Урок з англійської мови для 5 класу "Holidays and Parties."

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Урок з англійської мови для 5 класу "Holidays and Parties" допоможе вчителям предметникам у поурочному плануванні. Матеріал містить цікаві вправи, самооцінювання учнів, елементи критичного мислення.

Перегляд файлу


Тема: Holidays and Parties.

Мета : навчальна: вчити учнів використовувати активний словниковий запас в усному та писемному мовленні; вчити учнів розпізнавати ЛО з теми на слух,вчити учнів складати та оформлювати листівки-запрошення на свято;

Розвиваюча: розвивати навички аудіювання, усного діалогічного мовлення , писемного мовлення та читання;розвивати увагу та спостережливість, підвищувати мотивацію до вивчення іноземної мов; розвивати усне спонтанне мовлення;пізнавальні інтереси учнів.

Виховна: розширювати знання учнів про культуру країни, мова якої вивчається, виховувати культуру спілкування, виховувати ввічливе ставлення до співбесідника.

Обладнання: інтерактивна дошка, підручник, картки само оцінювання,робочі зошити з завданнями,проекти дітей

запис аудіювання, листівки - запрошення.

Тип уроку: Комбінований мовний урок


Перебіг уроку

1.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

   1)Організація початку уроку

- Good morning, children!

- Good morning, teacher!

- I’m glad to see you!

- We are glad to see you too!

   2) Повідомлення  теми і мети уроку.

T: Pupils, today we are going to have a very interesting lesson!For our lesson you need a book,  an exercise book, a pencil box.

Look at the blackboard! There we have different pictures. Look at them. How do you think what is the topic of our lesson?

Yes, you are right! The topic of our lesson is “Holidays and Parties”

I hope it will be interesting for you because we are going to remember the words you have learnt before, we shall talk about English and Ukrainian holidays,  you will make dialogues and learn to write invitation cards. You have a self- assessment sheet in your exercise-book, where you ll try to put marks  for your activities by yourself.

      3)Фонетична зарядка

T: Look at the blackboard, there is a poem, listen to me, please.

We have a snowman,

He is tall and fat.

He has a carrot on his nose,

He has a funny hat.

T: Find and read the words with the sound (h)

Repeat after me, please.

Read this poem by yourself.

    4) Мовленєва зарядка.

T: And now pupils, lets answer some questions about our topic.

  • Do you like parties?
  • When do you go to a party, whom do you talk with?
  • When the music starts, do you dance?
  • How do you ask people to come to your party?


2. Основна частина уроку.


     1) Активізація лексики. Практикування учнів у непідготовленому мовленні.

-  Lets remember the dates of different Ukrainians and English holidays.

There are names of the holidays on the blackboard. Match the holiday and the date of its celebration.



On the 9th of May


In March or April

St. Valentine’s Day

On the 24th of August

Women’s Day

On the 1st Sunday of October

New Year’s Day

On the 1st of January

Day of Independence of Ukraine

On the 1st of September

Teacher’s Day

On the 8th of March

Day of Knowledge

On the 7th of January

Victory Day

On the 14th of February

3) Формування навичок аудіювання.

a) Pre-Listening Activity.

T: And now we will listen to the conversation of two girls. But first let’s do some tasks. Look at the pictures. What do we do to prepare for the party?

-I prepare my clothes for the party.

-I wave my hair for the party.

-I buy present for my friends.

b) Listening. Ex.5b, p.79

T: Now listen to the dialogue.

Listen to the dialogue for the second time and be ready to  do  the post-listening activity.

  1. Write down T if the sentence is true, F if the sentence is false.(1star)

1) Sally is going to the New Year s Eve Party.________

2) David is Sally’s new neighbor.______

3) Sally is going to wear a mini skirt and a white T-shirt to the party.____

4) David hates music.______

5) Ann is Sally’s friend.______

6) Sally isn’t going to take David a present. ______

7) Ann’s mum is going to the party too.______


  1. Read the questions. Tick  yes or no

 (2 stars)







3. Correct the following sentences.(3 stars)

1) Sally is going to the New Year s Eve Party.


2) David is Sally’s old neighbor.


3) Sally is going to wear a mini skirt and a white T-shirt to the party.


4) David hates music.


5) Ann is Sally’s sister.


6) Sally isn’t going to take David a present.


7) Ann’s mum is going to the party too.




c) Post-Listening Activities

T: Open your exercise book. There are 3 tasks. If you choose task 1, you’ll get 1 star, task 2-2 stars, and task 3- 3 stars.  Now let’s check up your results. Look at the screen. Put your mark into your self-assessment sheet. (Перевірка за допомогою проектора)


Фізхвилинка «Новорічна»

4)Формування навичок читання.

  a) Pre-Reading Activities.

T: Open your books. P. 82, ex. 4a.There is text.

What kind of text is it?

Who wrote this letter?

For whom did she write this letter?

   b) Reading (учні читають текст по реченню кожен)

   с) Post-Reading Activity.

- Look at p. 82, ex. 4b.

T: In pairs, ask and answer using the verbs below.

P1: Are they going to dance?

P2: Yes, they are.

Now put your stars into your self-assessment sheet for your reading and speaking.

6. Формування навичок писемного мовлення.

   a) Pre-Writing Activity

T: As you remember, we learnt how to make an invitation card. Look at the blackboard.

A good invitation:

- has a title;                                                  - gives a place;

- is short, but clear;                                       - asks people to bring things;

- gives a reason;                                            - gives contact details.

-gives a date and time;

  b) Writing

- Ill give you cards. Your task is  to write an invitation card  in groups, then invite  your classmates to your party.

  c) Post-Writing Activities

-Lets listen to your classmates. Read your cards. Now put your marks into your self-assessment sheet for your writing.



3. Заключна частина уроку.

    1)Підсумок. Оцінювання.

T: we have remembered different English and Ukrainian holidays; you made dialogues and wrote invitation cards. Now I have a surprise for you. Look at the blackboard. There is a crossword. In what month are these holidays celebrated? Remember and do the crossword.

2) Домашнє завдання

-Open please your day books and write down your home task for the next lesson. You can choose your task by yourself.

4-6 points -ex. 2, p. 82 (read the e-mail and turn it into a party invitation)

7-9 points – ex. 2,p. 79 WB (prepare the quiz about the celebration of St. Valentines Day)

10-12 points – Write an invitation card and decorate it. Present it to the class.

T: Good bye, children.






































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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 лютого 2018
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