Урок з англійської мови 7 клас на тему: Здорове харчування. Приготування їжі.

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Урок з англійської мови 7 клас на тему: Здорове харчування. Приготування їжі.
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 Тема: Здорове харчування. Приготування їжі.

Урок з предмету  «Іноземна мова ( англійська)», 7 клас

Мета уроку: Практична: ознайомити учнів з новими та активізувати раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці з теми «Food»; закріпити нові слова в усному мовленні та на письмі; удосконалювати навички читання та перекладу; навички аудіювання; тренувати навички граматики та письма; повторити правила вживання граматичних конструкції  much, many, a lot of.

Освітня: розширювати філологічний кругозір учнів шляхом ознайомлення з новою лексикою; розвивати загальний кругозір дітей, знайомити їх з традиціями харчування їхніх ровесників.

Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію; логічне мислення, уяву учнів; вдосконалювати роботу пам’яті: збільшувати обсяг довготривалої пам’яті (лексичний запас учня), слухової короткочасної пам’яті, оперативної пам’яті (вибір мовних засобів), зорової пам’яті; розвивати готовність до участі у спілкуванні; формувати культуру читання, письма, усного мовлення.

Виховна: виховувати розуміння важливості оволодіння англійською мовою і потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування; прищеплювати почуття поваги до народу-носія англійської мови та до британської національної культури; виховувати культуру спілкування, прийняту в сучасному цивілізованому світі.

Засоби навчання: підручник з англійської мови для 7 класу під редакцією

О. Карп`юк; робочий зошит, дидактичні матеріали, презентація, аудіо, відео.

Тип уроку: Урок вдосконалення мовленнєвих навичок і вмінь.

Міжпредметні зв’язки: 

українська мова, біологія, інформатика.

Завдання уроку:

Учні  повинні знати:

-         новий лексичний матеріал;

-         основні правила здорового харчування, приготування їжі;

Учні повинні вміти:

-         вживати новий лексичний матеріал у мові;

-         читати текст з метою отримання загального уявлення;

-         максимально розуміти всю інформацію, що міститься в тексті;

-         усно висловлювати власні думки і припущення;

-         запитувати, здобувати та надавати інформацію з тексту.


Хід уроку

  1.                     Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


-         Good morning, dear girls and boys! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please. How are you?

  1. Introduction.

T:  Today we shall have a lesson according to our topic “Food and health” and we shall speak about tasty, healthy and useless food. We are going to revise all the materials: cooking equipment, healthy and unhealthy food, table manners. We shall discuss different recipes. So, we are going to spend good time together. And now let’s start our work.

  1. Phonetic drill. T: First of all we’ll repeat how some words from our topic are pronounced.

 [i: ] sweets, tea , meat, cheese

[ai] pie , ice-cream, like, rice

[æ] apple, sandwich, salad, have

[ei] cake, bacon, cornflakes, table

[p] supper, potato, apple, porridge

( Слайд 2 )

2. Warm up

T: Answer my questions, children:

-         What do you like to eat? 

-         What do you usually eat for breakfast? 

-         What do you like to drink for breakfast? 

-         Which of these products are healthy and which ones are unhealthy? Explain your choice.

( Слайд 3 )


3. Аssociate with the word «Food »

T: Good job. What things do you associate with the word «Food »?

Find the pairs https://learningapps.org/view10436649


  1.      Read the proverbs and match them with their equivalents.


Tastes differ.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

The appetite comes with eating.

Too much butter won’t spoil the porridge.

Апатит приходить під час їжі.

Кашу маслом не зіпсуєш.

Про смаки не сперечаються.

Одне яблуко в день відлякає лікаря.

( Слайд 4)

  1. Основна частина уроку.
  1. Reading
  1.        Pre-Reading Activity.

-           What do you know about healthy and unhealthy food? Now let's play  a game  https://www.liveworksheets.com/w/en/english-second-language-esl/1344852

-           Do you often eat fast food?

-           Why do you eat it?

  1.     While- Reading Activity.

Read the text and choose the right ending of the sentences.

Fast Food

A lot of people eat fast food almost every day because they find it very tasty.

Sometimes they eat it because they are busy and don't have time, or are too tired to cook.

Firstly, fast food such as burgers and chips contain a lot of  fat and salt. People

shouldn't eat fast food very often as this is bad for their health. We need to eat a plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as fish and meat.

Secondly, fast food is very expensive. The money some people spend on fast

food in one week is enough to buy fresh food for two weeks. On the other hand, some people say that eating fast food saves time. They can cook during the weekend so that they have enough food for the whole week and so it's a way busy people can avoid cooking during the working week.

Although fast food is usually tasty and convenient, people should try to

prepare their own meals and eat meat which is full of protein and other healthy products, all these items of  food will make their lives long and healthy.

  1. People eat fast food because … .
  1.      they find it useful
  2.     they find it delicious
  3.      they find it healthy
  1. People shouldn’t eat fast food because … .
  1.      it’s not good for their health
  2.     it’s bad for their figure
  3.      it’s not convenient
  1. Fast food is not useful as it contains … .
  1.      a lot of protein
  2.     a lot of salt and fat
  3.      minerals and vitamins
  1. Pros of eating fast food is that … .
  1.      you needn’t cook at home
  2.     you can buy everything you want
  3.      you can save money
  1. People should try to prepare their own meals … .
  1.      to save money
  2.     to have more free time
  3.      to live longly and happily
  1. To be healthy you should … .
  1.      avoid to eat fast food
  2.     eat fast food regularly
  3.      not to eat meat
  1.     Post-Reading Activity.

Answer the questions, please.

-         Why is fast food bad for your health?

-         What are pros and cons of eating fast food?

-         What kind of food should people eat to be healthy?

  1. Writing .

-                                What is the difference between much, many and a lot of?

-                                So, complete the sentences with much or many:

  1. Have you got_____ homework?
  2. We don't need_____ eggs. Just half a dozen.
  3. Is there_____ traffic in your town?
  4. I don't know_____ students in this class.
  5. How_____ people live in your house?

( Слайд 5)

-                     Now do the tasks. Look,  please https://www.liveworksheets.com/w/en/english-second-language-esl/67046

-                     Please open your books to page 73,еx.2.  Now do the tasks. 

  1. Relaxation

-         Let’s listen to the song “Healthy Eating”.


Sing with the video and clap your hands.

  1.  Listening. Watching a film


While –watching

-         While watching the film pay attention to the meals, food, time and place. You can make notes.

Evaluation. Post-watching

-         Now do the tasks on your papers (Fill in the table)






















- Now, let’s check.

1. What meals do they have?

2. What food do they eat for breakfast (lunch, dinner)?

3. When do they have breakfast (lunch, dinner)?

4. Where do they have breakfast (lunch, dinner)?

( Слайд 6 )

5. Speaking. Vocabulary work.

- Well, you see a lot of different products. What would you like to choose for healthy breakfast (lunch, dinner)?  Pupils’ answers.

I would like to choose …….. for breakfast.

-  Let’s play a puzzle-game “Magic box”. You can take and guess puzzles from this box and write out correct answer.

Puzzle 1

It can be red or green or yellow. It grows on the tree in the garden. It is tasty in autumn and in winter. What is it? (apple, banana, cherry)


Puzzle 2

It is tasty, when it is green. It grows in the kitchen garden. People like to eat it with tomatoes in salad. What is it? (potato, cucumber, cutlet)


Puzzle 5

It is yellow. It is sour (кислий). People like to drink tea with this fruit. What is it?

(lemon, potato, apple)


Puzzle 3

It is orange and sweet. It is a fruit. People like to eat and drink this fruit’s juice. What is it?

(banana, lemon, orange)


Puzzle 4

It is sweet. It is tasty. Children like to eat it very much. What is it? (soup, fish, chocolate)



Puzzle 6

It is white and tasty. People like to drink it with a bun. What is it? (lemonade, soup, milk)





ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.

  1. Summing- up

-           Now, pupils, answer the question “Why do the people need healthy food?”

-           Well, it’s time to finish our lesson. Children, did you like the lesson? What did you like most of all? You’ve worked hard today! I liked your answers, the way you have worked. Your marks for today are…

Thank you for the lesson.

  1. Homework

-           Now open your dairies and I and write down your home work for tomorrow.

-           Home-task for you will be to make up a project about your favourite dish.




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