Урок з англійської мови для першого класу за темою "Wild Animals".

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Урок- повторення на тему "Wild Animals" для учнів 1 класу з англійської мови. Узагальнюються знання по темі, повторюються ЛО розділу , активізуються та розширюються знання лексичного матеріалу, формуються вміння визначати назви тварин; розвивається артикуляційний апарат, увага, мислення та різні види пам'яті. Розвивається вміння учнів працювати в парах, закріплюється лексичний запас з розділу.
Перегляд файлу


-to revise the material on the topic;

-to develop pupils’ writing, listening, reading and speaking skills.

Equipment: a tape recorder, picture of animals, sheets of paper.




T: Good morning!

Ps: Good morning!

Good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning!

Good morning!

We are glad to see you!

T: I am glad to see you too! Today we’ll travel to the jungle. We’ll talk about the animals that      live there.

                                               Main part.

1.Warming up.

We are in the jungle,

Me and you.

The lions are here

And the zebras too.

The hippos are happy,

The crocodiles are sad.

And look at the monkey!

It’s smiling at Dad!

We’re in the jungle,

Me and you!

The elephant are here

And the tigers too!


2.Revision vocabulary.

T: Look at this animal! What is it?

Ps: It is a parrot.

T: Yes, it is a parrot. Let’s play a game. You are parrots. I’ll show you some pictures of animals. I’ll say,”It’s a lion”. If it is true, repeat the word after me: if it’s false, don’t say anything.

Sample sentences:

It’s a tiger.

It’s a snake.

It’s a crocodile.

It’s a monkey.

T:Look and find the hidden word!


P1: I can see a tiger in the jungle.


P2:  I can see a lion in the jungle.


P3: I can see a crocodile in the jungle.


P4: I can see a monkey in the jungle.





T: There is a river in the jungle. We have to cross it. Do you see these stepping stones?

(дiти вишикуються перед рiчкою, яка зображена у виглядi аркушiв паперу-камнцiв. Учнi по черзi переходять з камiнця на камiнець, говорячи речення про тварину, яку вони бачать на малюнку.)

Sample answers:

P1: This is a crocodile. Crocodiles have got a long tail. They have got a big nose and short legs. They can swim. I do not like crocodiles. They are ugly.

P2: This is a giraffe. Giraffes have got a long neck. They are tall. Giraffes have got a small tail and long legs. I like giraffes. They are beautiful.

P3:This is a tiger. Tigers are big.  They have got four legs and a tail. They are very strong and fast. I like tigers. They are beautiful.

P4: This is an elephant. Elephants are very big. They have got big ears and a big nose. They are very strong. I like elephants. They are beautiful.

P5: This is a hippo. Hippos are very big. They have got a big body. They can swim. I do not like hippos. They are ugly.

P6: This is a monkey. Monkeys have got a long tail. They can climb trees. They are clever. I like  monkeys. They are beautiful.

P7: This is a zebra. Zebras have got four legs. They have got four legs. They have got a neck and a tail. They are black and white. I like zebras. They are beautiful.


4. Writing

T: Lets play a game. Complete the words and write them down into your copybooks.

Rab_t (rabbit)

_n_key (monkey)

S__ke (snake)

Gi_a__e (giraffe)

Ele__nt (elephant)

L_on (lion)

Do___in (dolphin)

Cr_c_d_le (crocodile)

T_ger (tiger)

Zebr_ (zebra)

H_pp_ (hippo)


5. Relaxation

T: Let’s sing a song! “ One and two and three and four!”

One and two and three and four

We are dancing on the flour,

We are dancing on the flour

Clap, clap, clap,clap!

We are playing with the hands

Look at our smiling face,

Look at our smiling face

Clap, clap, clap,clap!


6.Game “A lost and found animal”

Class is divided into two teams; the groups name wild animals in the alphabetic order.

P1: I am an alligator, and I am looking for a bear.

P2:I’m a bear and I’m looking for a crocodile.

A-alligator, B-bear, C-crocodile, D-dolphin, E-elephant, G-giraffe, H-hare, I-iguana, J-jaguar, K-kangaroo, L-lion, M-monkey, N-narwhal, O-ox, P-penguin, Q-quail, R-rhino,S-snake, T-tiger, U-urchin, V-viper, W-wolf, X-xenops, Z-zebra.

Game “Mime an animal”

“Look! Iam a dog. I can walk like a dog and say’bow-bow-bow!’”

Game “Choose the correct answer.”

1)Which of the animas can run faster then others?

a) a hare

b) a giraffe

c) a cheetah

2) Which of these animals can live the longest?

a) a tortoise

b) a cat

c) a parrot

3) Which of these animals is the biggest animal in the world?

a) a crocodile

b) an elephant

c) a whale


T: Let’s revise what we’ve learnt during the lesson.(Children give their answers.) All of  you have worked very well. Thank you, pupils. I want to finish our lesson with a song! “At the Zoo”

We are at the Zoo,

Me and you

The lions are here

And zebras too,

The hippos are happy,

The crocodiles are sad

And look at the monkey

It is smiling at Dad!





























План-конспект уроку

1 клас

Тема: «Wild Animals»













                                                     Учитель: Ващиленко Антонiна Вiкторiвна















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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
20 лютого 2023
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