Урок " Тваринний світ України та нашого регіону".

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Toprc.• "The animal world of Ukraine and our region."

New words:

animal - TBapvma, TBaPHHHHü CBiT species - (pl.=sing.) BHA, piA, Pi3HOBHAHiCTb mammal - ccaBeub bird - max predator - XV.)KaK include - MiCTHTH B c06i roe - K03YJ1% deer - oneHb wild pig — AHKa CBUH% elk - JlOCb

fox — JIHCUUA badger - 60pcYK marten beaver - 606ep hamster - XOM'%K field mouse- MH111a perch - OKYHb bream - JIHIIJ pike - 111YKa carp - Kopon wild cats - AHKi KOTU eagle - open wolf - BOBK

                    Шацький             коледж iM. В.В. Сулька

з спрямуванням на тему:

“ Тваринний CBim Укра7ни та нашого регЈону. “

та провела викладач мови, винцо; категорй•, викладач - методист Терета Л.М.

Lesson 10

Topic: " The animal world of Ukraine and our region." Aims and objectives:

*                    to teach listening and speaking;

*                    to develop speaking and writing skills;

*                    to help the students store vocabulary by classification;

*                    to practice intensive speaking;

*                    to develop the students pair and group communicative skills; * to develop students creative thinking skills; * to widen the student s outlook.

multimedia projector, copies of the text, handouts, tests, presentations, museum of animals.


1.   Warm up:

*  greeting ;

*  conversation with student on duty;  

*  T = St conversation about the weather

2.   Guessing the topic of the lesson.

The topic ofour lesson will be "The animal world of Ukraine and our region. "

3.   Lexical and phonetic exercises. Phonetic drills. (multimedia projector)

4.   Control homework:

*  repeating of words and word-combinations to the topic of the lesson (multimedia projector);

*  communicative situation (preparing topics about different animals);

*  conversations T = St, St = St about animals of our region and our forests;

What kinds ofanimals do you know? Is the world of Ukraine diverse?

How many species ofmammals and birds are in Ukraine? What predators ofourforests do you know?

5.   The main part of the lesson. Practical work in the museum of the wild animals.

Do you like to have a trip? Do you like to travel? Then let s go to our college museum ofthe wild animals. It is cold and you must take your coüts. Let s go.

Practical work in the museum:

*  T = St conversation about this museum;

*  communicative situation (...imagineyou are the excursion guide

*  excursion guides tell about animals which are in the museum; * St = St conversation (questions);

Work in the classroom:

*  students write the tests ( handouts);

*  students answer the questions, which are on the blackboard;

6.   Summary.

What news did you become during this lesson? What species of animals are in our museum?

Your knowledge today were high and I give you such marks

7.   Homework:

*  write story about college museum of the animals.


110110BHH CJIOBa npaBHJ1bHHMH 6YKBocnonyqeHHßMH.


1. anim - --

                         3. ma -- al                      5. m -- ten





                          A                  C gh                A





b ur                      B mm         D                   B is

                              - gle                          6. predat- -





C nd                   A                C nd                 A ou





D ur                    B                 D                       





     and             are predators. 2. An elk and a deer are  


a pike            C a fox

        A hoofrd               C


D a bream              D a wolf

         B home                D


3. My future profession will be

4of Ukraine is diverse.

A a builder            C a policemen

A The animal world C a plant

 a pilot              D a forest expert

        B the forest                   D a tree

4. The animal s life of theis

6. There are diverse  


in the lakes.

     A forest             C Polissia

       A mammals              C birds

     B city                D village

      B fishes                      animals

IliA6epH nHTaJ1bHe CJIOBO n06YA0BH 3anHTaHHß AO niæcpec.nennx CJ1iB Ta n06YAYii nHTaJ1bHi peyeHHA.

1.                                 I know such species ofmammals : awolf, an elk, a deer.

A       How many      B When      C What       D Why

2.                                 know ten species ofpredators: a badger, afox, a martrn

A       How many       B When       C What        D Why

3.                                 The animals ofthe Forest-Steppe zone include squirrels ,hares and roes.

A       How many      B Where     C What       D Why

4.                                 I like nature, because it is beautiful.

A       How many       B When       C What        D Why

5.                                 Hoofed animals include a roe, a deer, a wild pig and an elk.

A       How many       B When       C What kind          D Why

6.                                 In the future I wont to be forest expert.. A How many B When C What D Why

IIpoqHTaii YBa*H0 ereKCT. BH3Ha E1 npaBHJ1bHi era HenpaBHJ1bHi TBepA)KeHHf1s IIOCTaB 3HaK ' L "nopqq 3 HOMepaMH pegeHb, 9 Ki BiA110BinaK)Tb 3Mic•ry rreKcrry, a nopßA 3 THMH, 1110 He BiA110BiAaK)Tb - 3HaK

The Animal World of Ukraine

The animal world of Ukraine is di' erse, with hundreds of species of  mammals and birds.

Predators include a wolf, a fox, a badger and a marten.

Hoofed animals include a roe, a deer, a wild pig and an elk.

             There is a beaver, a jerboa, a marmot, a              and a        rnouse.

Characteristics of the birds are a sparrow, a titmouse, a grouse, an owl and a partridge.

Certain furs animals a nutria, a mink, a silver-black fox, a musk-rat introduced into Ukraine have acclimatized well.

In the rivers, lakes and reservoirs there are a perch, a bream, a pikeperch, a pike and a carp.

The animals of Polissia include a wolf, a wild pig, an elk, a lynx, a marten beaver, a polecat, a raccoon and a bear. Birds include black, hazel and wood goose.

The animals of the Forest-Steppe zone include squirrels, forest martens, foxes, hares and roes.

The animal's life of the Carpathians is unique. Here we find deer, brown bears, wild cats and pigs, ermines and black squirrels. Bird life includes stone thrushes, golden eagles and black woodpeckers.

The animal's world of the Crimean Mountains is distinct from the other zones. Birds and animals have survived here which are rare in other places.

Such birds include the carrion eagle, black griffons, and owls. Reptiles include the gecko and others. We can also find noble deer, roe, wild pigeon, small weasel, white-tailed eagle, mountain linnets, and blue stone thrushes. There are many animals from southern countries: the stone marten, badges and fox. There are also many lizards and some snakes

Teepöxcennn Do moccmy

1.  The animal world of Ukraine is diverse.

2.  Predators include a roe, a deer, a wild pig and an elk.

3.  Hoofed animals include a wolf, a fox, a badger and a marten.

4.  Characteristics of the birds are a sparrow, a titmouse, a     an owl.

5.  The animal's life of the Carpathians is up.iquew.

Topic: "The animal world of Ukraine and our region."

New words:

animal - TBaPHHa, TBaPHHHHMå CBiT species - (pl.=sing.) BHA, pin, Pi3HOBHAHiCTb mammal - ccaBeub bird - 11Tax predator - XV.xaK include - MiCTHTH B c06i roe - K03YJ1% deer - OJIeHb wild pig — AHKa CBHH% elk - JlOCb

fox — JIHCHU51 badger - 60pcyK marten beaver - 606ep hamster - XOM'AK field mouse- MH111a perch - OKYHb bream pike - 111YKa carp - Kopon wild cats - AHKi KOTH eagle - open wolf- BOBK