Тема уроку: Technology: Past and Future.
Мета уроку:
За підручником “Solutions. Upper- Intermediate”.
Автор: Дайнеко Наталія Василівна, вчитель англійської мови
ЗОШ І – ІІІ ст. №21 м. Житомира
Хід уроку.
І. Привітання. Орг. момент.
Тип інтелекту: екстравертний, вербально-лінгвічтичний.
Hello everybody, I hope everything is OK because we have a great topic for the lesson today.
ІІ. Введення в тему уроку.
Тип інтелекту: екстравертний, візуально-просторовий, вербально-лінгвістичний
Nicholas Allegra |
was |
installed |
by 3.5 million people. |
IVF embryos |
have been |
developed |
by Charles Darwin. |
The Theory of Evolution |
is |
employed |
in some UK stores. |
Magic Mirrors |
is being |
done |
by Apple now. |
One of Aaron Ash’s apps |
might be |
used |
online. |
In the future the most of our shopping |
can be |
tested |
for genetic deseases. |
Well, do this task in pairs as you are sitting. You have to make 6 statements about the topics of our previous lessons.
III. Оголошення теми та мети уроку.
The THEME of our lesson today is “The past and the future of technology”.
Today we have to revise the rules of using passive structures, especially in the question sentences, we are going to read and listen to some information about technology and a very famous person in the IT field. And of course we’ll talk about your experience of dealing with technology.
IV. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
Тип інтелекту: екстравертний, вербально-лінгвістичний, візуально-просторовий.
На дошці малюнок логотипа Apple.
T.: Do you like apples? Which apple do you prefer? (в руках яблуко і телефон). We can’t talk about technology and don’t remember about Steve Jobs and his company Apple Inc. You had your hometask for today in groups.
Слайд 1 |
Слайд 2 |
Слайд 3 |
Слайд 4 |
Слайд 5 |
Тип інтелекту: вербально-лінгвістичний, логіко-математичний.
Exercise 2 p.54.
While reading the text you’ll meet the expression CEO. Look at the blackboard and read what it stands for:
CEO- chief executive officer, or managing director in UK English – the top position in a company.
Read the facts below. Which column contains mainly passive verbs? Active verbs?
УІ . Вдосконалення граматичних навичок.
Тип інтелекту: вербально-лінгвістичний, логіко-математичний, музично-ритмічний.
1. Let’s remind some information about Active and Passive voices. Read Learn This! box.
2. Now we’re going to practice it. There is exercise 4 p.54 in your SB.
3. Now it’s time for you to check yourself. Group 1, please, do Exercise 1 on your computers, and group 2 is going to do exercise 2 p.123: make some sentences passive .
Тип інтелекту: екстравертний, вербально-лінгвістичний.
Choose your task and make notes about:
Please, don’t forget that the Passive Voice should be used. Here you can see the points to be mentioned:
What was the … you’ve ever been sent/shown?
When/Why were you sent/shown it?
How did you feel when you were given/lent it?
Тип інтелекту: екстраверт ний, вербально-лінгвістичний.
Well, our lesson is almost over, and I have the last question for you: which activity did you like the best? What was the most interesting for you?
Of course, everybody worked hard and should be given the result, so your points for today are….
Note your Hometask for tomorrow: read the text about Mark Zuckerberg and do the task.