Урок з англійської мови 1 клас "Числа 1-5"

Про матеріал
Урок розроблено на основі підручника 'Quick minds 1 For Ukraine` для Нової Української Школи.
Перегляд файлу

1 клас

(за підручником Quick minds Ukrainian edition)

Вчитель: Колупаєва Марина Вікторівна

Тема: Numbers from 1 to 5

Мета: ознайомити учнів з новим лексичним матеріалом;

навчити правильно вимовляти нові слова;

навчити розуміти слова;

розвивати навички аудіювання та говоріння;

виховувати повагу до мови іншої країни;

Тип уроку: Урок вивчення нового матеріалу

Обладнання: ПК, колонки, м’яч, картки із числами 1-5, Quick Minds Ukrainian edition 1 Teachers book, Quick minds Ukrainian edition 1 Pupils book, відеоматеріали.

Хід уроку:

І.  Організаційний етап

1. Привітання.

Hello, dear boys and girls. Let start the lesson with our rhymes. So, say what I say, do what I do.

(The teacher say rhymes that pupils learned on the previous lessons. Pupils say these rhymes with the teacher, repeat words and do appropriate actions with their hands)


Good bye – Bye-bye

Good morning,

Good afternoon,

Good evening,

Good night.

Well done, sit down please.


2. Перевірка готовності до уроку.

Check, do you all have your diaries, pencil-case and books.


ІІ. Мотивація навчальної діяльності

1. Введення в мову

I want to know your mood today. Watch the video and repeat words and actions.

(Show video ’If your happy’ Pupils watch, sing, repeat.)

Вправа: ’How are you?

Teacher throws the ball to one of the pupils and asks ’How are you?’ Pupil answers using one of the adjectives from the song. Then pupil throws the ball to another pupil and asks the same questions.

When the exercises over. Student’s return to his or her partner and say ’Have a nice day to you’


2. Підведення до теми уроку.

Dear pupils, I turn on the video. Your task is look, listen and do the actions. After this video, you will tell what theme we start to learn today.



ІІІ. Оголошення теми і завдань уроку

Who can tell what our theme is today?

Yes, you are right. Today we will talk about numbers 1 to 5.


ІV. Вивчення нового матеріалу

1. Знайомство із лексичним матеріалом.

Робота з картками.

Презентація лексичного матеріалу

Show five fingers to pupils. Point to each finger in turn and count: one, two, three, four, five.

Children show their fingers. Count pointing to your fingers again. Pupils repeat.


I show you numbers, you listen and look. (Show and say numbers. Do it 2 times)

Now listen and repeat. (Show cards and say numbers. Pupils listen and repeat. You can name numbers faster or slow or with different funny voices to make this exercise more interesting and funny. Say students to repeat numbers in such way as you say.)

Exercise ’Cant’

Look at the blackboard. I stick numbers. Your task is listen them and repeat after me. Then I expand first card and you will not see it, but you should name all cards from 1 to 5. Then I expand second card, but you also should name all cards and so on. When I expand last card you should remember and name all 5 cards without seeing them.

2. Фіз. Хвилинка

I see you are tired little, so let’s have a break minute. Look and repeat.



V. Закріплення нового матеріалу

1. Робота з підручником

Listen and point

Say to open their Pupils book on page 8. (Write number on the board and show the right page. Pupils look at the pictures in their Pupils Books)

Say: `Listen and point!` (Support your instructions with the corresponded body movements)

(Play the recording, pupils listen and point to the correct picture)

(Quick minds Class Audio CDs 1 Track 09) (Аудіо супровід ви зможете безкоштовно скачати за посиланням: www.publishing.linguist.ua/quickminds1)

Listen, show and say

I play the recording, you listen number and show the correct number of fingers. (Play the recording)

I play the recording one more time, but now you listen, show the correct number of fingers and repeat the number. (play the recording one more time, pause after each number and wait until pupils repeat)

(Quick minds Class Audio CDs 1 Track 09) (Аудіо супровід ви зможете безкоштовно скачати за посиланням:  www.publishing.linguist.ua/quickminds1)

Listen and chant

I play the recording. Firstly, you listen.

I play one more time, but now you listen and repeat (pause after each line and wait until students repeat)

Repeat words from chant with students in different ways: Slow and fast or in different voice. Also you can say `freeze!` to boys and repeat chant only with girls, then say `freeze! ` to girls and repeat chant with the boys.

Practice clicking, clapping and stomping with pupils.

Then listen the chant, show number that you hear and do right actions.

(Quick minds Class Audio CDs 1 Track 10) (Аудіо супровід ви зможете безкоштовно скачати за посиланням:  www.publishing.linguist.ua/quickminds1)

Show and count

Say the number 1-5 in a random order. Pupils show the correct number of fingers. You can say slow then faster and faster.

Ask a volunteer student to say the number, other show appropriate number of fingers. Then do it with other students.

Divide pupils in pairs and encourage them do it the same in pairs with changing roles. Monitor this work.


VI. Рефлексія

Ask pupils to make a circle. Throwing the ball to the first student and say `one`, this student throw the ball to other and say `two`. That student who said number 5 should clap. If student say wrong number or forget the number, sit down to the center of circle. Last student who stand will be the winer.


VІІ. Підсумки

What numbers you learn today? Let’s count from 1 to 5 and from 5 to 1.

My dear boys and girls. I`m so proud of you today. You were great! Thanks for your job.








Використана література:

1. Quick minds 1. Teacher`s book. Посібник для вчителя / Сзлачта Е.,

Вілліамс М., Пухта Г., Льюіс-Джонс П. – Київ: Видавництво «Лінгвіст», 2018.-224 с.

2. Quick minds 1. Pupil`s book. Підручник для учнів / Пухта Г.,  Льюіс-Джонс П., Гернгрос Г. – Київ: Видавництво «Лінгвіст», 2018.-127 с.

3. Quick minds 1 Ukrainian edition Flashcard

4. http://www.dreamenglish.com/count1to5

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4qpSSwAAXI

6. www.publishing.linguist.ua/quickminds1


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Всього відгуків: 1
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    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
10 грудня 2019
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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