Урок-свято "Teddy Bear Party"

Про матеріал
Урок –свято. Підтема: Скільки тобі років? Мета: Повторити та активізувати лексичний матеріал теми. Повторити кольори, цифри, вивчені літери та звуки. Вміти використовувати структуру “How old are you? I am…”, “How old is he/she? He/she is…”, “What is this? It is a…” Розвивати вміння сприйняття тексту на слух. Навчати монологічного та діалогічного мовлення. Формувати навички правильної вимови звуків англійської мови. Розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів та вміння працювати в групах. Виховувати культуру спілкування. ХІД УРОКУ І Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення 1. Greeting T: Hello children! Ps: Hello! T: Nice to see you again. Let's sing a song. (Hello song.) T: How are you? P1-P2… 2. Aim T: Today we have an unusual lesson. Today we have a lesson-party. Look at the board and guess: What is the topic of our lesson? Yes, it is “Happy birthday.” Do you like birthday? Let's celebrate! At the lesson we'll revise colours, numbers, letters and sounds. Ask How old are you? How old is he/she? And answer of them. Also we sing, dance, play games. 3. Warming up T: Our Smiling Sam has got a friend. Look! It is a … (Who is this?) P: Teddy Bear. T: Today is his birthday. Say: Happy birthday, Teddy Bear! T: Now imagine that today is your birthday. Say “Happy birthday!” to each other! 4. Pronunciation Практикування у вимовлянні звуків в словах (apple, ant, bear, ball, cat, cow, dog, doll). ІІ ОСНОВНА ЧАСТИНА УРОКУ 1. Vocabulary practice T: Today we have got Teddy Bear Party. We divide into 4 groups. The 1st group is red; the 2nd group is blue; the 3rd is yellow; the 4th is green. What things do you need for our Teddy Bear Party? (cake, candles, star, present, balloons). 2. Color. a) Name the balloons color. b) Make a semi-circle and sing a song “Happy Birthday!”. c) Use the Lego make a flower for our Teddy Bear. 3. Numbers. a) Game “Touch the number”. b) Whiteboard-game “Touch the number”. 4. Physical activity Song 1-10. 5. How old are you? How old is he? How old is she? P1, P2… P1 ↔P2 How old is our Bear? Let's count the candles. Yes, he is 10. 6. Listening. Draw the candles on the cakes. 7. What is this? It is… Name the present and describe it. 8. Physical activity Song “Teddy Bear”. 9. Letters, sounds and words. 1. Match sound and word. 2. Find the friend of the letter. 3. Lego – build the word. 4. Song alphabet: A,B,C. ІІІ ЗАКЛЮЧНА ЧАСТИНА УРОКУ 1. Feedback T: What was the topic of our lesson? Was the lesson interesting for you? Name the words in English. (торт, свічка, кулька, ведмедик) How to ask: How old are you? Today we work very hard and we'll get small present. And let's give cards our guest. 2. Good bye! Have a nice day.
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У 1-А класі

Вчитель І категорії

Мельницька  І.В.


           2019 рік

Урок свято.

Підтема: Скільки тобі років?

Мета: Повторити та активізувати  лексичний матеріал теми.

Повторити кольори, цифри, вивчені літери та звуки.

Вміти використовувати структуру How old are you? I am…”,  “How old is he/she? He/she is…”, “What is this? It is a…”

Розвивати вміння сприйняття  тексту на слух.

Навчати монологічного та діалогічного мовлення.

Формувати навички правильної вимови звуків англійської мови.

Розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів та вміння працювати в групах.

Виховувати культуру спілкування.




І Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


  1. Greeting

T: Hello children! Ps: Hello!

T: Nice to see you again.

Let's sing a song. (Hello song.)

T: How are you? P1-P2…

  1. Aim

T: Today we have an unusual lesson. Today we have a lesson-party. Look at the board and guess: What is the topic of our lesson? Yes, it is “Happy birthday.” Do you like birthday? Let's celebrate!  At the lesson we'll revise colours, numbers, letters and sounds. Ask How old are you? How old is he/she? And answer of them. Also we sing, dance, play games.

  1. Warming up

T: Our Smiling Sam has got a friend. Look! It is a … (Who is this?)

P: Teddy Bear.

T: Today is his birthday. Say: Happy birthday, Teddy Bear!

T: Now imagine that today is your birthday. Say “Happy birthday!” to each other!

  1. Pronunciation

Практикування у вимовлянні звуків в словах (apple, ant, bear, ball, cat, cow, dog, doll).




  1. Vocabulary practice

T: Today we have got Teddy Bear Party. We divide into 4 groups. The 1st group is red; the  2nd group is blue; the 3rd  is yellow; the 4th is green.

What things do you need for our Teddy Bear Party? (cake, candles, star, present, balloons).

  1. Color.

a) Name the balloons color.

b) Make a semi-circle and sing a song “Happy Birthday!”.

c) Use the Lego make a flower for our Teddy Bear.

  1. Numbers.
  1. Game “Touch the number”.
  2. Whiteboard-game “Touch the number”.
  1. Physical activity

Song 1-10.

  1. How old are you? How old is he? How old is she?

P1, P2…  P1 ↔P2

How old is our Bear?

Let's count the candles.

Yes, he is 10.

  1. Listening.

Draw the candles on the cakes.

  1. What is this? It is…

Name the present and describe it.

  1. Physical activity

Song “Teddy Bear”.

  1. Letters, sounds and words.
  1. Match sound and word.
  2. Find the friend of the letter.
  3. Lego – build the word.
  4. Song alphabet: A,B,C. 



  1. Feedback

T: What was the topic of our lesson?

Was the lesson interesting for you?

Name the words in English. (торт, свічка, кулька, ведмедик)

How to ask: How old are you?

Today we work very hard and we'll get small present. And let's give cards our guest.

  1. Good bye! Have a nice day.





До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 1 клас (Карпюк О. Д., Ростоцька М.Є.)
10 березня 2019
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