Урок "The world of music"

Про матеріал
Theme The world of music The Motto: Life without music would be a mis¬take. (Friedrich Nietzsche) Teaching Objectives: • practical: to train and improve the pupils' speaking skills on the subject using quota¬tions by famous people about music and its importance; to train them in making up the quotations, stories, dialogues of their own using the teaching materials of the previous lessons; • educational: to expand the pupils' know¬ledge of the very importance of music in people's life, its beauty; to expand the pu¬pils' knowledge of English as a foreign lan¬guage; • developing: to incorporate team and pair work, creative thinking, to develop the pu¬pils' ability of using the vocabulary in new situations; to develop the pupils' logical way of thinking, their readiness for taking part in the process of English communication, to teach them to make conclusions; to develop their imagination, to promote their intellec¬tual curiosity; • educative: to teach the pupils good manners of communication, to have a high respect for their classmates. Tyре of the Lesson: lesson of improving skills Equipment and Materials: posters, placards with quotations about music, definition of music, game Noughts and Crosses , CD with different kinds of music, handouts, projector, presentation «Tasks to the lesson»
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Theme The world of music

The Motto: Life without music would be a mis­take. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Teaching Objectives:

  • practical: to train and improve the pupils' speaking skills on the subject using quota­tions by famous people about music and its importance; to train them in making up the quotations, stories, dialogues of their own using the teaching materials of the previous lessons;
  • educational: to expand the pupils' know­ledge of the very importance of music in people's life, its beauty; to expand the pu­pils' knowledge of English as a foreign lan­guage;
  • developing: to incorporate team and pair work, creative thinking, to develop the pu­pils' ability of using the vocabulary in new situations; to develop the pupils' logical way of thinking, their readiness for taking part in the process of English communication, to teach them to make conclusions; to develop their imagination, to promote their intellec­tual curiosity;
  • educative: to teach the pupils good manners of communication, to have a high respect for their classmates.

Tyре of the Lesson: lesson of improving skills

Equipment and Materials: posters, placards with quotations about music, definition of music, game Noughts and Crosses , CD with different kinds of music, handouts, projector, presentation «Tasks to the lesson»


I. Beginning of the Lesson

Organizational moment

T. Good morning, pupils. I'm your teacher of English. I'm Tetiana Leonidivna.

 I'm very glad to see you here. How are you? I hope you are ready for our lesson, aren't you? You see Christmas is coming. Can you imag­ine this or any other holiday without music? (Here the melody "Merry Christmas"sounds.) And now you hear emotional and charming music that touches us.

Warm Up

T. No wonder we are going to speak about music today. It's an inseparable part of holidays cele­brations. At the end of our lesson you’ll do a project work. We have 4 groups Sounds, Songs, Cool band, World-known singers. Members of the group get points for themselves and for their group. At the end of the lesson we find out the winner of our lesson.  Look at the board, please and read the motto of our lesson.

(The pupils read the motto: "Life without music would be a mistake" by Friedrich Nietzsche.) Do you agree with this wonderful quotation?

P1. It goes without saying I do because we can't imagine our life without music. P2. I consider that life without music would be so dreary, so boring!

P3. In my opinion life without music isn't inter­esting at all. It's senseless, I should say.

P4. Really, life would be a mistake if we didn't hear music because music helps us in everything we do.

P5. It fills our hearts with sweet delight.

P6. It moves us and makes us happy, etc.

T. O. K.  Now we divide into two groups and play game  « Noughts and Crosses» . One group is Noughts, other – Crosses. You have to answer the questions and group, which has 3 noughts or crosses, wins. Begin that group which participants get more points for previous task. Count.












  1. A person who sings, especially professionally. (singer)
  2. A person whose job is to compose music. (composer)
  3. A person who plays a musical instrument. (musician)
  4. What German composer lost his hearing, but despite that he still wrote music? The music he wrote became even better. His music was richly expressive and revealed feelings such as joy and sadness. (Ludwig van Beethoven.)
  5. This type of music is the art music of Europe. As art music, it generally requires more training to write and perform than the folk and pop music. (Classical music.)
  6. This person's job is to lead the musicians in an orchestra. (A conductor.)
  7. What is the largest number of musicians in an orchestra? (100.)
  8. How many musicians perform quintets? (Five musicians.)
  9. This instrument is with strings. (the guitar)

II. Main Part

Discussing the quotation about music by famous people (Working in groups)

T. We have 4 groups. Who is the leader of your group? Task for leaders.  You'll discuss some quotation by fa­mous person and see how he defines music.  Let's read the quotation by Henry Longfel­low. It says, "Music is the universal language of mankind". Is Longfellow right?

P. I think the author is absolutely right. Music is understood by everybody. The language of mu­sic is so vivid and expressive.

Playing the game "Make up a quotation" (individual work)

T. Dear pupils, now we'll play a creative game. You are to create quotations of your own. Each of you is to make up one quotation.

I've already done it. You can read my quotation on the blackboard

"Music takes us to the Realm of Beauty, en­riches our souls with deep emotions and feel­ings, touches our hearts so tenderly that we just can't but appear in the seventh heaven".

T. Music really makes wonders giving us great pleasure and joy of life. And now get down to creative work. In a few minutes I do hope to hear nice quotations which you'll create. (After a while the pupils read their own quotations.)

Pl. "Music is like a big beautiful flower that makes our life brighter and colourful". P2. "Music is an expression of our feelings, emotions and thoughts"

P3. "Music is a source of inspiration".

 P4. "Music is a beautiful nature around us".

P5. "Music is a doing thing".

P6. "Music is the realm of beauty".

P7. "Music is like the sun that always warms us".

P8. "Music is a source of pleasure".

P9. "Music is a bright reflection of life".

P10. "Music is a charmer".

P11. "Music is a wonder".

P12. "Music is a miracle".

P13: "Music makes wonders".

P14. "Music helps us to create and dream of good things".

P15. "Music is a joy of life".

 P16. "Music is the world of beauty".

T. Thank you. Your quotations are nice and all of them prove that music is a beautiful, wonderful, important thing for you. It's really great to feel the beauty of Music.

Listening Comprehension (individual work)

1) Pre-listening activity.

Talk with pupils.

T: What famous musicians do you know? What things do you need to become a good musician or singer? What musical instrument is difficult to play? Do you know any musical instruments which aren’t difficult to play?

2) Listening

Tapescript 5 (p.72)

Akiko Kato is fifteen and she lives in Vancouver, Canada. She is an ordinary girl in most ways, but there is something special in her life. She is a member of the National Youth Orchestra. Let's listen to her.

"I started playing the violin at the age of seven. I was always a good singer, and I could play in tune almost immediately. But it is a difficult instrument. After eight years, I'm still learning.

My Dad plays the guitar, and we often play together. Not classical music, but Scottish dances, American folk songs — that sort of things. Last Saturday we played dance music for my little brother's birthday party. Everybody joined in, and it was great.

I joined the National Youth Orchestra three years ago. Now it takes up a lot of my time: usually five hours a week and at least two weeks every summer.

Last year we did a tour of the country: Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Winnipeg and back to Vancouver. There were 72 of us, and we really got to know each other. It was fantastic.

My favourite composer is Mozart. At the moment we are doing one of his violin concerts. Mozart wrote it when he was 19. And in fact the music is really young and energetic.

I like modern pop music, too. But I don't like rap or heavy metal."

3) Post-listening activity

a) Ex. 1b (p. 72).

T. Listen to the text and fill the table. Which group is ready, fill it on the blackboard.

Fact file

Name Akiko Kato

Age 15

Nationality Canadian

Likes modern pop music

Dislikes rap or heavy metal

b) Ex. 2 (p. 72).

T. Listen to the text again and answer the questions. One question to each group.

       -    Does Akiko play only classical music?

Akiko does not play only classical music

  • What does she like about the National Youth Orchestra?

She likes a tour of the country: Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Winnipeg and back to Vancouver. It had been fantastic.

  • Does the Orchestra cause1 her any problems?

The Orchestra does not cause1 her any problems

  • When did she start playing the violin?

She started playing the violin at the age of seven.

  •  Who is her favourite composer?

Her favourite composer is Mozart

Speaking Comprehension

Talk about music styles, and the way it affects listeners (Working in groups)

T. So, answer the question: "What is music?" And you also mentioned the main thing about music. I mean how it affects you. Let's say more about the way music influences us, O. K?

PI. It relaxes us.

P2. It enchants us.

P3. It impresses us deeply.

P4. It casts a spell over us.

P5. It fascinates us.

P6. It makes us happy.

P7. It fills our hearts with joy.

P8. It touches our souls.

P9. It makes us feel the beauty.

T. Right you are, dear participants. And what music styles do you know?

Complete the words with the vowels. Check your words using the keys on the blackboard.







T. Listen the songs and guess the style of music. ( 8 styles)

Musical Pause

T. And now, dear Talk Show participants let's enjoy listening to this wonderful song which is performed by "The Beatles". Of course, it's "Yesterday". You may close your eyes and relax or you may sing it together with "The Beatles". (Some pupils listen to the song, others sing it.)


Relaxing (listening the music)

T. Listen to the music and imagine You are in the forest. Listen the songs of birds. Wind blows and whisper You are all right. You are the best.

Reading Comprehension (working in pairs)

Pre-reading activity

Т: Is music an important part of your life? Why?

Why is music necessary?


Read the text. Write down the reasons why music is an essential part of our life. Put the reasons according to their importance.


Music goes along with many of our activities. We dance to music. We sing song? at school. Many of us exercise to music. Bands play at football games. We hear music in cars and stores. Music has always been important to religious ceremonies. Music is heard in Christian churches, Jewish synagogues, Islamic mosques, and other places of worship.

Music entertains us. We listen to show tunes, spirituals, pop, opera, and rock. We have favourite performers. We hear music as the background in movies. Perhaps we go to the theatre to see a musical — a movie or play with music, singing, and often with dancing. Music is a part of our lives.

Post-reading activity

T. One member of each group read and translate the reasons why music is an essential part of our life.

Project  work

Imagine that you are a DJ. You are presenting top five singers in a radio programme. Write down your presentation trying to advertise the songs as well as possible.

III. Summing Up

Giving Home task

T. Your home task is to write an essay "Music in My life" or "In the Realm of Music" using the quotations by famous people and those of your own.

Putting Marks

T. It was great to communicate with your being your partner. I really enjoyed our lesson, for you were very active in discussing a very impor­tant subject concerning music. Thank you very much for your fruitful work. Count your own points and points of your group. The winner is group which has the best experts in music. Look at the blackboard and give marks yourselves.)


T. Let's our lesson be over in an unusual way. Let wonderful music sound for you to fully realize the very beauty and power of it. I'd like you to find yourselves in the Realm of Music. (There sounds the melody "Merry Christmas ".) Dear  participants, this is the melody of Christmas which is coming. May there always be this music of Love and Kindness in your hearts! Thank you.












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