Урок "Times of the Day"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку для 3 класу "Times of the Day". Поданий матеріал може використовуватися при вивченні теми "Мій робочий день" на етапі засвоєння лексичного матеріалу.
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Lesson plan

Times of the Day

Lesson objectives:

  • to revise telling the time and days of the week
  • to practise the present simple, first and third person singular
  • to talk about daily routines and different times of the day


"I/He/She ... at (8 o'clock in the morning)", "What time do you ...?"

Target Vocabulary:

in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, get up, have breakfast, do morning exercises, clean teeth, have lunch, have dinner, go to school, learn at school, play with friends, go home, go home, watch TV, do homework, play with my toys, say goodnight, go to bed, sleep, have a shower


Flashcards:  morning, afternoon, evening, night, wake up, get up, eat breakfast, eat lunch, eat dinner, go to school, start school, go home, arrive home,  watch TV, do homework, go to bed


  • Sing a hello song “Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, Good night”
  • Review 4 times of the day: morning, afternoon, evening and night:
  • Draw a simple picture of a house with a tree next to it and a horizon
  • Then draw the sun rising over the horizon.
  • Elicit "morning" and drill 3 times.
  • Then draw the sun high up in the sky and elicit "afternoon".
  • Then draw the sun lower in the sky on the other side of the house and elicit "evening"
  • And finally draw a moon with stars for "night"
  • Present wordcards and flashcards “in the morning”, “in the afternoon”, “in the evening”, “at night” and ask children to match them on the board and drill.

C:\Users\Наташа\Desktop\TIMES OF A DAY.jpg

Lead-in: Vocabulary practice:

  • Read the daily routine vocabulary from the poster, drill and show gesture for the actions.
  • Use flashcards on daily routines elicit the words of the everyday activities.

Vocabulary practice:

Play the game “Time of the day boxes”:

  • Divide the class into 4 teams. Offer kids to choose one pencil from the box (pencils are blue, dark blue, orange and black). Ask children: What colour is the sky in the morning/in the afternoon/in the evening/at night? They answer: blue, dark blue, orange and black, according to the times of the day.
  • You will need to prepare 4 cardboard boxes and print the flashcards and wordcards for morning, afternoon and different everyday activities (the more flashcards, the better) and put them on separate tables for each team.
  • Offer pupils to take seats around the tables according to colour of their pencils.
  • Besides, you will need to prepare small objects associated with daily routine activities as many as wordcards and flashcards and put them around the classroom.
  • Stick one of the times of the day flashcards on the boxes and put them on the teams’ tables, place the wordcards on the walls and the objects in different places of your classroom.
  • Hold up one of the daily routine flashcards (e.g. "go to school"), elicit pupils of the appropriate team shout out “morning” and raise their hands, say “yes” to let children rush looking for a proper object (e.g. bag), return to their table, make up and announce the sentence (e.g. I go to school in the morning.) and write it down in the copybooks.
  • Stick the flashcards on the board randomly. Repeat it quickly with other flashcards.

Warm up: Sing a song:               “What do you do in the morning?”

What do you do? What do you do?

What do you do in the morning?

I get up.

I have my breakfast.

I go to school.

That’s what I do. That’s what I do.

That’s what I do in the morning.

What do you do? What do you do?

What do you do in the afternoon?

I have my lunch.

I learn at school.

I go home.

That’s what I do…

… in the afternoon.

What do you do? What do you do?

What do you do in the evening?

I do my homework.

I have my dinner.

I play with my toys.

That’s what I do…

… in the evening.

What do you do? What do you do?

What do you do at night?

I say goodnight.

I brush my teeth.

I go to bed.

That’s what I do…

… at night.


Times of the Day" chart:

  • Draw a chart of 4 equal squares and title each square with "in the morning", "in the afternoon", "in the evening" and "at night"
  • Then let your pupils come to the board one by one and order the flashcards on the board.

Daily routine theatre:

  • Let the children have some fun. Explain that they are going to act out their part of the daily routine story.
  • For each team, one pupil will mime the corresponding time of the day activities whilst the others act as the narrators (using the chart to make the narration).
  • Give each team 3 minutes to practice before coming up to the front of the class and acting out.
  • Explain that the narrators have to use: He / She or the kid’s name (e.g. “Ann/Dan gets up at in the morning. She/He watches TV in the evening.)

Home task:

  • Add 3-5 sentences with other activities to your teams chart.






2 лютого 2020
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