- У королевы у английской.

P1.- Что ты видала при дворе?

P2.- Видала мышку на ковре!

T. Children, may be you know another English Mother Goose Rhymes?

P3. I know «Humpty Dumpty»

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses,
And all the king's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

P4. Шалтай-Болтай
Сидел на стене.
Свалился во сне.
Вся королевская конница,
Вся королевская рать
Не может Шалтая,
Не может Болтая,
Шалтая-Болтая собрать!

III. End of the lesson

T. Our lesson is getting over and English team wants to share with us the secrets of painting eggs in Great Britain. (Дыти вішають яєчка на весняне дерево ы читають вірш)

Jelly Bean

Red is for the blood He gave. (Червоний – кров,яку Він віддав.)

Green is for the grass He made. (Зелений – трава, яку Він створив.)

Yellow is for the sun so bright. (Жовтий – таке яскраве сонечко.)

Orange is for the edge of night. (Оранжевий знаменує кінець ночи.)

Black is for the sins we made. (Чорный – наші гріхи.)

White is for the grace He gave. (Білий – надія, яку Він дав.)

Purple is for His hour of sorrow. (Фіолетовий – Його скорбота.)

Pink is for our new tomorrow. (Рожевий – нове майбутнє.)

An egg full of jelly beans, colorful and sweet (Яйця з льодяниками, кольоровими і солодкими)

Is a prayer, a promise, A loved one's treat! (Це молитва, обіцянка ,це наш подарунок!)

Усі діти хором:


May the angels protect you,
may the sadness forget you,
may goodness surround you,
and may Juses  always bless you,
Happy Easter!

Т:    Нехай янголи захищають вас,

    Нехай сум забуде про вас,

    Нехай Божа милість оточе вас,

    Нехай Ісус освятить вас,

    Щасливого Великодня!



















Song “Snowdrop”

Sweet, sweet snowdrop,

Dancing in the sun.

Tender, tender snowdrop

Tells me spring will come.

Like winter snow you are white.

But lovely spring you will invite!




 Poem “My Easter Basket” 

I have a basket it's for Easter.

What in the basket, please, tell me,

Paska, babka, cheese and butter,

Ham, hourse-radish and kovbasa.

With some onions and beet radish,

A painted egg and coloured ones.

And an Easter Egg! 

We are going to light a candle,

Go to church and Have it blessed,

And together we'll all sing out.

Christ has risen!

Indeed He has risen!



Коваль Наталя
Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, 4 клас, Сценарії
До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
31 липня 2019
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