Урок-вікторина "Європа"

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Пропоную цікаву вікторину, щоб учні перевірили свої знання наскільки добре вони знають країни Європи.
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STEP 1.  “Countries”

Europe is a cradle of modern civilization. Match countries with their descriptions.

  1. Austria  a) magic treasure- house of Europe
  2. Belgium  b)”country of eagles”
  3. Italy   c) country of Gods and myths
  4. Norway  d) music capital of Europe
  5. Greece  e) motherland of chardash
  6. Iceland  f) crossroads of European ways
  7. Hungary  g) country of northern sun
  8. Albania  h) country of geysers

STEP 2. “Geography”

Answer the questions.

  1. What is the country with the largest area in Europe?
  2. What is the smallest country in Europe?
  3. What country has the biggest population?
  4. What is the highest mountain in Europe?
  5. What’s the lowest point in Europe?
  6. What is the longest river in Europe?

STEP 3. “History”

Answer the questions.

  1. What empires were there in Europe?
  2. Anna, daughter of Yaroslav Mudryi, was the Queen of ……
  3. What famous explorers started their expeditions from the shores of Europe?
  4. What country began world wars twice?
  5. What is the name of the Queen who defeated the Spanish Armada when Spain tried to invade England?
  6. In which city did the Russians build the wall in 1961?

STEP 4.  “Famous people”

Say their nationalities and occupations.

  1. Christopher Columbus
  2. Virginia Woolf
  3. Pablo Picasso
  4. Ludwig van Beethoven
  5. Margaret Thatcher
  6. Isaac Newton
  7. Cristiano Ronaldo
  8. Andrea Bocelli

Step 5. “Tourism”

Match the landmarks with the countries.

  1. Mountain skiing   a) Britain
  2. Mount Olympus   b) Spain
  3. Louvre    c) the Czech Republic
  4. Swallow’s Nest   d)Switzerland
  5. The Leaning Tower  e) Greece
  6. Cathedral of the Holy Family (Gaudi) f) France
  7. Stonehenge    g) Ukraine
  8. Karl Bridge    h) Italy

Step 6. “Festivals”

Answer the questions.


  1. Where do Highland games take place?
  2. Where does the most famous carnival in Europe take place?
  3. What is the name of the festival when one man planned to blow up the English Parliament?
  4. What do the Italians throw away on New Year?
  5. Where does the most famous festival connected with beer take place and how do we call it?
  6. Why is the shamrock connected with St. Patrick’s Day?

Step 7. “Food”

Answer the questions.

  1. What is the Scottish national dish?
  2. What types of Italian cheese do you know?
  3. How do we call a traditional Spanish dish made with rice, pieces of meat, fish and vegetables?
  4. His name was given to popular food. His hobby was playing cards. What is this?
  5. What is the national Hungarian dish?
  6. What are the main ingredients of bigos? What national dish is it?

Step 8. Literature

Say the authors of these works and their nationalities.

  1. Oliver Twist
  2. Blue Waters
  3. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
  4. Gulliver’s Travels
  5. Alpuhara
  6. Adventures of Chipollino


Step 9. “Languages”

Match the countries with their official and national languages.

  1. Andorra   a) Greek
  2. Liechtenstein  b) Latin, Italian
  3. Monaco   c) Dutch
  4. Netherlands  d)German
  5. Vatican City State e) Catalan
  6. Cyprus   f) German, French, Italian, Romansch
  7. Belgium   g)French
  8. Switzerland  h) Dutch, French, German


Step 10. “European Union”

Answer the questions.

  1. How does the European flag look like?
  2. What do 12 twelve stars on the European flag symbolize?
  3. What is the single currency?
  4. What is the European motto?
  5. When is Europe day celebrated in Europe?
  6. What is the anthem of European Union?

Список використаної літератури:

  1. Позакласний час. 7-8, 2013
  2. Дитяча енциклопедія. Країни світу. Європа. «Таврида», 2012.
  3. Upstream Elementary. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Express Publishing.





Answer Key:

Step 1. 1.D 2. F 3. A 4. G 5. C 6. H 7. E 8. B

Step 2. 1. Ukraine 2. Vatican 3. Germany 4. Mount Blanc 5. Prycaspian lowlands              6. the Volga

Step 3. 1. Austro-Hungarian, Roman empires…. 2. France 3. Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo….              4. Germany                            5. Elizabeth I              6. Berlin

Step 4. 1. Italian, explorer 2. British, writer 3. Spanish, artist 

4. German, composer 5. British, politician 6. British, scientist 

7. Portuguese, football player 8. Italian, opera singer

Step 5. 1. D 2. E 3. F 4. G 5. H 6. B 7. A 8. C

Step 6. 1. Scotland 2. Venice 3. Guy Fawkes Day 4. Old furniture              5. Munich, Oktoberfest              6. He wanted to explain the mystery of the Holy Trinity.

Step 7. 1. Haggis 2. Parmeggiano, Gran Padano, Mozzarella 3. Paella 

4. Sandwich  5. Guliash 6. Sauerkraut (cabbage), meat, Polish dish

Step 8.  1. Charles Dickens, British 2. Volodymyr Rutkivskiy, Ukrainian 

3. Lewis Caroll, British 4. Jonatan Swift, British 5. Adam Mitskevych, Polish              6. Gianni Rodari, Italian

Step 9. 1. E 2. D 3. G 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. H 8. F

Step 10. 1. Blue with 12 stars 2. Ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among people              3.  Euro               4. United in diversity              5. May, 9              6. “Ode to Joy” by Beethoven (9th symphony)


Osidach Iryna
25 червня 2022
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