Урок "Відвідування музею, галереї або виставки"

Про матеріал
Даний матеріал стане у нагоді вчителям англійської мови. У розробці уроку з формування умінь та нвичок використані різноманітні форми та методи роботи, вказані джерела інформації.Розробка уроку відповідає усім сучасним вимогам та критеріям
Перегляд файлу

Тема:  Art

Підтема: Visiting The Museum,  Gallery Or Exhibition


Навчальна: Повторити й активізувати ЛО теми. Продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання. Активізувати лексику і лексико-граматичні конструкції по темі. Навчати висловлювати власну думку.

Розвиваюча: Розвивати навички монологічного й діалогічного мовлення. Продовжувати формувати навички писемного мовлення.

Виховна: Прищеплювати інтерес до витворів мистецтва. Виховувати усвідомлення важливості впливу мистецтва на естетичний розвиток людини.

Обладнання: підручник, фрази для відвідування музею, відео «At an art museum», фрази для складання діалогу, картка ЛО, картка ГМ

Тип уроку: урок формування навичок і вмінь

Джерела: Карп'юк О.Д. Англійська мова: підручник для 10-го класу ЗНЗ. Рівень стандарту. – Тернопіль: Видавництво «Астон», 2010.

Мясоєдова С.В. Англійська мова. 10 клас: Плани-конспекти уроків (до підручника О. Д. Карп’юк).— Х.: Ранок, 2012.



Хід уроку

І. Організаційний момент.

ІІ. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомoвного мовлення

Greeting 1. Привітання. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Good morning, students. I hope you are fine today.  Let me tell you a few words about the aims of our lesson. Today we are going to talk about our visiting  the museums, exhibitions or art galleries. It will be the subject of today’s discussion.

We should revise the material on the topic and  we’ll discuss how to behave while visiting a museum; besides, you’ll learn more about London’s National Gallery.

Warming up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Fist of all I want to make sure you don’t forget the words on the topic “Painting”

ІІІ. Основна частина уроку

Checking Hometask. Перевірка домашнього завдання

Ex.1, p.11

Listening Comprehension 1. Аудіювання. Робота в групах

1. Підготовка до сприйняття тексту на слух.

Today we’ll have a wonderful travelling to the museum. But you have to know some phrases about this topic. Let choose what we need.

  • prepare for a museum visit;
  • explore different areas of the museum;
  • share thoughts about the museum visit with others;
  • reflect on the experience of the visit and consider how it contributes to an understanding of art, art history, and art’s broader relationship to society.
  • This museum has a large collection of artifacts from indigenous cultures around the world.
  • buy some food and cakes
  • feed the dog
  • engage with the objects and exhibits on display;
  • I've never been there
  • The city museum has several exhibition halls which feature classic art and modern compositions.
  • Let’s go to the party
  • I have to cut this picture into pieces
  • And how much is the admission for students?
  • You have to touch and break it
  • Where are the works of art by Picasso, please?
  • Where is the shopping mall?
  • Books, brochures, postcards, souvenirs, gifts are not available for purchase at the museum shop/store, on the first floor, right next to the exit. You can stole them

                    And now tell us, please,

1) Are you fond of art?

2) Do you often visit museums and galleries?

3) Do you like modern or classical art? Why?

               2. Етап перегляду відео та сприйняття інформації.

-Wow! I’ve never seen such a huge art museum!

-Tom! It’s not etiquette when you speak that loud!


-Olivia! What art piece are you watching now?

-It’s ‘Monalisa’ by Leonardo Davinci! I’ve always wanted to see this!

-This is the famous eye-brows less ‘Monalisa’!

-I cannot take my eyes off from her eyes.

-I want to take a picture with her!

- No Tom! We can’t take a picture in this museum.

-Oh, I didn’t know that. I really wanted to take a photo with her.

-Hmm… This painting is a little bit freaky. Its nose and eyes are twisted and the colors are so unrealistic.

-That is an abstract painting’s attractive point. A painter expresses with his own unrealistic expressions. It is painted by the famous painter, Picasso.

-This painting seems like the painter loves the star and moon so much.

-This art piece with texture by repetitive brush touch and fancy color tones.

-That’s right. Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ is the famous art piece.

-What Tom? Did you know about this painting?

-Nope. I just saw its title at the bottom here. Haha

                       And now please collect all these pieces into the dialogue


Vocabulary Revision 3. Повторення й активізація й ЛО теми.

 Practise the new vocabulary.

Find the new words in the descriptions of museums and translate the sentences with them. Fill in the gaps with the new words (Word File p. 121)

1) The Van Gogh Museum will ___ 135 of his paintings. (Display)

2) The curriculum ___ courses in art history. (Include)

3) This ___ dates from the 17th century. (Exhibit)

4) The museum has over 5,000 ___ of historical interest. (Item)

5) The museum ___ a number of original artworks. (Contain)

6) The guidebook ___ a great choice of interesting places which are worth visiting. (Include)

7) The Van Gogh ___ the world auction price record of $ 82.5m. (Hold)

8) Our new art gallery displayed some unusual ___ last week. (Exhibit)

Grammer Revision4. Повторення й активізація ГМ   Робота в парах


I  _______(to live) in a small town and there are no big galleries and museums in it. But in the nearest city there is a good Natural History Museum. And now I'd like to tell you a few words about my visit to this museum.

Last year our history teacher ____________(to take) us on an excursion there. First we _________(to listen) to the lecture on the history of the region which (to be) very interesting. Then a guide _________(to show) us the exposition of the museum. We ______________(to walk) through its halls from 4 till 6  looking at different stands with exhibits. There ___________(to be)ancient vases and coins, dishes and bowls, tools and arms.

The guide _________(to tell) us about the origin and the age of the exibits and __________(to answer)our questions.  The next hall________(to be) even more interesting. There we__________ (to see) live animals and birds, lizards and snakes.

Now I_________(to write) a letter to my pen-friend a letter about this museum. I want ___________(to invite) him here, to my town and we __________(to see) something interesting.


Role Play 5. Рольова гра.

Listen to the dialogue.

Students A think museums should be free. Students B think the opposite. Make up a dialogue.



Relaxing. 1. Рефлексія.

Make up cinqwayns about painting. If you forget what it is, I’ll remind you. It is a kind of poem, which consists of 5 lines (this word has French origin; cinq means five in French). The first line is a general word, the second line consists of two adjectives which describe this word, the third line includes 3 verbs on the topic, the fourth line is the main idea of your “poem” (It must consist of 3-4 words) and the last line is a synonym of the general world (money). Make up as many cinqwayns as you can. All your cinqwayns will be different. Read aloud your cinqwayns, when you are ready.

Homework 2. Домашнє завдання.

1) Ex. 3 (p. 120) complete the dialogue with the sentences from A to E.

2) Dramatise the dialogue from Ex. 3 (p. 120).

3)* Write a composition.

While staying in a big city you visited an exhibition of some famous artist. Describe your impressions in a letter to a friend (60—80 words).

Summarizing 3. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Бесіда в режимі T→P1→P2→P3.

1.What art galleries and museums have we visited?

2.What masters are represented there?

3What do you think of the collection of paintings in these galleries?

4. Who is your favourite painter?

5.Have you ever visited the National Art Museum of Ukraine?

6.What famous art galleries and museums do you know?

- Wow! I’ve never seen such a huge art museum!

-Tom! It’s not etiquette when you speak that loud!


-Olivia! What art piece are you watching now?

-It’s ‘Monalisa’ by Leonardo Davinci! I’ve always wanted to see this!

-This is the famous eye-brows less ‘Monalisa’!

-I cannot take my eyes off from her eyes.

-I want to take a picture with her!

- No Tom! We can’t take a picture in this museum.

-Oh, I didn’t know that. I really wanted to take a photo with her.

-Hmm… This painting is a little bit freaky. Its nose and eyes are twisted and the colors are so unrealistic.

-That is an abstract painting’s attractive point. A painter expresses with his own unrealistic expressions. It is painted by the famous painter, Picasso.

-This painting seems like the painter loves the star and moon so much.

-This art piece with texture by repetitive brush touch and fancy color tones.

-That’s right. Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ is the famous art piece.

-What Tom? Did you know about this painting?

-Nope. I just saw its title at the bottom here. Haha



Find the new words in the descriptions of museums and translate the sentences with them. Fill in the gaps with the new words (Word File p. 121)

1) The Van Gogh Museum will ___ 135 of his paintings.

2) The curriculum ___ courses in art history.

3) This ___ dates from the 17th century.

4) The museum has over 5,000 ___ of historical interest.

5) The museum ___ a number of original artworks.

6) The guidebook ___ a great choice of interesting places which are worth visiting.

7) The Van Gogh ___ the world auction price record of $ 82.5m.

8) Our new art gallery displayed some unusual ___ last week.


Find the new words in the descriptions of museums and translate the sentences with them. Fill in the gaps with the new words (Word File p. 121)

1) The Van Gogh Museum will ___ 135 of his paintings.

2) The curriculum ___ courses in art history.

3) This ___ dates from the 17th century.

4) The museum has over 5,000 ___ of historical interest.

5) The museum ___ a number of original artworks.

6) The guidebook ___ a great choice of interesting places which are worth visiting.

7) The Van Gogh ___ the world auction price record of $ 82.5m.

8) Our new art gallery displayed some unusual ___ last week.






I  _______(to live) in a small town and there are no big galleries and museums in it. But in the nearest city there is a good Natural History Museum. And now I'd like to tell you a few words about my visit to this museum.

Last year our history teacher ____________(to take) us on an excursion there. First we _________(to listen) to the lecture on the history of the region which (to be) very interesting. Then a guide _________(to show) us the exposition of the museum. We ______________(to walk) through its halls from 4 till 6  looking at different stands with exhibits. There ___________(to be)ancient vases and coins, dishes and bowls, tools and arms.

The guide _________(to tell) us about the origin and the age of the exibits and __________(to answer)our questions.  The next hall________(to be) even more interesting. There we__________ (to see) live animals and birds, lizards and snakes.

Now I_________(to write) a letter to my pen-friend a letter about this museum. I want ___________(to invite) him here, to my town and we __________(to see) something interesting.


I  _______(to live) in a small town and there are no big galleries and museums in it. But in the nearest city there is a good Natural History Museum. And now I'd like to tell you a few words about my visit to this museum.

Last year our history teacher ____________(to take) us on an excursion there. First we _________(to listen) to the lecture on the history of the region which (to be) very interesting. Then a guide _________(to show) us the exposition of the museum. We ______________(to walk) through its halls from 4 till 6  looking at different stands with exhibits. There ___________(to be)ancient vases and coins, dishes and bowls, tools and arms.

The guide _________(to tell) us about the origin and the age of the exibits and __________(to answer)our questions.  The next hall________(to be) even more interesting. There we__________ (to see) live animals and birds, lizards and snakes.

Now I_________(to write) a letter to my pen-friend a letter about this museum. I want ___________(to invite) him here, to my town and we __________(to see) something interesting.

Нонко Яніна
13 січня 2021
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