Урок у 8 класі "Musicians"

Про матеріал

Цікавий урок на тему "Музиканти", мета якого зацікати учнів не тільки англійською мовою, а й музикою. Різні форми і методи роботи, пізнавальний матеріал про музикантів та композиторів

Перегляд файлу

Lesson in the eighth form





A pupil:

- knows vocabulary related on the topic "Music";


- can listen and read about music and musicians;


- talk about the music in our life;


- express opinions about music and musicians;


- do the project about music.





useful vocabulary, the photos of famous musicians, the pictures of famous instruments, the handouts.


The pupils are given the hand-made books prepared by the teacher. The first page - the topic of the lesson, next - useful vocabulary, next - the structure of the lesson as notes and the last page is teacher's words to the pupils.


Useful vocabulary:

journey - подорож

through - через

desert -  пустеля

without - без

talent - талант

appearance - зовнішність

master - майстер

number - кількість

creative - творчий

hard-working - працьовитий

thorough - старанний

organized - організований

ambitious - амбіційний

widow - вдова.











1. Warm-up

T. Close your eyes and listen. What is it? Yes, it's a piece of music. So, the topic of our lesson is "Music and musicians". Look through useful vocabulary and the structure of the lesson.

Look at the blackboard and answer:



                            - Why

                            - Where

                             - When

Yes, we so often listen to it. Now explain the quotation

"Without music, life is a journey through desert."

(Pupils express their opinions.)

T. Answer the questions:

1. Do you like to listen to music?

2. How often do you listen to it?

3. What is your favourite band?

4. Who is your favourite singer?

5. What music style do you like?


2. Presentation of  Projects

Pupils present  their projects on the topic "Music in our life".


3. Listening (p. 72)

A) Before listening

Think about the things that people need to have to become good musicians or singers.

B) While listening

T. Listen about a young violinist and complete the Fact File.

Fact File:

Name:    Akiko

Age:      15

Nationality:  Canadian

Likes:   pop music

Dislikes: heavy metal

С)After listening (Group work)

Group1. Answer the questions:

1. Does Akiko play only classical music?

2. What does she like about the national youth orchestra?

3. When did she start playing the violin?

4. Who is her favourite composer?

5. What is her favourite music?

Group2. Complete the sentences:

1. Akiko Kato can play in tune almost . . .

2. She likes playing together with her . . .

3. Last time she played for her . . .

4. She was on tour of Canada . . .

5. She doesn't like . . .


Group3. True or false:

1. Akiko Kato lives in the USA.

2. She started playing the guitar at the age of seven.

3. Akiko is a member of the National Youth Orchestra.

4. Akiko and her Dad play classical music together.

5. Akiko likes heavy metal.


5. Brainstorming (Vocabulary work)

1). T. Write as many words as you can

Group 1                      Instruments

Group 2                      Musicians

Group 3                      Types of music

2). T. Look at the pictures and name all these instruments.

(Bandore, bayan, reed-pipe, cymbals, tambourine, piano, guitar, trumpet, violin, viloncello, grand piano, accordeon, harp.)

3). Do you know such name as Stradivary. He was a great master of violins. Nobody can make such violin as he. (Picture of his violin.)


4. Reading

A) Read the article (p. 73) and point out:


The number of people who don't play musical instruments


Three things we need to be good musicians



The number of hours that good musicians practise before they are 18



B) T. Think of adjectives. What must a good musician be?(Word web.)


A good musician


P1. I think that a good musician must be . . .


6. Information bank

T. Do you know any famous musicians?

Do you know such names as Paganini and Mozart?

Do you want to know something interesting about them?

A) Listening (Strip story)

T. Listen and put the strips in right order.

In 1782, Paganini, was born in a poor Italian family. As a child, he looked very strange. He had a pale face and was terribly thin. He had bright eyes, long black hair and incredibly long fingers like bird claws.

One day, Niccolo discovered the violin. After that he practised hard every day, rarely stopping to eat or sleep. When he was nine he gave his first concert. He played brilliantly and everyone was completely amazed. Then at the age of fifteen  he started planning his own tours. While he was touring, he wrote his favourite Caprices.

His concerts were highly spectacular. He dressed in black and looked really sinister. Sometimes, while he was playing a difficult piece of music, he took out a pair of scissors, cut off three strings, and played the same piece on one string.

Paganini become as rich and famous as many modern pop stars. While he was touring Britain in 1831, he earned 16,000 pounds - that's more than a quarter of million  pounds today! crowds followed him in the streets. He lived extravagantly, becoming a passionate gambler and having love affairs all over Europe. At the height of his fame, he stopped playing the violin and taught himself to play the guitar. Nobody ever heard him play it, but he wrote some extremely difficult pieces of music. When he died, in 1840, his violin was placed in the city Hall of Genoa, and is known as "Paganini widow". Occasionaly it is played by a visiting virtuoso.


T. Read the text once more and match the titles with the paragraphs:

1. Childhood appearance

2. Lifestyles

3. Concerts

4. Starting off


True or false

1. Paganini came from a rich family. (F)

2. He was living at home when he wrote his "Caprices". (F)

3. His concerts were exciting to watch. (T)

4. He didn't earn any money while he was touring Italy. (F)


B) Reading

T. Read the text about Mozart and choose the correct word.


Mozart came from a very/always musical family. He could play the harpsichord hard/brilliantly at the age of three. From the age of five he was writing sometimes/extremely difficult pieces of music, and by the time he was eight he had become rarely/incredibly popular all over the world. He had a strange lifestyle, though - he really/rarely slept in the same bed for more than three nights. He wrote some highly/strongly successful operas, but never/occasionally become rich.



7. Game "Who is it?"

T. Do you know modern musicians?

Let's see.

T. reads riddles about musicians and then shows their photos.

1. This is a very pretty woman. She has got long black hair. She is very popular. She isn't only a musician but also a singer. She plays the violin. What is her name? (Asia Achat).

2. This is a man. He is also very famous. He has brown short hair. His instrument is accordeon. What is his name?(Petro Dranga).

3. These  are two men that are popular in Russia. They play bayans. What is the name of their band? (Bayan mix).

4. This boy is from Norway. He won the Eurovision. His name is . . . (O. Rybak).


8. Summing up

T. Now I'll ask you some questions and you are to answer "Yes" or "No".

1. Do you like to listen to music ?

2. Have you got a favourite style in music?

3. Is Akiko Kato a violinist?

4. Must a good musician be lazy?

5. Did Paganini live in Canada?

6. Do you agree with the quotation?

7. Do you play any musical instrument?

8. Can you show it to us?

(Pupils play a carol "St. Nicholas").


9. Setting hometask

Write about children of our school that have music talents.


T. Now close your books that I've given you at the beginning of the lesson and read.


Thank you for your:

- creativity

- hard work

- attention

- good thoughts

- activity


                                Your teacher,

                           Iryna Ivanivna.





































Asia Achat











Oleksandr Rybak











Petro Dranga














Bayan Mix


















The violin of Stradivary




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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 грудня 2018
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