Урок "Традиційне англійське чаювання"

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Розробка відкритого уроку традиційного чаювання англійців. Цей урок є уроком підсумком, що дає можливість підсумувати та систематизувати знання з даної теми, розвиваючи в учнів навички і читання, і письма, і говоріння, і аудіювання.
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Traditional English Tea

Aim of the lesson:

Practical: to summarize and systematize pupils’ knowledge on the topic, to develop pupils’ speaking, reading, writing, listening skills through various creative activities;  to involve the pupils in the process of English communication; to develop pupils’ pair and group communicative skills;

Educational: to widen the pupils outlook and knowledge on the topic;

Developing: to develop memory; to develop attention, quick reaction, interests, artistic abilities; to develop pupils’ interest to English traditions.



  1.                            Preliminaries

Introducing the topic and the aim of the lesson.

Т: -Good morning, children!

Sit down! It's winter now and soon we'll have the most favourite time – winter holidays. People all over the world will have Christmas and New Year parties with a big number of tasty dishes. Some lesson  running we speak about English meal. But what will we speak today about, you have to say me yourself. Look at the screen and I think this poem says you the theme of our today’s  lesson. 

I like a nice cup of tea at 6,

For to start the day, you see,

And at half past 7,

   Well, my idea of heaven

    Is a nice cup of tea.

I like a nice cup of tea with milk,

And a nice cup of tea with cake,

And when it's cold,

   There's a lot to be said

   For a nice cup of tea.


Yes today we’ll speak about tea. But it is not full answer. Who are the greatest tea drinkers?(English persons) Of course, tea is their traditional drink. Many years ago our ancestors said: «Live not to eat but to live». Of course, they were right. We can't live without food, as English persons can't live without tea. Today we all have an unusual lesson. It is connected with one of English traditions: English Drinking Tea. I want you feel yourself real Englishmen. And learn more information about this country.


II. Main part of the lesson.


T: Do you like tea? Why?( Why not?)

Do you usually drink tea for breakfast (supper)?

How many cups of tea do you usually drink?

What tea do you prefer? Green, yellow, red or black?

Do you drink tea with sugar, honey, jam, lemon?

 What do you eat with tea?

What do you prefer tea or coffee?

What tea-drinking countries do you know?

In what European country is the highest tea consumption?

What was the first European country where people started drinking tea?


Some our pupils read you their presentations.

Read the presentation.


In 1662 Prince Charles II married the Portuguese princess, Catherine of Braganza, who brought to the court the habit of drinking tea.


Firstly, tea had the success among rich people, and then among other English citizenships. The popularity of tea was formed slowly but forever.


Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal. Tea is the favourite beverage in England.

They drink black and white tea (with some drops of cold milk or cream) with very little or no sugar at all.


By 1750 tea had become the most popular drink for all classes of people — even though a pound of tea cost a skilled worker a third of his weekly wage.


Nowadays, tea drinking is no longer a formal so­cial occasion. People don t dress up to go out to tea anymore.


But one tea ceremony is still very impor­tant in Britain — Tea Break.


Millions of people in factories and offices look forward to their tea breaks in the morning and in the afternoon.


There are some rules to make the perfect cup of tea. English people make tea "as Mother makes it".

  1. Fill the kettle with fresh water. Warm the tea pot.
  2. Put one teaspoonful of dry tea leaves per person and an extra one for tea pot.
  3. Pour on the freshly boiled water.
  4. Let tea infuse for five minutes, then stir.
  5. Add cream, sugar to taste. Such tea looks as black as coffee.

You can try Iced Tea with lemon. It is very popu­lar in America.

Now you can make English tea yourselves

How to make a cup of tea? Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (Робота на картках) 

Stir, enjoy, boil, add, leave, pour, put, warm, fill 
a)______the water 
b)______the teapot 
c)______the tea in the teapot 
d)______the pot with boiling water 
e)______the tea 
f)______the tea for 5 minutes 
g)______the tea into the cup 
h)______milk and sugar 
i)______your cup of tea! 

Key: a) boil, b) warm, c) put, d) fill, e) stir, f) leave, g) pour, h) add, i) enjoy 

  1.                     Підбір епітетів до слова «чай».

What epithets can you choose to the world “tea”

 There is a sheet of paper on your tables. Take it and now write down one adjective which is attributes for the word “tea”.

Учащиеся пишут определения к слову чай и выходят к доске, вывешивают листы и читают слова.

Hot, refreshing, delicious, tasty, sparkling, medicinal, strong, weak, fruity, black, green, with honey….

  1.                   Your homework was to find some tea proverbs and idioms. Who is ready?

 Reading tea-leaves — predicting when something will happen; (чтение чайных листиков-предсказание чего-то)

Husband’s tea — very weak tea;(чай мужа- очень слабый чай)

Not for all the tea in China — not at any price; (не весь чай из Китая-не всё по одной цене)

Easy as tea-drinking — easy deal; (легко как выпить чай – очень легко)

Storm in a tea-cup / a tea-kettle — a big fuss made in a small context;( буря в чашке чая- переполох не из чего)

A cup of tea — an activity that you like or at which you are super.For example: “Reading is my cup of tea”. (чашка чая- вид деятельности , который Вы предпочитаете больше всего. Например: Чтение-это моё любимое дело.)

An old cup of tea  an old woman; (старая чашка чая- старая женщина)

An unpleasant cup of tea — a gloomy man;(неприятная чашка чая-неприятный человек)

This English tradition is a lovely way to spend the time with friends in a gentle and special atmosphere. Эта английская традиция - приятный способ проводить время с друзьями в тихой и особой атмосфере.

Make tea –not war . Завари чай, а не войну.

When it doubt- make tea. Когда сомневаешься–выпей чая.

V.  Match the English idioms and sayings with their Ukrainian idioms and check your answers

English tea-proverbs and idioms )

 Ukrainian equivalents

1.Reading the tea-leaves

A. Пригубити чашку чаю

2. Not for all the tea in China

B. Переповнити чашу терпіння

3.Easy as tea-drinking

C. Ворожіння на  кавовій гущі

4.Storm in a tea cup

D. Чашка чаю, випита в тиші

5.A quiet cup of tea

E. Ні за які гроші

6.One’s cup of tea

F. Захоплення

7.Kiss the cup

G. Буря в стакані

8. Make the cup run over

H. Нема нічого простішого

9.Drain the cup

I. Випити чашу горя до дна

10.A cup of tea

J. Особа

Check your answers

English tea-proverbs and idioms )

 Ukrainian equivalents

1.Reading the tea-leaves

Ворожіння на  кавовій гущі

2. Not for all the tea in China

Ні за які гроші

3.Easy as tea-drinking

Нема нічого простішого

4.Storm in a tea cup

Буря в стакані

5.A quiet cup of tea

Чашка чаю, випита в тиші

6.One’s cup of tea


7.Kiss the cup

Пригубити чашку чаю

8. Make the cup run over

Переповнити чашу терпіння

10.Drain the cup

Випити чашу горя до дна.

11.A cup of tea



VI. -Well done! Now you have little time for rest. Please look at the screen and enjoy.

VII. What things we need to have a good cup of tea. I have a box with all these things, which English persons use drinking tea.

1. A table covered by a white or blue tablecloth. Стіл з білою або голубою скатертиною.

2. A small vase with fresh white flowers. Маленька ваза із свіжими білими квітами.

3. Napkins. Серветки.

4. A teapot with tea. Заварник з чаєм.

5. A tea cup and a saucer. Чашка чаю з блюдцем

6. A dessert plate. Десертна тарелка.

7. A teaspoon, a fork and a knife . Чайна ложка, вилка і ніж.

8. A jug with milk or cream. Кувшин з молоком або вершками.

9. A tea strainer with a saucer for it. Ситечко і блюдце.

10. A sugar-bowl with sugar cubes. Сахарниця з цукром.

VIII. Now you know how to make a cup of tea, how to lay the table but don’t forget about good table manners. Let’s look some video(виписати правила)


IX. T: - But when we speak about food, we always think about guests, about visiting cafes and restaurants. And I want be sure all of you have good table manners. You'll have comfortable eating anywhere if you know some rules.  Look at the screen, please! What is wrong and what is right?

Dos and Don'ts:

  •                   put the table napkin on your knees;
  •                   use the knife and fork properly;
  •                   keep the knife in right hand, fork- in the left;
  •                   eat noiselessly;
  •                   talk about nice things at the table;
  •                   speak with your mouth full;
  •                   put your elbows on the table;
  •                   wave the knife in the air;
  •                   eat from the knife;
  •                   take the bread with a fork;
  •                   eat noisily;
  •                   leave the table during the meal;
  •                   read while reading;
  •                   forget to say «Thank you»


X. At the restaurant. Рольова гра. (Відвідування ресторану)

Telephon conversation

Hostess. Hallo!

Guest. Good evening.

Hostess.Good evening.

Guest. I would like to reserve a table for two people for the afternoon lunch.

Hostess. What time would you like to eat?

Guest. We would like to come at 11 a.m.
Hostess. That`s fine, what is your name please?
Guest. Olga Smirnova
Hostess.Ok Mrs. Smirnova, we will see you at 11 o`clock.
At the restaurant

Hostess. Hi! Welcome to Paradise. Do you have a reservation?

Olga Smirnova. Yes, we do.

Hostess. Your name, please?

Olga Smirnova. Smirnova.

Hostess. OK, Mrs Smirnova. Right this way, please. (Shows a table)

Olga Smirnova. Yes, thanks a lot.

Hostess. Have a nice time. The waiter will be with you shortly.
Olga Smirnova. Thank you

Waiter. Welcome to Paradise. Here is your menu. I’ll be back to take your order in a minute.

Waiter (After a couple of minutes). Are you ready to order?

Olga Smirnova. Not yet, give us a second, please.

Waiter (After a couple of minutes). No problem. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes…. (After a couple of minutes) What would you like to order?

Olga Smirnova. We would like two cups of tea please.

 Waiter. Black or green?

……     I would like green tea. And you?

Olga. I’ll drink black tea with milk, please.

Waiter. And what would you like to eat?

……….. one scone with clotted cream and jam and one paistry.

Waiter. Sorry, but we haven’t paistries now.

………..What else do you recommend?

Waiter. May be cherry cake or fried milk cubes with cinnamon.

………….. OK.  I'll have the cake, please. 

Waiter (After a time). Here you are. Enjoy your meal.

Waiter (After a time). How was everything?

 Smirnova. Everything was very delicious, thanks!

Waiter. Can I get you anything else?

Smirnova. No, just the bill please.

Waiter. Sure. I’ll be right back with that…

Waiter. (Brings the bill) Here you are

Smirnova. Do you take credit card?

Waiter.No, sorry

…………..Ok, take the money
Waiter Thank you. See you again!                                     

   ………..Good buy.

III. Summing-up.

Т: - Thank you! There will be the bell soon. Write down your homework, please.

Your marks for today are:        

The lesson is over. You may go.







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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 січня 2021
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