Урок "Teenagers in Ukraine"

Про матеріал
Дана розробка уроку була створена викладачем англійської мови Суханицькою Тетяною Юріївною для учнів 11 класів до теми "Молодь і молодіжна культура". Під час уроку учні мали змогу ознайомитися із молодіжними субкультурами, які існують в Україні. На уроці були використані презентації учнів, які вони самостійно готували в дома та представляли на уроці.
Перегляд файлу

Theme: Teenagers in Ukraine.

Objectives: to present some vocabulary related to the youth; to practice students listening for specific information; to develop students’ reading skills; to practice speaking; to develop oral skills of students.

Equipment: folder, scheme, text.



The plan of the lesson


I. Beginning of the lesson.


Today we have a special lesson. We have many guests, so please, don’t worry and enjoy our today’s lesson. Let’s start. The theme of the lesson is not a secret for you, because you prepared the homework. So, today we’ll speak about youth in Ukraine. You know that many young people are the members of young group which we call “subgroups”. So today we’ll speak about subcultures in Ukraine.

Be very attentively, because at the end of the lesson you will have the test.


2. Warm-up:

T:Do you know what  means the word-combination “Youth subculture”?



II. Main part of the lesson.

1.Vocabulary presentation.

But before we start, I want you to look at the blackboard, at the vocabulary file. There are words, which we are going to use at the lesson. Listen and write down new words in your copy-books.

  • Subculture 
  • Seek  
  • Escape  
  • Reject  


2.Vocabulary practice.

To fix new words I want you to read the sentences and fill in the correct words from the vocabulary file.

1. People sharing some social relations belong to one … Subculture

2. They … Seek  for the missing people in our city.

3. His young sons always … Escape punishment.

4. I … Reject the idea of starting a war





So. As I said we’ll speak about the subcultres in Ukraine. But what does it mean “Subculture”? Listen to the definition of the meaning of “Youth subculture” from Vikipidia.

Subculture - a group of people within a larger society, with different standards and behaviours. Youth subculture - group of young people that has its own elements of culture: language (slang), symbols, traditions, norms of behaviour and values. Often subcultures are formed around specific centre who preaches some innovations in the field of musical styles, lifestyle, and attitude towards some social phenomena. Ideological centre forms a special picture of the world, attitude. In subcultures youth attracts mainly the ability to communicate with their own kind, as well as external attributes, which makes it possible to show their position in society.



Why does youth form “Subculture”?

  • escape from reality;
  • seek new meaning of life;
  • seek new solutions of problems;
  • reject the “old-parental” culture;
  • create own fashion, music.



Answer the question: Which subculture do you know?


6. Reading and listening.

Some students prepared the reports about subcultures.

1) Goth

 In Ukraine Goth appeared at the beginning of 80th. Typical Gothic fashion includes a pale complexion with colored black hair, black lips and black clothes. Gothic fashion may also have silver jewelry. Both male and female goths wear dark eyeliner and dark fingernails. There is no specific thing that defines what you need to do or be to fit into the goth scene (except of course the implied black clothing). Goths tend to be non-violent, pacifistic, passive, and tolerant. Most goths become goths because they have been spurned by 'normal' society because the way they want to live their lives does not fit in with how most people are told to live theirs. Goths are free thinkers, people who do not accept the moral rules of society. Rather goths tend to listen to what you have to say, and make up their own mind.

 (Pupils watch Presentation 2 about goth )

2) Emo

The most popular subculture among teenagers 13-18 years. The main representatives of this subculture - emotions. And they draw them anywhere - from music, books, movies. Often emo music prevails cry, crying, whining. Some emos cut themselves. The Emo ideal look is tall, thin and depressed. Their hair always covers their face. The purpose of their clothing - clear the difference between a boy and a girl. Emos are not religious and their symbols are skulls, broken hearts and pink stars. Normally their boyfriends and girlfriends are Emos, too, so that they have someone to share their emotions with at any moment of the day. If one cries, so does the other. Emos can feel they are misunderstood by society.

(Pupils watch Presentation 3 about emo)

3) Role-playingers.

Role-playingers are people who act out their characters' actions. The founders of this subculture in Ukraine were the members of the club fantasy-writers. In 1989 during the meeting of fantasy-writers, was discussed the novel of Дж. Толк ієна “Lord of the Rings”and it was decided to play this novel. The first club of pole-playing was organized in Ukraine in 1990.  It should be noted that the youth, which is a role-based movement - it basically honest and educated people. Role-players are well aware of the history, or rather some of its times, and can tell you many interesting things, or even make your own complete set of ammunition. But overuse chosen character and era Role-players sometimes forget about real life and our place in it. These are people who like to play the script. They can put your favorite book as a performance and live long. In fact it is the same as in the film, but without cameras. But is a danger to play in one way or another script and not get out of the role. In such situations, a person knocked on society.

(Pupils watch Presentation 4 about role-playingers)


7.Reading the homework.

You had the homework to image yourself as a member of any subcultures. And to write down some sentences about it. Read.



8.Grammar. Reflexive pronouns.

Today our task is to revise the reflexive pronouns. Look at the blackboard. Read the reflexive pronouns.


9. Reading.

I want you to read the text silencely and choose the sentences which have the reflexive pronouns. Please, read and translate them.

         A man himself chooses his way. There are many people in the world. They are very different and have different emotions, dreams and thoughts. People themselves choose how to live. But what about young people. You are young, you decide yourself who you are going to be. It is your own decision.


10. Writing.

Do the test.



I. True or false.

1. The theme of the lesson is about subcultures.

2. The word “subculture” we translate as “поведінка.

3. The Goth likes to wear bright cloth.

4. The Emo is very emotional person.


II. Finish the sentences:

1. In Ukraine Goth appeared …

2. The Emo ideal look is …

3. The Role-players are people who …


III. Answer the questions:

1. What does it mean “subculture”?

2. Why do young people form new subculture?


IV. Describe your attitude to different subculture.



III. Conclusion of the lesson.

1. Summarizing.

I have chosen the sentences you have read and want to finish our lesson with the words:

A man himself choose his way,

People themselves choose how to live,

You are young, you decide yourself

Who you are going to be


2. Homework:

Search information about world’s youth organization.


Sukhanytska Tanya
До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 серпня 2020
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