урок " the world of professions"

Про матеріал
Тема уроку: світ професій та фактори впливу на вибір професії. Мета: практична: активізувати вживання в мові учнів лексичних одиниць теми; удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання, письма й усного монологічного мовлення; розвиваюча: розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; розвивати вміння аргументувати свою точку зору, аналізувати і робити висновки; виховна: виховувати правильне ставлення до вибору професії, поважне ставлення до думки співрозмовника.
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- to revise the topic-related vocabulary;

- to develop students’ speaking and listening skills;

- to broaden students’ knowledge about different professions and job qualities;

- to practice students in giving a presentation;

- to develop students’ creative abilities;

- to encourage students to communicate in English.



Результат пошуку зображень за запитом the world of professions



Good  morning, everyone! I`m glad to see you!


 Today we are going to speak about the role of the profession in the person’s life. Our today’s topic is extremely important for everybody, because when you choose your future profession you choose your way in life. This choice can influence your whole life. But, first of all, let's listen to students why do they study English?

P1: I study English because I need to pass an exam.

P2: Because I want to communicate in English.

P3: Because it is requirement for work.

P4: I Study English because I want to go an English -speaking country as a tourist and I would like to get a better job in future.

P4: I would like to understand modern pop singers. I like English songs.

P5: It is very popular to learn English.

P6: I want to understand English newspapers and story books.

P7: I want to be an English tour guide.

P8: Because I want to immigrate to the USA.

P8: I  love learning new languages.


 Teacher: I think it’s time to speak about our plans and interests. What would you like to be?

 There are a lot of different professions and jobs in the world and you must choose one of them. It`s very important to make the right choice. Why?

P1:  It`s very important because our future depends on our choice.

P2:  I think it is extremely important because it will determine our future life.

P3:  It is very important not only for us, but for our parents, families as well.

 T.:  You are absolutely right. I see you are quite grown up because you think like adults.

The rules of our work:

1.Be active and participate.

2.Be friendly and tolerant.

3.Think critically and collaborate.

4.Imagine and create.

5.Give thoughtful feedback.



T: To start the lesson it is necessary to encode the key word ”PROFESSIONS”. To do this you should name as many jobs for each letter as you can.

 (Students name jobs)


P – postman, pilot, programmer, photographer, porter, pet-sitter

R - receptionist

O - operator

F - firefighter, florist, farmer

E - economist, engineer

S - seller, sailor, spaceman, shop- assistant

S - soldier, surgeon

I - interpreter

O - official

N - nurse, nanny

S - social worker, scientist.



Warm up : Listen to the poem and be ready to name the professions you’ll hear in it answer my questions.

Just Me

Grown-ups always want to know,

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

I’m never sure what to say, my answer changes every day.

May be I’ll be a detective on a TV show.

I might be a disk jockey on the radio.

I’ll be a pilot and fly through the sky.

I’ll be a dancer and leap way up high.

I’m never sure what to say, my answers change every day.

I’ll be an author and write a great book.

I’ll be a chef – the world’s greatest cook.

I’ll be a sailor and sail on the sea.

I think for now that I’ll just be me.



- What is this poem about?

- What professions have you heard in this poem?

- What are we going to speak about today?



    T: Now you will work in groups. Look at the pictures and give definitions of these jobs.
         Follow the example.

            (E.g. A cook is someone who prepares food.)

IMG_20160227_160722  IMG_20160227_160624_1



  What  do  you  want  to  be  after  graduating? - You  have  heard  this  question  many  times  during  your  school  year. Perhaps, it  was  difficult  for  you  to  give  a  definite  answer  earlier. But  you  understand  that  the  time  to  choose  your  future  profession  is coming.

Marta,have you decided what do you want to be?

  I want to be…

Some people often say to me:

“Have you decided

  what you want to be?”

I usually answer, “I don’t know”,

But it isn’t really so.

I want to be an Olympic race,

I want to see the Earth from space,

I want to travel to Katmandu,

I want to be rich and famous, too.

I want to be on Hollywood’s screen,

I want to invent a new machine,

I want to be clever and wise.

I want to win the Nobel prize.

But most of all, I want to be

Healthy and strong and nice



               Main body

Work in pairs. Make a list of  jobs which are popular/not popular/well-paid/low-paid/ today.

Pupils work in pairs and make a list of some popular jobs.


Possible answers : a doctor , a lawyer, a designer, a politician, a computer programmer, an accountant etc.


T: You are right. A lawyer, a journalist, a politician, a manager, a computer programmer are popular nowadays.   But on the other hand you can’t do without daily bread, the ABC, the health protection. That’s why farming, schooling and medicine are also of great importance.

Our experts investigated this topic and ready to tell us the results.

(виступ експертів)

Listening comprehension

Dear friends ,listen to 6 different people on the phone and identify the jobs they do.


Активізація лексичного матеріалу. Гра «Відгадай професію»

Учитель: Now it`s time for a guessing-game “What profession is it?” I`ll describe you a profession and you will give me the word.

Slide. Here are some professions: dentist, bricklayer, architect, fashion designer, policeman, manager, secretary, cashier, programmer, mechanic, physicist, fireman.


Учитель: Listen to the definition of professions, try to guess and name them.

someone who makes walls with bricks (bricklayer)

someone who designs clothes ( fashion designer)

someone who writes computer programs (programmer)

someone who works at the cash register. (cashier)

someone who repairs cars (mechanic)

someone whose job is to design buildings (architect)

someone whose job is to manage a company (manager)

someone who studies or works in physics (physicist)

someone who puts out fires and rescues people. (fireman)

someone who treats people’s teeth. (dentist)

someone who catches criminals and keeps people safe. (policeman)

someone who works in an office and types letters. (secretary)

someone who plans, designs and builds machines, roads, bridges. (Engineer)


I wonder if you have made up your mind about which profession to choose?

Nowadays there is a great variety of jobs to any taste.


T: And now it’s time to have a relaxation pause.

Physical warming-up

T: I will name different words. Among them there will be jobs as well. You have to clap when you hear the name of a job. Be attentive!l

Words: lesson, teacher, book, school, manager, window, magician, picture, painter,lamp,game,policeman,dream,people,guide,company,tourist,cook,mechanic,run,fun,reporter,music,hobby,photographer,profession,engineer,poem,prize,

doctor, photo, lawyer, tiger, estate agent, garden, gardener, shop assistant, etc.


T: The ancient world was the world of seven wonders. The modern world is the world of computers. They have already revolutionized the way we live, work and even have a rest. It’s the world of engineering, marketing and information technologies. All this has changed different spheres of our life. There are a lot of changes in different areas.

Our students are ready to tell us about new professions which recently appear in the world.

(виступи учнів про професії)

  Teacher: Choosing a future career we should think about many things.

Look at the chart and fill in the missing jobs, skills and personal qualities with the words from the box: cook’s helper, using computers, easy-going, talkative, creative, energetic, stewardess, skiing, giving istructions





Personal qualities


Office worker

using computers

Well-organised, responsible


Children’s art teacher

Teaching, drawing, painting

Creative, easy-going


cook’s helper

Cooking, cutting

Hard-working, reliable


Ski instructor

skiing, giving istructions

Athletic, patient



Selling, convincing people

Talkative, energetic



Speaking foreign languages, serving food

Friendly, polite

  Sample answers :


Skills : communication skills , computer skills , driving , language skills , organizational  ability , typing .

–Make up your own sentences using the words in the chart:

For example: Office worker must have skills of using computers and must be well-organised and responsible.

What skills and qualities should people of different jobs have?

T: All of you have a dream – to finish school, to enter the university, to get a good job. But to get a good job you must have some special qualities and skills.

In pairs write a list of qualities and skills which are useful.

  1.               Work in group of 5.
  2.               Write your name on the palm.
  3.               Give this piece of paper to a neighbor on the right of you and take the piece of paper from the neighbor on the left.
  4.               Write what skills and qualities should people of different jobs  have (inside one of the fingers and pass the sheet to the next participant .
  5.               The next participant one by one have to do the same thing till the piece of paper doesn’t return to the owner.



Do you agree everybody should have special qualities and abilities for the job?

What qualities do you have and lack?

P1: I think I'm creative, but I'm not very organized.

P2: I have flexibility, but I lack initiative, I'm not a leader.

P3: I'm creative and artistic but I'm not very ambitious.

P4: I'm sociable, but everybody says I'm talkative.

What skills are necessary for your future job?

P1: I'm going to be a linguist so I certainly need foreign languages.

P2: I'm going to be an engineer, so I need good education and teamwork skills.

P3: I want to be an auto mechanic, so I should have driving skills.

P4: To my mind IT skills are necessary nowadays for everybody, in any job.




T: Now I would like you to match two halves of the proverbs about work.

1. No bees, no honey;   a) neither shall he eat.

2. Slow at meat,    b) so is the work.

3. He who does not work,  c) no work, no money.

4. As is the workman,   d) what you can do today.

5. Never put off till tomorrow,  e) and master of none.

6. Jack of all trades    f) slow at work.

Key: 1-c, 2-f, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d, 6-e.


Let`s sum up. Today we have spoken about the world of jobs. You`ve found out what is your profession. Of course it is very important to make the right choice. But I think it is more important what kind of person you will become. I wish you to find yourselves, be kind, be honest, and be noble everywhere and in everything.

  You worked hard and your marks are ...  

Home task: write a short essay (15 sentences) about your future profession.

Well, today we have achieved our goals, I hope the lesson was informative, enjoyable and helpful,

Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks!!!

Believe in yourself, never give up.



Lehka Natalia
22 лютого 2020
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