Урок "Thanksgiving day"

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Розробка уроку "Thanksgiving day". Тренування навичок аудіювання,читання,говоріння
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Тема: Thanksgiving Day






Автор:  Павловська Леся Миколаївна вчитель англійської мови

Білоцерківського колегіуму

Київської області





  • enrich students’ knowledge on the topic;
  •  to develop creative way of thinking;
  • to practice speaking  skills;
  • to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary



Equipment: handout on the topic (cards, pictures) , a tape-recorder, a Tv-set.


1. Greeting.     Good morning students! Take your seats! I’m so glad to see you today. How are you? Are you in a good mood! That’s perfect! So let’s start our lesson.

2Warming up Can you tell me what holiday is celebrated in America on the fourth Thursday in November? Do we have such holiday in Ukraine? That’s why- today we’ll speak about the most important holiday in America Thanksgiving Day

.But before our travel we should know some words. Look at the screen. Read them after me :

  • Thanksgiving Day день подяки
  • Corn [kɔ:n] кукурудза
  • Harvest [ˈhɑ:vɪst] урожай
  • Feast [fi:st] банкет
  • Pilgrims [ˈpɪlɡrɪms] паломники
  • Fall [fɔ:l] осень
  • Turkey |ˈtɝːki| індичка
  • Mayflower |ˈmeɪˌflɑːwə| Мэйфлауэр

to worship ['wə:ʃɪp] — поклонятися; брати участь у богослужінні

persecution [,pə:sɪ'kju:J(ə)n] — переслідування, утиски, гоніння

to settle ['setl] — оселятися, улаштовуватися

harbour ['ha:bə] — гавань


Open your notebooks and write down these words with the translation


3It is high time to remember some important events and to know some new traditions connected with this holiday.

Presentation(the students look at the screen and slide after a slide they get the information about Thanksgiving day ) Додатки .Презентація. Cлайд  1-6

Now answer the questions

Where did the first Thanksgiving happened?


Who celebrated the first Thanksgiving?


 What were pilgrims giving thanks for?

They were giving thanks to God for helping them survive their first winter.

How do people celebrate Thanksgiving today?

They have a family dinner and family parties.

What tradition do people have?

They visit churches, have a family dinner and family parties.

 Who cuts the turkey?

The oldest member of the family

 Who always cooks turkey for Thanksgiving ?


 To whom do people give thanks today?

They thank God, their family and friends for good relationships and for all they have.

 What is traditional thanksgiving food?

Roast turkey and a pumpkin pie



3. Grammar exercises

Match the words with a phrase that has a similar meaning

. feast                                                                                         sure, certain

survive                                                                                        kind of food

confident                                                                                   to stay alive

 dish                                                                                         a person travelling in a train, bus, …

passenger                                                                            a group of people with the same customs                 tribe

hard                                                                                               cruel

terrible                                                                                       brutal

a big meal

4 Traditions and main courses

Look at the screen. (Слайди 8-10)What can you see? Do you think it’s tasty? Now write down more new words

squash [skwɔʃ] — (фруктовий) сік

cranberry ['krænb(ə)rɪ] — журавлина, клюква

whipped [wɪpt] cream [kri.m] — збиті вершки

Pumpkin- гарбуз





Mashed potatoes-картопляне пюре


5 Reading.Every student is given a text and translate one by one and translate.

Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the United States on the last Thursday in November. This holiday is one of the big six major holidays of the year. People of all faiths celebrate this day. They give thanks for the many good things in their lives.

Thanksgiving Day has been an official United States holiday since 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln, proclaimed that Thursday, 26 November, should be a day of national gratitude. Before that this holiday celebrated English settlers of the Plymouth colony, who had to endure a rough first winter in New England.

Thanksgiving Day is a traditional family holiday. So on that day families always come together, especially for the wonderful meal. A large roasted turkey with stuffing is the most common main dish of a Thanksgiving dinner, that’s why Thanksgiving is sometimes called “Turkey Day”. At Thanksgiving2012, were purchased more than 46 million turkeys by Americans. Turkey usually served with sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin or apple pie. Apple cideris a traditional drink.

Happy Turkey Day

Before the meal begins, families or friends usually pause to give thanks for their blessings, including the joy of being united for the occasion.

If you stay in New York during Thanksgiving, don’t miss the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Musical performances, dancers, clowns and giantcharacter balloons appear in the parade. This parade includes more than 3.5 million spectatorsand 10,000 participants. It is one of the largest parades in New York. Santa Clause arrives at the end. His coming marks the beginning of the Christmas season.

Thanksgiving is a special day that asks people to help those who are in need. Charitable organizations serve dinners to needy people, visit nursing-homes and local children’s hospitals. Ordinary Americans help poor people too. They invite poor friends for Thanksgiving dinner, send baskets of food to the elderly and sick or donate some food to local food bank.


6 Watching a cartoon about thanksgiving day and discuss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faUYJ9fMiGg&list=PLo39AI4O-LAnCUggJ0mCfK2aoTARWyrYr