Урок "Ukraine. Geographical position of Ukraine"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку англійської мови "Україна.Географічне положення" у 8 класі. Мета даного конспекту :формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; продовжувати розвивати комунікативні вміння учнів; удосконалювати навички аудіювання; продовжувати удосконалювати навички читання; розширювати уявлення учнів про геополітичні особливості нашої країни; розвивати культуру спілкування; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника, почуття патріотизму та національної гордості.
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Theme: Ukraine.

Geographical position of Ukraine


  1. to learn new words;
  2. to practice intensive reading;
  3. to practice scanning for specific information;
  4. to develop critical thinking skills;
  5. to develop skills of translation;
  6. to inoculate the love to our country.


 Materials needed: lexical cards, a map of Ukraine, text for reading, words on the board, cards for matching and making up the sentences, cards with after reading tasks.


Procedure of the Lesson

    T.: Good – morning! Glad to see you! How are you? I hope you are all right and ready for our discussion of a very important problem: Love of Motherland. So, the motto of our lesson is “He, who loves not his country, can love nothing”. These wonderful words belong to the great Byron.

      You know a lot about our country from your Geography and History lessons. But at the English lesson today you`ll revise how to speak about Ukraine in English. By the end of the lesson you`ll be able to talk, to ask and answer the questions about the geographical position of Ukraine, its territory, industry and natural resources.


I Warming – up

Eliciting mind-map

    T.: What is our country? Ukraine is our Motherland and what synonyms to the word “Motherland” do you know?

(native land, Fatherland, home, Homeland, native country)

    There are lots of wonderful poems, songs about our Motherland, Ukraine. And while reading the paper “English” I came across a very nice poem composed by a pupil from Luhansk region. Let`s read paying great attention to the sounds, intonation and to the content of the poem.

    My land is so beautiful and free Ukraine. Ukraine, the dearest land I can see! When down the river I go boating and birds are flying high above I hear a song and it is flowing to the trees, the land I love.

  •       What`s the main idea of this poem?

Right you are, it`s love of Ukraine, our Motherland.

II Main Part

Presenting Vocabulary

1. New words. Practicing pronunciation

T.: Read the words, word-combinations with their translation (the board)

Try to memorize new words. It will help you to enrich your vocabulary


2. Matching

Match the pairs

to preserve

завдавати поразки

to take place



зберігати, охороняти



to defeat





траплятися, ставитися

to support


3. Fill in the missing letters

Ni… el

b… ndary

gra… ite




p… erful

nor..e …ra


4. Production

Make up the sentences using these words and word-combinations



1) Pre-reading activities

Answer the questions:

  • What do you know about our country?
  • How long do the people live on the territory of Ukraine?
  • What colour is our national flag?
  • On what day do we celebrate Independence Day?


2) While-reading activities

Skimming the text.

Write three questions and then try to find the answers while reading the text.

Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false.

True or false

  1. The territory of Ukraine is 603,700 square kilometers (+)
  2. Today Ukraine is producing only modern supersonic air liners (-)
  3. The territory of Ukraine consists of the Autonomy Republic of Crimea and 20 regions (-)
  4. Ukraine proclaimed its independence on August 24, 1991 (+)
  5. Ukraine is one of the founding members of UNO and is recognized by all the states of the world (+)
  6. Our country isn`t rich in many mineral resources(-)
  7. The main river of Ukraine is the Dnipro, the third river in Europe, which divides Ukraine into Right bank and Left bank territories (+)



3) Post –reading activities

Quiz “Do you know Ukraine?”

  1. What is the territory of Ukraine? (603,700 square kilometers)
  2. When did Ukraine become an independent state? (1991)
  3. What are the official symbols of Ukraine? (Emblem  Flag   Anthem)
  4. What is the Emblem of Ukraine? (The Trident)
  5. What is the longest river of Ukraine? (The Dnipro)
  6. What countries does Ukraine border on? (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Belorus, Russia)
  7. What are the biggest cities in Ukraine?
  8. What mineral resources is Ukraine rich in?
  9. Is Ukraine a member of the United Nations Organization?
  10. How do our people meet guests?


Geographical position of Ukraine

        Ukraine is situated in Eastern Europe and lies in the Dnipro river basin. The river divides Ukraine into two halves - appropriately referred to as the Right Bank and the Left Bank.

        Ukraine borders on Belarus in the North, Russia in the east, Moldova, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania in the west. In the South, Ukraine is washed by the Black and Azov Seas.

        The area of Ukraine is 603,700 square kilometers. The most part of its area is flat. There are the Crimean Mountains in the south and the Carpathians in the west. There are 131 rivers in Ukraine. The longest rivers are the Dniester, the Donets, the Bug. There are more than 400 cities and towns in Ukraine. The biggest of them are the industrial centres such as Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dniepropetrovsk, Lviv. Odessa, Mikolayiv, Kherson, Kerch are the most important ports of Ukraine.

         Ukraine is rich in mineral resources: coal, oil, gas, and different ores. The population of Ukraine is about 46 million people. Like most countries Ukraine has many nationalities.

        The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. Now Ukraine establishes close economic relations with many countries of the world. There more than 30 embassies in Ukraine.


III Summary of the lesson

T.: I`d like to ask you to do the following “Love our Motherland, love our Ukraine. Love it when it is in trouble, love it when it`s happy”

Let me remember you a short poem by Sosura, a famous Ukrainian poet

Love your dear Motherland,

Love it with your whole heart.

Love Ukraine when the days are happy,

Love it when they are dark.


Cherish your mother tongue,

Cherish your family root.

Never stop thinking of your parents

And make their life good.

Do you agree with Byron who said: “He, who loves not his country, can love nothing”.

IV Mark Commentary

Home Assignment

Your homework for the next lesson will be to prepare an oral report about the geographical position of Ukraine. Use the map of Ukraine



18 жовтня 2021
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