Урок з англійської мови на тему: " Meeting with the king of rock-n-roll"

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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови у 5 класі для шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови . Використовувався матеріал підручника "Super minds" видавництва Cambridge.
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План-конспект уроку з учнями 5 класу

ТЕМА: Зустріч із королем рок-н-ролу



Удосконалювати навички пошукового читання

Тренувати навички аудіювання та розуміння звукового потоку

Практикувати учнів у вживанні вивчених лексичних та граматичних структур з минулим неозначеним часом у писемному та усному мовленні

Розвивати комунікативні навички


Поглибити знання учнів про музичну культуру англомовної країни - США


Розвивати фонетичний слух,увагу

Розвивати культуру спілкування в ситуації «Інтервю»

Сприяти формуванню позитивних мотивів навчальної діяльності


Виховувати в учнів інтерес до культури англомовних країн

ОБЛАДНАННЯ УРОКУ: підручник для 5 класу (Super Minds), роздатковий матеріал, мультимедійне обладнання, DVD-програвач



І Початок уроку

  1. Організація класного колективу.
  2.  Введення в мовне середовище. Повідомлення теми та задач уроку.

ІІ Основна частина уроку

  1. Фонетична зарядка.
  2. Повторення вивченого лексико-граматичного матеріалу.
  3. Аудіювання.
  4. Робота з текстом.
  5.      Усне мовлення

ІІІ Заключна частина уроку

  1. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.
  2. Підведення підсумків уроку.




  • Організація класного колективу.


T. Good morning, boys and girls!

Ps. Good morning, my dear teacher!

T. I’m glad to see you.

Ps. We’re very glad to see you ,too.

T. How are you, Andrew?

P1. I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

T. I’m OK. Thanks. How are things, Vlad?

P2. Very well. Thank you.

T. Dan, how’s your parrot?

P3. Just excellent! Thank you.

T. Sonia, how’re your hamsters?

P4. Great! Thanks.

T. I’m glad everything is OK. Let’s start our lesson.

Вступна бесіда відповідно до теми уроку.


   T. Today we’ll go on talking about a very popular music style-rock ’n’ roll. By the way, do you remember in which country rock ’n’ roll started?

P1. It started in the USA.

T. When did it start?

P2. It started in 1950s.

T. Who liked this kind of music most of all?

P3. Teens liked it most of all.

T. Who was the most popular rock ’n’ roll singer?

P4. Elvis Presley.

T. How do the fans call this singer?

P5. The King of rock ‘n’ roll.

Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку


T.  And the topic of our lesson is ‘Meeting with the King of rock ‘n’ roll.’ We’ll

  • refresh telling times and routines using the Past Simple,
  • listen  and read about the adventures of our time travelers: Alex, Patrick and Phoebe. Besides, you’ll have a surprise at the end of the lesson

Фонетична зарядка

T. but first comes our phonetic training. Look at the board. This is the sound /о /. Repeat after me. And this is the sound /ou /. Repeat after me. You know that sometimes we have same spelling for different sounds. We pronounce rock with the sound /o /. But we pronounce roll with the sound / ou /.  Let’s  listen and say  these sounds in a dialogue. Open your  SB, page 36, ex.2. Now the girls read for Rose and the boys read for Tom.

Повторення вивченого лексико-граматичного матеріалу

T. Oh, children, look at the clock! What time is it?

P1. It’s …

T. Thank you. We still have much time. Now look at the board. What time do these clocks show?

Ps. (Учні назвають час)

T. Well done! Please take the task. Look at the pictures. Do you know this person?

Ps. Yes! It’s Elvis Presley.

T. Right. You can see a day from his life in the pictures. Your task is to use the prompts and write what he did during this day and at what time. For example…  Ready? Let’s check. It’ll be self-check. The right variants are on the board. Take your red pens and be ready to correct mistakes.

(Учні перевіряють свої роботи)

T. Look at the clock again. What time is it now?

P1. It’s…

T. Oh, it’s high time to meet our time-travelers. Where are they this time? Let’s find out.



T. Open your SB page 34, ex.2. Look through the sentences. We’ll listen to the kid’s conversation, complete the sentences and find out where they are. Take your pencils and listen carefully. Let’s check your variants. Do you know now where they are?

P2. The kids are at the concert of Elvis Presley.

T. Well done! You’ve worked well. You know, you’re looking a bit tired. Let’s rest a little. Let’s play ‘ Stop-Relax’ game. Who wants to be a presenter?

( Фізкультхвилинка)

Робота з текстом

Pre-reading activities

T. The adventures of the time-travelers are going on. Let’s read about them. Open your SB page 38.Look at the title of the text, at the pictures and try to answer my question: What is this text about?

P1. The text is about meeting the kids with the King of rock ‘n’ roll.

T. Really so. It’s very interesting to know the details of their meeting, isn’t it? But first look at the board. Here are some words from the text which can be difficult for you to understand.


confused-розгублений                                      Never mind – Не звертайте уваги

 invite – запросити                                              follow – слідувати за

dressing room – гримувальна кімната           scream – верещати

peace and quiet – мир та спокій                      try – намагатися

laugh – сміятися                                                   notice – помітити

familiar – знайомий

T. Let’s read and translate the first part of the text.

While-reading activities

T. Read the next two paragraphs by yourselves and decide if the statements are true or false.

1. Elvis invited the kids to the dining-room.

2. They asked him about being famous.

3. He said that it’s always fun to be a star.

4. Fans want to follow Elvis to his car.

5. Alex needs a coat, glasses and a wig for his plan.

6. Outside the door thousands of fans were waiting for the singer.

7. Fans were taking photos and trying to talk to the star.

Post-reading activities.

T. Now listen and read the last part of the story. Look at the board and choose the correct variant.

1. Elvis wasn’t Elvis. He was

     a) Patrick sitting on Alex’s shoulders

     b) Alex sitting on Patrick’s shoulders

     c)  Phoebe sitting on Patrick’s shoulders

2.The King of rock ‘n’ roll wanted

     A)  coffee and a cake

      B)   peace and quiet

      C)  fun and joy

3. The star thanked the kids with

     A) hot dogs, cheeseburgers, ice-cream and milkshakes

     B) hot dogs, hamburgers and ice-cream

     C) hot dogs, hamburgers, ice-cream and milkshakes

4. Phoebe was sad because she noticed

     A) the fans

     B) the yellow glow

     C) their teacher

5. The boys didn’t want to

     A) come back home

     B) eat fast food

     C) leave Elvis

T. Well done! Good work! You deserve a surprise. Now meet   the future Ukrainian star Anastassia Yermolenko. Let’s greet her with applauds. Nastia enjoys singing. She attends voice lessons and dreams to be a singer. Could you please sing something for us?

Учениця співає пісню.

Т. Thank you. It was brilliant! My dear students, your home task was to get prepared for an interview with a famous singer. Nastia, you are a famous singer in our school. Could you give us a short interview, please?

Nastia. Why not?

T-Ps. Thank you. So you are journalists now. Do you remember the rules of good journalists?

P1. Be polite.

P2. Introduce yourself before you ask a question.

P3. Say ‘Thank you’ after you ask a question.

T. OK. So , be professional.


T. Thank you for such an interesting interview. Please, leave us your autograph here on the board.

Заключна частина уроку.

Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

T. By the way, what’s the time? It’s a pity, but we have to finish our lesson. Open your day-books and write down your home task.

Підведення підсумків уроку.

T. What did we do at the lesson today?

P1. We read the text about Elvis Presley and the time-travelers.

P2. We wrote about Elvis’s day.

P3. We had an interview with a star.

T. What did you like most?


T. Thank you for the lesson. You were very active. Your marks are…  Let’s finish our lesson with the words:

 I am a good pupil!

I am a better pupil!

I am the best pupil!

11 серпня 2020
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