Урок з англійської мови,5 клас тема: My birthday

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Матеріал розрахований на учнів 5 класів,які вивчають англійську мову ,тема My Birthday.Урок спланований так,щоб мотивувати навчальну діяльність школярів ,підвищити зацікавленість до вивчення іноземної мови ,формувати мовленневі компетентності,з використанням інтерактивних форм роботи(командна робота,творчі завдання),широко використовувати пісні та вірші до даної тематики.
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ПРАКТИЧНА  МЕТА: закріпити з учнями слова до теми, структуру “to be born” в Past Simple Tense, практикувати в усному монологічному і діалогічному мовленні, читанні, аудіюванні незнайомого тексту.


ВИХОВНА МЕТА: виховувати повагу до друзів, поважати інших, виховувати бажання вчитися.


РОЗВИВАЮЧА МЕТА: розвиток фонематичного слуху, пам’яті, уваги.


ОБЛАДНАННЯ: ТЗН, мультімедіа, малюнки, фотографії.


                                     ПЛАН  УРОКУ


  1. Привітання.

I’m calling “good morning, good morning to you,

With bright sunny morning,

How do you do?”



Навчальна розмова: T- CL, T- P1,P2T

-What about you mood?

-Are you in a good mood?

The Poem:   We are in a good mood.

                     We are in a good mood.

                     Yes, that’s true.

                      We are in a good mood.

                      What about you?


  1. T- P1, P2

-Are you ready for the lesson?

-What things do you have at the desk?

The song:   My pack is on my bag,

                   My pen is in my hand,

                   My book is on my knees.

                   Come in and join me, please.

                   My pencil-box is pink.

                   My exercise- book is green.

                   My sharpener is cool.

                   I’ve got them all at school.


Teacher: Students, try to guess about the topic of the lesson:


Our topic is : “Happy Birthday”.


  1. Brainstorming:
  1. Happy birthday

Write the words to the topic at the blackboard. (2 pupils)

All the pupils repeat the words.

  1. The game: “ Clap your hands”- the pupils name different words from the topic or other words. If the words are from the topic they clap the hands.
  2. The pupils chose the words of the topic from the blackboard (the words are cut). 


  1. T-P1,P2
  • When were you born?
  • What is the month of your birth?
  • Do you have a birthday party?
  • Which presents do you like to get?
  • Do you help your mum to lay the table?
  • Do you invite friends and relatives?
  • Are you merry and happy?
  • What do you do? Do you sing and dance?


  1. The text about the famous people. The photos of famous people are represented. The pupils name the dates of their birth and then write them on the blackboard.


  1. Dialogues between the pupils.

      The phrases are on the blackboard:

  • How do you do?
  • How are you?
  • Do you like your birthday?
  • Do you have …..?
  • Do you invite ….?

RELAXATION: The song  “Stand up, sit down, get moving”


  1. Listening comprehension of the text: “Nelly’s birthday”.

  Today is Nelly’s birthday. Mother makes a big cake for Nelly and puts 10 candles in the middle of the cake. Many little girls and boys come to see Nelly. They give her presents, many books with pictures, red, blue, green, yellow, orange and grey pencils. Some children give her balls, many toys and computer games. Father and mother give Nelly a very big nice doll. She is very happy.

   In the evening the children have tea. Mother asks,

  • Nelly, where do you want to sit?
  • I want to sit near Jane.
  • Why do you want to sit near Jane?- asks Mother.
  • She sits near the birthday cake.- answers little Nelly.

All the children at the party are merry and happy. They dance, play games.



      A.  F and T.

F. 1. Nelly’s grandmother makes a big cake for her and put 5 candles in the cake.

T. 2. Many little boys and girls come to see Nelly.

F. 3. Nelly’s parents give her a big nice car.

F. 4. Many friends give her only dolls.

T. 5. In the evening the children have tea.

F. 6. Nelly wants to sit near John.

T. 7. Nelly wants to sit near Jane because she sits near the birthday cake.

T. 8. All the children are happy and merry.


B. Retell the text.



  1.  The monologue :”My birthday” (3-4 pupils)


  1.   Imagine the situation.

      You are invited for the party.

       Which presents will you give to your friend?

       The pupils describe their presents.


  1.   Quiz.


  1.  Summarizing.


  1.   Homework.
















23 грудня 2021
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