Урок "Україна - наша Батьківщина"

Про матеріал

Про матеріал

The Objectives.

Practical: - to revise and extend vocabulary;

- to provide opportunities for students' speech fluency through speaking,

making up dialogues and forming their own standpoints;

- to develop listening, reading skills according to the given outline;

- to deepen students' knowledge about the native country;

Developing: - to stimulate learner's imaginative thinking on the subject and working in


- to cultivate students' curiosity towards history of their native land;

- to motivate students' spontaneous speech;

Upbringing: - to foster students' love to their native places;

- to develop the spirit of pride for our Motherland.

Lesson Plan

I. Introduction

1. Greeting . Prayer.(1 min)

2. Aim presentation (1 min)

3. Warming-up (2 min)

II. The main part of the lesson

1. Brainstorming (2 min)

2. Spider gram ( 2 min)

3. Blitz - Quiz about Ukraine (3min)

4. Lexical drill (3 min)

5. Listening(5min)

6. Round – table –talk. Geographical position of Ukraine. (6min)

7. Break time . A song “The more we get together”(1 min)

8. Reading. Text “ Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine” (9min)

9. The game “Holiday box”.(2min)

10. Group work (6 min)

III. The end of the lesson

1. Home task (1min)

2. Evaluation (1min)

3. Summing up (2 min)

Перегляд файлу

Описание: 85px-Lesser_Coat_of_Arms_of_UkraineОписание: 125px-Flag_of_Ukraine





Summary of the Lesson on the Topic

Описание: http://i.i.ua/photo/images/pic/6/1/2187316_34f25160.jpgUkraine is Our Motherland”
















The Subject.      Ukraine is Our Motherland

The Objectives.

      Practical: - to revise and extend vocabulary;

                        - to provide opportunities for students’ speech fluency through speaking,  

                          making up dialogues and forming their own standpoints; 

                        - to develop listening, reading skills according to the given outline;

                        - to deepen students’ knowledge about the native country;                                               

     Developing: - to stimulate learner’s imaginative thinking on the subject and working in   


                         - to cultivate students’ curiosity towards history of their native land;

                          - to motivate students’ spontaneous speech;

     Upbringing: - to foster students’ love to their native places;                                                    

                            - to develop the spirit of pride for our Motherland.

    Equipment and visual aids.

                             - the map of Ukraine;

                             - a video-projector ;

                             - pictures of national symbols: a flag, a coat of arms;

                             - hand-outs.

                                              Lesson Plan 

I. Introduction

    1. Greeting . Prayer.(1 min)                                                                                          

    2. Aim presentation (1 min)

    3. Warming-up (2 min)

II. The main part of the lesson

    1. Brainstorming (2 min)

    2. Spider gram ( 2 min)

    3. Blitz - Quiz about Ukraine (3min) 

    4. Lexical drill (3 min)

    5. Listening(5min)

    6. Round – table –talk. Geographical position of Ukraine. (6min)

      7. Break time . A song “The more we get together”(1 min)

      8.  Reading. Text “ Kyiv -  the capital of Ukraine”   (9min)

      9. The game “Holiday box”.(2min)

      10. Group work (6 min) 

III. The end of the lesson

     1. Home task (1min)

     2. Evaluation (1min)

     3. Summing up (2 min)


I. Introduction                                                                                                                                     

1. Greeting. Prayer. (1min)

T. Good morning, everyone! 

     Let’s greet each other and sing a song: The sun is shining, the stars are burning,

                                                                    Hello, my friends, hello, my friends.

                                                                     We’ll be together in any weather,

                                                                     Hello, my friends, hello!

     Now we’ll pray:       Help us God each day

                                       to follow you along the way.

                                       Teach us to be kind like you

                                       In everything we say and do.

2. Aim presentation (1min)

T.: I see that you are fine and ready to work. Let’s read  all together  the epigraph of our today’s lesson written on the blackboard.

Ps.: He, who loves not his country, can love nothing.

T.: Do you remember the proverbs about native land?.

P1: There is no place like home.

P2: East or West home is best.

T.: You are quite right .

As you can guess the theme of our lesson is “ Ukraine is Our Motherland”.

3. Warming-up (3min)

T.: To begin with I want you to  recite some poems about our native land  “ Ukraine”.

  P1:  Blue sky and yellow field of grain

      Is on the flag of my Ukraine.

      It’s emblem speaks to all the world

      With Freedom – such a lovely word.

  P2:  Bread-salt will give to a friendly guest

       Ukrainian people without request.

      They work and sing the song of praise

      To God  who’s able from ash to raise.

   P3:  Ukraine rejoices in the Lord

       Reviving  from His mighty

       Word Forever lives who’s born again.

       Lord live and pray, my land Ukraine!

   P4: “Love Ukraine, like sun that you love

        Like wind, like grass, and like water,

       Whenever you're happy, in moments of gladness,

        At times of trouble, do love.

   P5: My native land, the land of wonders,

         Of autumn rains, and summer thunders.

         The greenest hills and magic lakes,

          The tender breeze, romantic land.

          Amazing land – my dear Ukraine.

II. The main part of the lesson

1. Brainstorming (2min)

T: You can see the proverb on the blackboard: “Every bird likes its nest”

Let’s think about our nest Ukraine . Listen to a song “Odna Kalyna”, use your imagination and write down the first things that come into your mind when you think of Ukraine.

Possible pupils’ answers: bandura, Cossacks, Kyiv, Taras Shevchenko, Vertep,borshch, folk music.

2. Spider gram( 2 min)

T: Imagine our country being a sunflower. What will be the petals?









  Now let’s stop at each petal and describe it.

 Possible pupils’ answers.

P1: I think that our people are talented, hard-working, friendly.

P2: We have our own language that is Ukrainian.

P3: Our country’s symbols are our flag and trident.

3. Blitz - Quiz about Ukraine (3min) 

 Find a partner and work in pair.

1. What is the territory of Ukraine?

2. Is Ukraine a large or small country?

3. What seas is Ukraine washed by?

4. What is the population of Ukraine?

5. How many countries does Ukraine border on?

6. How many regions are there in Ukraine?

7. What are the largest regions in Ukraine?

8. What are the biggest cities in Ukraine?

9. What are the main rivers in Ukraine?

10. When did Ukraine become an independent state?


4. Lexical drill (3min)

a) Fill in the correct word from the box

countries, borders, washed by, flat, mild


1) Ukraine is one of the largest ___ of Eastern Europe.

2) Ukraine ___ on Russia, Belorus, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania.

3) It is ___ the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

4) The major part of Ukraine is ___ .

5) The climate is ___ and soft.

b) Fill in the words from the box and make up sentences with them.

cover, whole, mountainous, variety, animal, main, flora, inhabit


1) to ___ an area

2) the ___ territory

3) ___ areas

4) ___ of plant species

5) ___ life

6) ___ river

7) ___ of Ukraine

8) to ___ our country

5. Listening(5min)

Pre-listening.T: What are the most prominent events in the history of Ukraine?

While-listening. Who were the cossacks?

           Who were the Cossacks?

The word Cossack means a free and independent man. First Cossacks lived in  Ukraine many years ago .But the most famous were Zaporizhian Cossacks. They were very brave and strong. They did not like tsars. They didn’t want to work for masters. They loved freedom. They made their own state – Zaporizhian Sich. They called their leader “koshovyi otaman”. The bravest one was Ivan Sirko. He won many victories. The main idea of Zaporizhian Sich was to fight for independence of their native land. Scientists say that Zaporizhian Sich was a good example of a democratic state. Zaporizhian Cossacks were really free and independent people. Russian Empress broke up  Zaporizhian Sich.

Legends and songs brought us the names of national heroes: Bohdan Khmelnyts’kui,

Petro Doroshenko, Ivan Mazepa, Petro Sahaidachnyi. Their names will live in hearts and minds of true Ukrainians forever.

Post-listening. Multiple Choice Questions.

1.Cossacks were … .

a) dependent people

b) Free people

2. The main idea of Zaporizhian Cossacks was … .

a) to be independent

b) to work for their masters

3. Cossacks called their leader … .

a) tsar

b) koshovyi otaman

4. Ivan Sirko … .

a) broke up Zaporizhian Sich

b) won many victories

5. Cossacks fought for … .

a) independence of their native land

b) Russian Empress

6. Cossacks were men who loved … .

a) freedom and independence

b) their masters   

6. Round – table –talk. Geographical position of Ukraine. (6min)

T.:  Let’s speak about the geographical position of Ukraine. Use the map and point out the border liners, the bordering countries, seas, rivers and mountains of Ukraine. Speak about its climate and nature.

  P1: To begin with let me admit that Ukraine is located at the crossroads

    between Europe and Asia. It is bordered by Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania

    and Moldova to the west, by Belarus to the north and by the Russian Federation to

    the north-east and east. To the south you can find the Black Sea and the Sea of

    Azov. With the total area of 603,700 square kilometres, Ukraine is the largest

    country on the continent of Europe.   

 P2: As for the population of Ukraine it is approximately 46 million.

   Ukrainians make up about  73% of the total, while ethnic Russians number about  17%             The remaining  population is made up of many minorities including Belarusians,   Moldovans,   Poles, Armenians, Jews, Greeks and Bulgarians.

 P3: Let me add a few words about the mountains  and rivers .Mountains can be found    in the west( the Carpathians) and in the extreme south of  the country ( the Crimean Mountains). The highest point in Ukraine Mount  Hoverla is  2,061 metres high. There are almost 23,000 rivers in Ukraine. The longest river is the Dnipro, which

 is 966 kilometres long. Other notable rivers include the Dniester, the Donets, the

  Danube and the Southern Booh. Lake Svitiaz , which is in the Shatsk National

  Nature Park, is the deepest natural lake in the country. 

 P4: I can’t but mention about  a large variety of natural resources of Ukraine.

       About 5% of the world’s  natural resources are located in Ukraine . Among them are                         iron ore, coal, natural gas, oil, salt, marble and granite.

 P5: It’s common knowledge that the climate of Ukraine is mainly temperate continental. The average monthly  temperature in winter ranges from -8 C to 2 C, while summer temperatures average   17 C to 25 C. The Carpathian climate is moderate, with   mild winters and rainy   summers. The Crimean climate is subtropical.    With its diverse climate and geography, Ukraine attracts visitors all year round.

  There is no doubt,  Ukraine is a wonderful country to live in and to visit!

 7. Break time . A song “The more we get together”(1 min)

 8. Reading (9min)

T: Now we’ll have a wonderful trip. 

a) Pre-reading task

 I was lucky to  visit one of the oldest cities. It was founded 1500 years ago by Prince Kyi. Try to guess what city I visited.

b) While-reading tasks

    Read the text. Match the titles  with the passages.   

   1. The historical monuments of Kyiv.

   2. The geographical position.

   3. Kyiv is the centre of education and culture.

   4. The foundation of the capital.

    5. The central street of the city.


   A. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It is one of the most beautiful and oldest cities in

    Europe. The city is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnipro river. 

    Kyiv is a large political , industrial, scientific and cultural centre. Its

    population is about three million people.

   B.  There is a legend about its founding. Once there were three brothers named

     Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv, and they had a young sister named Lybid. Kyiv was

     named after the eldest brother Kyi, two hills were named Shchekavytsa and

     Khorevytsa after the other two brothers – Shchek and Khoryv. A narrow river

     was named Lybid after the sister. In the 11th century, Kyiv  became the capital

      of a strong Slavonic State – Kyivan Rus .

   C.  Kyiv is about 1,500 years old. Today it is one of the greatest ancient European

    cities, rich with the  monuments of art and architecture. Among them are the 

    Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra, the Golden Gate, St. Sophia’s Cathedral and the

    monuments to Prince Volodymyr, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi and T. Shevchenko.  

    D.   Khreshchatyk is the central street of the capital. It is one of the finest streets of the

    city. The traffic is very heavy in it. A constant stream of buses and cars runs along

    the main street of the city.

   E.  There are many research institutes in Kyiv and the Academy of Sciences is located

    there. There are a lot of libraries in our capital. They have millions of books,

    magazines and newspapers. The museums and art galleries make our capital a

    world cultural centre. The famous T. Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre and the

    I. Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre are visited by many residents and guests of  


     c) Post-reading task. Have you ever been to Kyiv? Speak in pairs.

  9. The game “Holiday box”.(2 min)

T: Now let’s play the game “Holiday box”. I’ve got a “Holiday box”. You should take a card from it, read the message and guess what holiday it is.

  1. Let’s bless willow branches in church!
  2. Let’s decorate eggs!
  3. Let’s buy some flowers for mum!
  4. Let’s find the present under the pillow!
  5. Let’s prepare 12 dishes!
  6. Let’s decorate the FIR – TREE!


 10. Group work (6 min)


 T: Great! Now it’s high time to speak about customs and traditions of our country.

These questions will help you.

1. What kind of country is Ukraine?

2. What kind of people are Ukrainians?

3. Do they respect bread?

4. What holidays do we celebrate?

5. What are traditional symbols of Ukrainian people?

6. Are Ukrainian people famous for their songs and dances?

7. Ukrainian people keep their customs and traditions, don’t they?



Group 1

Ukraine is a wonderful country with rich culture and interesting traditions. Ukrainians pay great attention to observing holidays. They try to keep all traditions and customs. Ukrainian people are kind, hospitable and friendly. They respect old people, love children, nature and animals. Home is a real wonder for them. Ukrainians are musical, artistic and wonderful craftsmen. They are hard-working.

  Ukrainians respect bread. They meet their guests with bread and salt on the embroidered towel.  Bread is one of the holiest foods.

Group 2.

Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas, Easter, New Year, Ivana Kupala, St. Nicholas Day. They like to go to the church.

    Our traditional symbols are straw didukh, decorated pysanka, holy water, and traditional dishes like kutia, paskha, varenyky, borsch and pampushky. Our people are famous for their folk dances, carols, fortune telling and blessing with water.

  Numerous folk songs (schedrivky, kolyadky, vesnyanky) accompanied by the charming music of national instruments (bandura, sopilka, tsymbala, buben) and  folk dances (hopak, kozachok) are an integral part of family and folk holidays.

  Ukrainian people keep their customs and traditions and are proud of them.

T: Thank you very much indeed.


III. The end of the lesson                                                                                                            1. Home task (1min)                                                                                                                                   T. So, the lesson is coming to its end. Your home task is  to write a letter to your pen pal about our native land.                                         

2. Evaluation  (1min) Т:, Thank you for your active work today. Your

marks for the lesson are excellent and good.

3. Summing up. (2min)                                                                                                                       T.:  Let’s sum up the information you’ve learnt today. We revised some facts about  the geographical position of Ukraine, Kyiv- our capital, customs and traditions of the Ukrainian people. We should always remember our own origin, traditions and language. Today we must pray for Ukraine, for peace in our native land and in the whole land.


 Love you dear Motherland,

Love it with your whole heart,

Love Ukraine when the days are happy,

Love when the days are dark,

Cherish your mother tongue,

Cherish your family root,

Never stop thinking of your parents

And make their life good.

              Thank you for a well-done job.




1. Томаєва В.І. Topical texts. Forms 5-9. Х.: Країна мрій, 2009. – 288с.

2. Anna Morris. Ukraine is our home country // Oxford News. – 2011. – №27.

3.  Полупан В. Л. Ukraine. A cultural reader / В. Л. Полупан, А. П. Полупан, В. В.

4. http://www.aboutukraine.org

5. http://bestofukraine.com

6. http://www.google.com.ua










Kovalchuk Liudmyla
2 липня 2018
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