Урок "The United Kingdom of Great Britain"

Про матеріал
Урок розрахований на рівень Elementary. Розробка уроку базується на підручнику On Screen1.Урок присячений темі Великобританія.Чим відрізняється Британія від Великобританії, які країни входять до складу Великобританії. Можна використовувати як на уроках так і в позаурочний час , як матеріал для гуртка.
Перегляд файлу

 Language workshop




Suggested level - Beginner


Велика Британія - держава на заході Європи , роз-

ташована на Британських островах , а від мате-

рикової Європи відокремлена протокою Ла-Манш.

Сухопутний кордон мас лише з Ірландією . Одна

з найбільш економічно-розвинених країн Європи

та світу , член « Великої сімки » . Сьогодні Велика

Британія та її колишні колонії утворюють

Британську Співдруженість націй.


Тамара ПАЩЕНКО , учителька англійської мови

Білоцерківської СШ N 9 , Київська обл .


Objectives: by the end of the lesson the students will be able to :

• sum up their knowledge on the topic ;

• practise skills in using vocabulary ( countries , capital cities , languages ) ;

• develop their listening and speaking skills .


Equipment : the map of the United Kingdom , video and audio materials , cards with flags and capital cities ,

Pupil's Book « On Screen 1 » ( Express Publishing ) .



I. Introduction

Teacher. Good morning , students ! I'm glad to see you . How are you ?


Students. Good morning , teacher ! We are fine , thank you . And you ?


Teacher. I'm fine , too . Today we are having a lesson on the topic " The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland " .


II . The Main Body

Phonetic practice

Teacher . Let's start our lesson with a video . Look at the screen and after watching it , tell me please : " What country this video is about ? " ( The students are watching " The UK " ) .


Students . This video is about Great Britain .


Geographical information

Teacher . Look at the blackboard , here you can see the map of the United Kingdom . The official name of this country is the United Kingdom . of Great Britain and Northem Ireland . The UK consists of Great Britain , Northern Ireland , Scotland and Wales . Let's look at Great Britain , it consists of England , Scotland and Wales .


III . Speaking

Teacher . And now try to guess the correct title appendix , p . 13-14 )


Great you are ! Open your student's books .








Reading- writing (SB p. 12


Teacher. Look at the excrcisc. Read the text and match the countrics to the nationalitics (appendix.p.13 14).


Key: 1—C,2-E,3-D,4-A.



Look at the exercise. Complete

the table (appendix).


Team work

Teacher. You are so active today! So, let's competc in

teams. Come up and take the bracelets.


Red — the first team, green the second one. We'll have 3 rounds and a prize for the winner.


Round 1. Find tne capitals

Teacher. Look at the pictures and label the name of the city.(The students are doing tasks on the papers (appendix)).

Listening — reading (SB p. 12, ex. 1)

Teacher. Look at the picture on page 12, listen to                             Round 2. Find the pair

CD and answer my questions:                                                            Teacher. I'll give you the papers with the maps

— What countries are the UK consist of?                                          on each. Label the name of the country and its                                                                                             

— What is the official language of the UK?                                      capital (appendix).                                                                     

— What city is the capital of the UK?                                              

          Round 3. Snowballs                                                                            

Let's read and translate this text and correct your

answers.         Teacher. You should repeat the names of the

           countries one by one. 


Teacher. You are so tired. Let's have a SHAKE BREAK.                     Summing up                                                                                                      

Stand up! Look and sing!(Pancake manor for kids).    Teacher. You have done all the exercises. Thank                                                                                                                                

Shake, shake!                                  you very much for the lesson. So:                                    

Everybody shake now!      — What countries does the UK consist of?

Jump, jump!       —What is the official language of the UK? 

Jump up the ground now!     —What city is the capital of the UK?               

Turn around.       Our lesson is over. Goodbye!

        Students. Goodbye!





























27 грудня 2023
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