Урок «Видатні жінки-учені США»

Про матеріал
У розробці уроку запропонована робота із тематичною онлайн екскурсією. Використання qr-кодів, додатка LearningApp та створення спільної презентації зроблять урок сучасним та цікавим сучасним школярам.
Перегляд файлу

Денисенко Олена Олександрівна, учитель англійської мови

Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 10 класу на тему: «Видатні жінки-учені США»

Мета: з’ясувати інформацію про вплив жінки на розвиток науки на прикладі американських жінок-учених, навчити аналізувати інформацію та презентувати власні ідеї та висновки;

розвивати навички читання, аудіювання, письма та говоріння, логічне та критичне мислення;

виховувати повагу до співрозмовника, культуру групової роботи та повагу до культури іншого народу.

Очікувані результати: учні опрацюють матеріали тематичної онлайн екскурсії, зможуть відповісти на ключові питання уроку, розповідати про внесок американських жінок-учених  у розвиток науки, робити аргументовані висновки опираючись на опрацьований фактичний матеріал та презентувати їх за допомогою сервісів GOOGLE.

Тип уроку: урок розвитку навичок і формування умінь.

Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент. (2 хв)

ІІ. Початок уроку.

2.1. Бесіда

Answer my questions in order to predict the topic of today’s lesson. If you don’t know the correct answers you should openly admit it.

1. Who was the first woman astronaut?

2. Who was the first woman chemists?

3. Who was the first woman astronomer?

4. Who was the first woman electrical engineer?

5. Who was the first woman to have created a computer program?

(Учні висловлюють власні припущення, які вони записують в робочих зошитах)

We’ll check your answers at the end of the lesson, but now you are to suggest the topic of our lesson. (Outstanding women in Science)

2.2. Повідомлення теми, мети та цілей уроку.

The topic of our lesson is “Outstanding women in Science and Technology”. You’ll have some sort of research to find out the information about women who became famous due to their contribution in sphere of Science and Technology. By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to speak about women scientists and you’ll create a PPT presentation to show the results of your investigation.

III. Основна частина.

3.1. Робота в парах (групах)

Name working days one by one (e.g., Monday, Tuesday ...)

The Mondays come and take your task (QR code with the name of the woman pupils should study about). (Handout 1)

The Tuesdays ...

The Wednesdays...

(Pupils also get a working map with a step-by-step instruction) (Handout 2)

To cope with the given task I suggest you visiting online exhibition “Breaking In: Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics”. Take your seats at the computers, find the paper “Online exhibition”. There is the link to join necessary site. (Handout 3) Then read the instruction carefully. Is everything clear?

(Учні знайомляться із матеріалами виставки, переглядають відео про перших жінок-учених, відповідно до групового завдання, занотовують ключові факти)

Maria Mitchell was America’s first professional female astronomer. On October 1, 1847, at the age of 29, Maria Mitchell discovered a comet, becoming the first American to do so.

For her achievements Mitchell became the first woman elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1848 and to the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1850.

Ellen Swallow Richards was the first woman admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in 1873. She completed the requirements for a Master's degree but the Institute refused to grant it to her.

Pioneering electrical engineer Edith Clarke earned a great many “firsts” in the field of STEM including becoming the first professionally employed female electrical engineer in the U.S.

Clarke was among a very few exceptional women who were able to find success at the highest levels in technical fields. She was the first woman inducted into the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.

Admiral Grace Murray Hopper invented the first computer compiler, a program that translates written instructions into codes that computers read directly. This led her to co-develop COBOL, an early standardized computer language.

Hopper predicted that computers would one day be small enough to fit on a desk, and everybody would use them in their everyday lives.

During and following the War, computer programming became known as a “woman’s” profession, analogous to clerical work.

Dr. Sally Ride was among the first women to benefit from Title IX in educational opportunities. She was one of only 5 women selected for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) class of '78.

On June 18, 1983 the space shuttle Challenger was launched for the six-day mission STS-7. Dr. Ride was one of the five crew members aboard, becoming the first American woman in space.

3.2. Speaking. Pair-work.

  • Organize class in the following way: half of the class - A’s and others B’s.
  • A students stay at their places, B students change their place so that they could talk to all A’s.
  • Students have 2 minutes to discuss the information they have found out at the previous activity. Everyone has a chart to complete (Handout 4).

3.3. Створення спільної  Google-презентації.

The next stage of our work is creating Google presentation. Open the paper “Online exhibition”, there is the second link to Google presentation. Follow the link and create your own slide about the scientist you have learnt about. You may create more than one if you need.

(Учні заповнюють слайди презентації даними, що отримали на попередньому етапі роботи)

IV. Підсумки уроку

4.1. Відповідь на ключові питання уроку.

Open the last link in the  paper “Online exhibition”. You have to match the names with the main activity of each woman. (Handout 3)

4.2. Рефлексія.

T: If you liked the lesson and you learned something new, then fix your flower to the vase, the blue one – if you didn’t like the lesson, the red one – if you liked the lesson.

V. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

To find the infomation about outstanding Ukrainian women-scientist and complete the presentation in our virtual classroom.

























Handout 1



 Ellen Swallow Richards




Dr. Sally Ride




 Maria Mitchell




 Grace Murray Hopper



Edith Clarke











Handout 2

Working Map


C:\Users\aladin\Desktop\Оленка\working map.jpg











Handout 3

Online exhibition

























Handout 4

Complete the chart.


Key facts

Ellen Swallow Richards



Dr. Sally Ride



Maria Mitchell



Grace Murray Hopper



Edith Clarke




19 березня 2019
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