Урок з Англійської мови. Комп’ютерні технології в житті людини. Типи письмових творчих завдань

Про матеріал
Мета уроку: • Навчальна: - удосконалювати вміння учнів застосовувати здобуті теоретичні знання на практиці; - вчити учнів використовувати електронні носії інформації; - продовжувати працювати над виробленням навичок користування комп’ютером, здійснювати міжпредметні зв’язки; - практикувати учнів – писати лист другу. • Виховна: виховувати культуру користувача ПК, розуміння важливості вивчення англійської мови і потреби користуватися нею як засобом міжнародного спілкування. • Розвиваюча: розвивати творчу уяву, логічне мислення, мовну здогадку, пізнавальну активність.
Зміст архіву
Перегляд файлу

 11 клас                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Англійська мова                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Учитель- Л. П. Литвин                                                                                                                                                 ОЗЗСО І-ІІІ ст. №7                                                                                                                                              м. Новогродівка                                                                                                                              Донецька обл.

Тема уроку. «Комп’ютерні технології в житті людини. Типи письмових творчих завдань.»

Тип уроку – комбінований

Мета уроку:

  • Навчальна:
  • удосконалювати вміння учнів застосовувати здобуті теоретичні знання на практиці;
  • вчити учнів використовувати електронні носії інформації;
  • продовжувати працювати над виробленням навичок користування комп’ютером, здійснювати міжпредметні зв’язки;
  • практикувати учнів – писати лист другу.
  • Виховна: виховувати культуру користувача ПК, розуміння важливості вивчення англійської мови і потреби користуватися нею як засобом міжнародного спілкування.
  • Розвиваюча: розвивати творчу уяву, логічне мислення, мовну здогадку, пізнавальну активність.

Обладнання: презентаційний матеріал до теми уроку, мультимедійний проектор, комп’ютери.


                                                                                «Геніальні відкриття – це      

                                                                                 99% праці і 1 % таланту»

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Томас Едісон

Geniusone percent of inspiration and ninety-

 nine percent perspiration”

                                                                                                       Thomas A. Edison

                                                  Хід уроку

І. Організація класу

Привітання з класом

  • Warming up (TCl)
  • What do you think of today’s technology?
  • Are you good at using a computer?
  • What do you use a computer for?

ІІ. Основний зміст уроку:

1. Teacher: (повідомлення теми та мети уроку)

  • Today we are having an unusual lesson. We will try to combine two school subjects: English and Computer Science.

Answer the questions (TCl):

  • What do you use a computer for?
  • We can use computers for (to):
  • search information’s;
  • save notes, music, videos;
  • do finance accounts;
  • Surf the Web;
  • play games;
  • communicate;
  • send emails.

So, the theme of our lesson is “Computers and internet in people`s life”

Teacher: (TCl)

2. Let`s check up your homework – your presentations “Computers and internet in people`s life” (дивись додаток №1)

  • Thanks a lot for your presentations.
  • Well done!

3.Focus on writing

Teacher: (TCl)

  • -Why do we learn to write?

What types of writing do you know?

-personal and social writing;

*4.We can write an e-mail (слайд 1)

  • we van write a note;
  • we can write a report (слайд 5)

(text about Madeira)

  • We can write a letter of invitation (слайд 3)

5.You can use the samples for you letter-invitations (слайд 5)

Let`s start to write a letter of invitation to letter of invitation to your friend! (слайд 6)

6.Writing Practice

(Учні починають працювати на комп’ютері )

7. Relaxation (фізична розминка):

  • Let`s relax for a while
  • Move away from a monitor!

8.Reading Practice

  • Display your writings in class
  • Read your work!
  • Read your mates` work!

ІІІ. Підведення підсумків


  • Was the lesson interesting?
  • Was it useful for you?
  • Prove it.

Home task:

Write an essay “What way have computers changed our lives?”

Try to mention:

  • if you have got a computer at home?
  • what kind of a computer have you got?
  • what do you use it for?

Lesson is over. Good luck.













Перегляд файлу

                                            Report on Madeira

This is a report on what makes Madeira a very attractive destination.

In addition to this / To begin with you need to get there. Madeira is a tiny little island in the Atlantic far from anywhere. There are daily flight from London which take three and a half hours. Moreover / Nevertheless, as Madeira is a Portuguese island there are also regular flights from Lisbon.

With regard to / For example where to stay, there is wide range f hotels and guest houses available. For those who like luxury, there is the world famous Raids Hotel, which has been in the hospitality business since 1891. Despite the fact that / On the other hand, if you taste or budget is more modest, there are lots of small family-run establishments where rooms are available for as thirty euros per day.

Once you have arrived and got yourself settled, there is plenty to do. Apart from that / For example, in Funchal, the capital, there are the wonderful sixteenth-century Cathedral garden and the big open air market to explore. However / Therefore, should you prefer to be more active, you can go big-game fishing or take one of the many breathtaking mountain walks, which are suggested by the local tourist authority.

Finally / To sum up, Madeira has a lot to offer. In conclusion / In my opinion, it is an ideal holiday destination.

Слайд 5



Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

1ІНТЕГРОВАНИЙ УРОКЗ АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ ТА ІНФОРМАТИКИ 11клас. Тема уроку: «Комп’ютери та інтернет в житті людини. Типи творчих письмових завдань.»Учитель – Литвин Л. Б. , Полонська А. О. Підручник – О. Карп’юк «English-11» Standart level. Тернопіль «Астон – 2019р. English. Exam Focus. Тренувальні тексти. Зразки письмових завдань. Тернопіль «Навчальна» книга - Богдан 2012р. Ізвєков Семен

Номер слайду 2

2 Writing an e-mail (p.191) Task 1 Read the sample. Hi pals,My name is Iryna Semashko. I come from Ukraine. I’m 15 years old and I live in Yalta. There are four of us in my family – me, my mum, dad and brother Taras, who is 12. My mum is a manager and my father works in bank. Taras and I both go to the same school in Yalta. It’s a really nice place at the seaside, and I’ve got some very good friends there. My favourite subject is history. At the moment we’re learning about mummies in Egypt, which is fun. I also like art and English. I find it extremely interesting!In my free time I like to play volleyball, and in winter I go figure skating. Apart from sport I like watching TV, going to the movies and listening music. My favorite singer is Maxim. It’s amazing that it’s a woman, not a man!I am writing because I want to meet people from all over the world, so please send me an email if you’d like to be my e-pal. All the best. Iryna. Task 2 (p.191)On a separate sheet of paper write an email (in 100-120 words) about yourself to your pen pal. Include the information:name, surname, age, where you live;Family, parents occupation;School, subjects, friends;Hobbies, free time;Reason for your writing

Номер слайду 3

3 Writing a note (p. 207) Task 1 Tom. Thanks very much for telling me that Ann’s going to be in hospital for a few days in June. I won’t be able to visit her as we’ll be on holiday, but I’ll send a card. How about meeting for a cup of coffee after work on friday?Khristina. Nina. Do you fancy going clubbing tonight? I’ll cal for you t ten o’clock and we can get the bus into town. Lets not go back to the Sport Time Club. It wasn’t much good there last week, was it?See you later,Vicky Task 2 Write a note to your classmate giving news about your friend who is ill. Say why you aren’t able to visit him. Promise to send a card/letter. Suggest meeting after school on Friday/

Номер слайду 4

4 Task 1 p.203 Read the sample. Dear Jenny. I am sorry about forgetting about our lunch date. It was completely my fault. I was so busy at work that it mush have slipped my mind. I’d like to invite you to launch next Wednesday at the new Italian restaurant in Oxford Street. Could you come at 12.30 p.m.? I have marked this date in my planner so I will not forget about it. I would just like to apologize again for missing the launch date. Your friend. Tom Task 2 p. 204 Apologize for not coming. Write you were busy at school. Invite your friend to launch next week

Номер слайду 5

5 REPORT ON MADEIRAThis is a report on what makes Madeira a very attractive destination. Introduction (1)Body (2, 3, 4)Conclusion (5)

Номер слайду 6

6 Task 1 p.207 Task 2 p.208 ( Запросити друга! ) Go Camp – East - 2017

Номер слайду 7

7 Michael.mankrious@gmail.com Ben benrobertson@englishschool.se Victor victor11375@gmail.com. Misha Hamumisha@hamufamo.org Лист другу

Номер слайду 8

8 Thanks for attention!

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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
15 лютого 2020
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