Учитель: М’ясникова Оксана Костянтинівна
Херсонська гімназія № 20
3 клас
Тема уроку: Робочий день мого друга
Мета уроку: - освітня:розширити знання учнів з теми, що вивчається; збагатити словниковий запас; узагальнити вивчений матеріал;
-практична:навчити правильно читати слова та словосполучення, розпізнавати їх у тексті, вживати в реченнях; розвивати вміння вести бесіду за темою; формувати вміння діалогічного і монологічного мовлення;
-розвиваюча:розвивати творчий потенціал учнів на основі користування узагальнення; розвивати готовність до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні; розвивати вміння спонтанно й логічно висловлювати свою думку;
-виховна:виховувати культуру спілкування та колективної співпраці.
Тип уроку:урок закріплення здобутих умінь і навичок
Методи і прийоми: хорове та індивідуальне читання, метод вправ, гра, робота з картками, робота в парах, бліц-опитування
Лексичний матеріал:слова за темою ”WorkingDay’’
Граматичний матеріал: PresentSimple
Дидактичний матеріал:картки із завданням
Література: 1) Лариса Давиденко StartwithEnglish. - Тернопіль:Астон,
2003. – С. 17.
2) В. Федієнко English. – Х.: ВД ,,Школа”, 2010. – С.56.
3) Н. Ю. ФільEnglish: Дидактична мозаїка. –Х.: ВД ,,Ранок”,
2004. – С. 175.
План уроку
I. Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you!
How are you? – I’m fine. (I’m OK! I’m bad. I’m so-so.)
III. Today we’ll work on the topic “My Friend’s Working Day”. We’ll repeat all the words, make sentences, answer the questions, write, read and play. Be active and you’ll get good marks. So, let’s start.
IV. 1. Let’s repeat the words:
To get up to come home to have breakfast
To wash face to do homework to have lunch
To brush teeth to watch TV to have dinner
To get dressed to ride a bike to study
To comb hair to go to bed to play the computer
2. Read the words.
3.To translate from English into Ukrainian.
4. Now, I’ll give you the cards and you’ll find the words (Card 1):
Card 1
c |
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5. OK! And now we’ll do the crossword (Card 2)
Card 2
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
6. Now I’ll give you one part of the card. Your task is to find a partner and make a sentence with this word-combination.
V. It’s the time to have a rest. (фіз. пауза)
VI. Let’s do some exercises:
Card 3
Put in the words: teeth, read, get up, dinner, goes, the evening, come, bed
Card 4
To make sentences:
VII. OK! And now tell me what do we do today?
VIII. You are the best today. Your marks are …
IX. Your hometask is …
Card 1
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Card 1
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Card 1
c |
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Card 1
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Card 1
c |
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Card 2
1. |
2. |
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7. |
8. |
9. |
Card 2
1. |
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9. |
Card 3
Put in the words: teeth, read, get up, dinner, goes, the evening, come, bed
Card 3
Put in the words: teeth, read, get up, dinner, goes, the evening, come, bed
Card 3
Put in the words: teeth, read, get up, dinner, goes, the evening, come, bed
Card 3
Put in the words: teeth, read, get up, dinner, goes, the evening, come, bed
Card 4
To make sentences:
Card 4
To make sentences:
Card 4
To make sentences:
Card 4
To make sentences:
Card 4
To make sentences:
Choose the correct question tag:
Write the question tag:
Choose the correct question tag:
Write the question tag:
Summer is my favourite season of the year because hard and busy school time is over and long holidays are waiting for me. I always plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vacation.
Almost each year I spent my holidays in the country at my grandparents’. I adore that place for its landscape. There is a nice river and the woods where my friends and I can gather berries and mushrooms. We also enjoy swimming in the river and sunbathing when the weather is fine. Apart from this, I’m always ready to help my grannies around the house or in the garden watering plants and gathering fruit and vegetables. I like going fishing with my grandpa and cooking the fish over the fire. And one more thing which is worth saying is that I have a chance to breathe fresh country air and forget about the dust and the smokes of the city. Indeed I have a great time in the country with my lovely grandparents. I wish I could visit them more often.
Last summer I spent my holidays at the seaside with my family. It was for the first time and I couldn’t even imagine such excellent holidays. We were there in August and were lucky to have sunny weather and warm sea all the time. It was so pleasant to have a rest doing nothing except taking sunbathes and swimming. There were different kinds of entertainment but best of all I liked water scooters and discos. I was also playing with my little sister on the sand and taught her to swim. Besides, I made some new friends and we had a lot of fun together. We went on several field trips. The one I will never forget was riding a jeep across numerous rivers in the mountains. Unfortunately the time passed very quickly and we had to return back home. However, there were still two more weeks left before school. I spent that time reading books, listening to music, watching TV, playing computer games and going out with my friends.
In conclusion I want to say that I’m usually happy to get back to school as I can meet my friends and teachers again but I always look forward to having summer holidays