Урок з англійської мови (4 клас ) на тему: " Eating out " за підручником Quick Minds 4

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Тема: Eating out

Мета уроку: 

- навчальна: закріпити  знання, вміння та навички з теми «Eating out», практикувати мовні засоби з даної теми, повідомляти про смаки, уподобання, виражати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати зорове сприйняття, сприймання на слух, усне та писемне продукування.

- розвиваюча: розвивати слухову, зорову пам'ять, логічне та творче мислення;розвивати уміння аргументовано захищати свою думку; формувати культурні смаки.

- виховна:  виховувати вміння слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі, вчити розуміти важливість вивчення іноземної мови.

Обладнання: картки зі смайликами та їжею, підручник , картки з завданнями, робочі зошити, презентація уроку.  

Очікувані результати: учні вміють називати продукти; висловлюють свої думки та вподобання щодо їжі; вміють застосовувати структури ‘there is’, ‘there are’ та ‘some, any’ в усному та писемному мовленні.


  1. Introduction

T: Good morning, dear friends. I am very glad to see you.  I hope you’re in a good mood.

Warming  up.

T: Now let’s check how you are. At your desks you see the cards with smiles. Take it. And show us. 

T: I see you are great. It’s nice.


  1. Main body

T: Look at the whiteboard.  What is this? Yes, it’s a fridge.

T: Is it empty or full? It’s empty. You should make it full.

Your task is to guess food, take the card and put into the fridge. Remember the words. (SLIDE 1)

  • It’s yellow and long. Its fruit. Monkeys eat it (a banana)
  • It’s round and red. Its vegetable (tomato)
  • It helps to make a sandwich (butter)
  • We like drinking it (a glass of apple juice)
  • We eat it with tea (biscuits)
  • We put it on the sandwich ( cheese, ham)
  • Kids like it (chocolate)

T: You’ve learnt new words. Great job!!!!

  1. Reading

T: Let’s play the game. Guess what kids like to eat (SLIDE 3)

Liza likes D5.

Max likes H8.

Sam likes C7.

John likes A5.

Bill likes G1.

Ann likes F6.

Mary likes B1.

Molly likes E2.










































































  1. Presenting vocabulary

T: Do we have breakfast in the same time?

P: Of course, we don’t.

T: What do we usually eat for our  breakfast ? Look at the whiteboard (SLIDE 4)

(вчитель пояснює нові слова)

T: For breakfast I usually have fried toast with eggs and tea.

T: Where do you usually have breakfast?

T: Where would you like to have breakfast at home or in a café?

( запрошує учнів для розігрування діалогу)

Speaking “In a cafe”

Waitress: Good-morning. Here is your menu. What would you like to eat?

Pupil 1: I’m hungry. I’d like to eat salad and sandwich with ham.

Pupil 2: I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty. I’d like to have tea with biscuits.

Waitress: Here you are. Bon Appetit.

Pupil 1: Thank you. Bon Appetit.

Pupil 2: Thank you. Bon Appetit.

  1. Relaxing (SLIDE 5)

Clap your hands, clap your hands,

Listen to the music and clap your hands.


Turn around, turn around,

Listen to the music and turn around.


Jump up high, jump up high,

Listen to the music and jump up high


Wave your hand, wave your hand,

Listen to the music and wave your hand.


  1. Writing

T: Are there much food in our fridge?  Now let’s  put  new products into  it.

T: When do we use “there is ”, “there are”?(SLIDE 6)

T.  When do we use “some”, “any”? (SLIDE 7)

P. We use “some” in affirmative  sentences and  “any” - in negative and interrogative sentences.

T. Great Job.  You have the cards with the task.  Look.  Fill in the correct answers using our fridge. (SLIDE 8)

  1. There is ___ butter  in the fridge .
  2. There isn’t  ___ pasta in the fridge .
  3. There is ___ chocolate in the fridge .
  4.  There isn’t   ___ bread  in the fridge .
  5. There are  ____ tomatoes in the fridge .
  6. There aren’t  ____ fried toasts   in the fridge.
  7. There are ___ biscuits in the fridge.
  8. Is there ___  salad in the fridge.
  9. Are there ____  fish in the fridge.
  1. Listening

T: Listen to the audio and tick the correct answer (SLIDE 9)

  1. Inma is from

  1. Spain          b) England         c)Ukraine
  1. For dinner Inma’s family is going to have
  1. Salad and fish   b) salad, vegetables and meat  c) salad, vegetables, fish
  1. Chuck doesn’t have … at home.
  1. Breakfast   b) lunch c) dinner
  1. Chuck and his family have dinner at
  1. 9 o’clock  b) 8 o’clock   c) 7 o’clock
  1. At the weekend Carlos has dinner at
  1. 8 o’clock     b) 7 o’clock  c) 10 o’clock
  1. For dinner Carlos loves
  1. Beans with rice   b) beans   c) beans with chicken


T: Take the sheets of paper on your desks with the task. We’ll start doing it (SLIDE 10)

  1. Summing  up.

T: What’ve  you learnt today?  Write down your hometask – to finish the task №2.

T: You were very active. Thanks a lot.  Now the lesson is over. Good bye !!!

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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
11 листопада 2021
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