Урок у 6 класі " Здорове харчування"

Про матеріал
OBJECTIVES: • to develop communicative skills, to introduce and practice new vocabulary, to develop students’ reading skills, to develop students’ fluency skills, to raise students’ awareness of food issues, to generalize knowledge about food, its importance in our life; • to facilitate free speaking by eliciting personal experience and knowledge, • to develop pupils’ speaking skills, writing and listening skills by working with dialogue, analyzing and doing exercises.; • to motivate learners to communicate with each other discussing the topic; • to develop the students' creative thinking; • to make the students understand the importance of healthy food and healthy way of life; • to increase students interest to English.
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  • to develop communicative skills, to introduce and practice new vocabulary, to develop students’ reading skills, to develop students’ fluency skills, to raise students’ awareness of food issues, to generalize knowledge about food, its importance in our life;
  • to facilitate free speaking by eliciting personal experience and knowledge,
  • to develop pupils’ speaking skills, writing and listening skills by working with dialogue, analyzing and doing exercises.;
  • to motivate learners to communicate with each other discussing the topic;
  • to develop the students' creative thinking;
  • to make the students understand the importance of healthy food and healthy way of life;
  • to increase students interest to English.

Type: generalization of knowledge



1. Greeting  

    Teacher: Good morning! Glad to see you at our lesson. Let’s start our lesson. I advise to greet each other, introduce yourself  and tell what mood you are in.

2.Warm up

   Teacher: Today we are having unusual lesson. We have guests at our lesson. I am sure that you will     show all your knowledge to them. Let’s learn the rhyme from the board

 Vegetables and fruit

For children are very good.

Eat vegetables and fruit

And you will always be

 In a good mood.

 The motto of our lesson is “EAT HEALHTY FOOD”

By the end of the lesson you’ll revise the words from this topic, go to a café, improve your skills in listening, speaking and writing. You will have a great fun and a surprise, of course. Are you ready to start? Let’s begin.

Vegetables and fruit

For children are very good.

Eat vegetables and fruit

And they`ll do you very good.

Those who eat much fruit

Are in very good mood.

3. Theme and aims of the lesson. The topic of our lesson is “Food”. By the end of the lesson you’ll revise the words from this topic, go to a café, improve your skills in listening, speaking and writing. You will have a great fun and a surprise, of course. Are you ready to start? Let’s begin.

“Brainstorming “

Teacher: The topic of the lesson is not completed. I have an apple in my hand. Listen to the proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”We are going to speak about HEALTHY FOOD.

4.Check on homework: Exercise 2, p.94-95( 4 food groups)


1.Vocabulary practice:

1.Pair work

Teacher: Find your pair ( jigsaw words- the names of the fruit and vegetables:

Banana, Tomato, Orange, Lemon)

  • Finish the sentences.
  • Rabbit likes to eat …
  • We eat soup with …
  • Little mouse likes …
  • Tiger would like to eat …
  • We drink coffee with …
  • Children drink tea with… and…
  • Fruit : an apple, a pear, a lemon, an orange, a melon, a banana, a plum,
  • Vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onions, garlic, cabbage,
  • Dairy products : milk, cheese, yoghurt, butter, ice-cream

2. Project work:.

Teacher: Present  your booklets . What kinds of meals do you know? When and what do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper?


Teacher: Continue our lesson. Let's practice our pronunciation. Let`s read with me. Repeat this tongue twister after me, put your attention on pronounce of the sound [t∫] (таблиця на звук)

Chicken and cheese, chips and chocolate. Chips and chicken, chocolate and cheese. (Put the words into the baskets: healthy and unhealthy food)


Teacher: Listen to the story and write the words –names of FOOD.


Teacher: Put the phrases of the dialogue in a correct order:

 A. Let's take some salad, soup, fish with boiled potatoes.
B. What shall we have for dinner?
C. I think a glass of apple juice will be just the thing for dessert.
D. And what about the sweet?

Teacher: Dear children! How often do you go to a café? And now I want to invite you to  the CAFE (Учні розігрують діалог):

Two waiters serve the clients (I would like …..)

6.VOCABULARY PRACTICE: Take the words from my magic box and classify them as healthy or unhealthy.

  • healthy food 
  • unhealthy food 

Bread, chocolate, cake, crisps, fried eggs, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, meat, milk, french fries, potatoes, sweets, cheeseburger, hot dog, salad, pizza, soup,  fish burger, rice.


Teacher: T: People cannot live without food. But remember to buy and eat healthy food. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Drink milk and juice! They’ve got a lot of vitamins. And you will be healthy.I think you have worked hard today at the lesson. You have got the following marks…

IV. HOMEWORK: Write your healthy menu for lunch*, Exercise 5, p.108

“Eat the right food”


 Guess the dish.

Some pupils have adding hometask-- to tell about the dish but they will not name  it. Listen to them very carefully and guess what is it.

The class listen to 4 pupils and answer after their descriptions.

Best of all I like healthy food. Firstly I take some vegetables, wash them and cut. Then we have to put some salt and pepper. After that I add a little oil and mix. It’s a very tasty dish. What is it?


My taste is alike to yours. We can buy this food easily in the shop. But you can cook it yourself.  We have to wash and peel potatoes. Then we slice them and fry every piece into the pan with a lot of oil. Take out  red-  yellow snacks and air. What is it?


After that she puts peeling vegetables. Mum adds some salt, pepper. At the end she puts some sour- cream. It is delicious red- coloured dish. What is it?


It is Ukrainian dish. I help my mum to do it. Firstly we boil leaves of cabbage and  rice. We have to grind carrot and cut some onion. Frying  we mix them with rice and meat. Put salt, pepper. Then we put this mass into the cabbage leaf and boil 1 hour with tomato pasta. We eat this dish with sour- cream. What is it?


Everyone has eaten my dish. Your and my mum prepare it. She takes meat, boils it.



До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 лютого 2019
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