Урок з теми " Appearance" , 5 клас

Про матеріал
Мета уроку з теми " Appearance" у 5 класі- закріпити вивчені лексичні одиниці,розвивати навики говоріння та аудіювання.На уроці використано інтерактивні форми роботи.
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Практичні: Активізувати вживання лексичних одиниць з теми у мовленні учнів.

Навчити оперувати лексичним матеріалом на рівні речення та мікровисловлювання.

Вчити сприймати на слух текст  та висловлювати свою думку за змістом прослуханого.

Формувати вміння працювати в групах та парах.

Розвиваючі: розвивати слухову пам'ять,мовну здогадку, кмітливість, уважність, вміння спонтанно і логічно висловлювати свою думку.

Виховні: виховувати активність, працьовитість, толерантність, культуру колективної співпраці.

Обладнання: кросворд, картки, роздатковий матеріал, звукозапис пісні «Head & shoulders», підручник О. Карп'юк «Англійська мова» для 5-го класу

Тип уроку:  урок  застосування набутих знань.

Хід уроку

І. Привітання. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Т. Good morning children. How are you today? Are you in a good mood and ready to start the lesson? I'm sure you are. Am I right?

P1,2,3 Certainly. Right you are. Of course. Sure.

II.  Основна частина.

1. Brainstorming (мозковий штурм).

T. Look at the blackboard and answer my question: What do you think about when you hear the word “appearance”?(На дошці слово «appearance». Учні по черзі («Мікрофон») називають слова і записують на дошці.)

Mind map

                      Slim                 small                         tall                          hair


                      Plump         pretty           handsome          nose             face

T. Look we’ve got a spidergram.

If you find the main word you’ll name the topic of today’s lesson.

T. You are right. We are going to work on the appearance of people.

3.Робота з лексикою (Vocabulary work)

a) You have cards with the words. You are to find as many words on the topic “appearance” as you can. Work in pairs (завдання на розвиток мислення)

- faceaybhair

- sbstraightabc

- uabarmntalltcop

- bgitcurlyataee

- egeenosero

- aknblondtksp

- ythljroundodl

- tioacirieyes

- vurbonmsmallfg

b) Look, we have a crossword on the blackboard. Answer the questions and write down your answers.

















































































1. When our hair is brown or black we say that it is …(dark)

2. The opposite of dark is …(fair)

3. The opposite of turned up is …(straight)

4. A boy is handsome, a girl is …(pretty)

5. The opposite of pale is …(rosy)

c) Work in pairs.

Look at the blackboard! There is a group of words there (round, fair, straight, curly, turned-up, dark, oval, long, small, pretty, short, brown, blue, pale, handsome, large, rosy). You are to choose only those which we can use to characterize the word in your card. (face, nose, hair, eyes, cheeks, man, woman, ears).

4. Look at the picture and describe this girl (Гра” Snowball”)

P1. This is a girl

P2 This is a girl. She is 5.

 P3. This is a girl. She is 5. Her face is round.

P4. This is a girl. She is 5. Her face is round. Her nose is straight…

5. Now you are to work in groups of 4.

You have to make up a story. Put the sentences in the correct order.,jigsaw sentences(текст розрізано на речення )

Group A.

This is a woman.

Her name is Amalia.

She is from the USA.

She is 35.

She is pretty.

Her face is oval.

She has got long dark hair.

Her nose is straight and her eyes are blue.

She is wearing a beautiful dress.

Her hobby is dancing.

Group B.

This is a boy.

His name is Steve.

He is a schoolboy.

His face is round.

He has got a turned up nose.

He is a brown-eyed boy.

His hair is short.

He is wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

His hobby is football.

Group C.

This is a man.

His name is Peter.

He is 27.

He is a manager.

He is tall and slim.

He is rather handsome.

His face is oval.

His hair is short and straight.

He is a dark-haired man.

He has got a straight nose and large eyes.

He is wearing a green sweater and jeans.

6. Фізкульт хвилинка «Head & shoulders»

7.Now work in your copybooks.

Describe your classmate, but don’t tell the name, we shall guess. ( This is a boy. He is not very tall but slim. His hair is dark and short. His face is oval. He is a brown-eyed boy. He has got a straight nose and thing lips. He usually wears a grey sweater and black jeans. He is strong. His hobby is football. )

Учні розподіляються на дві команди. Кожна читає три описи. Перемагає команда, яка вгадала більше однокласників.

Вчитель може надати заохочувальний бал команді за найкращий опис.

8. Work in group of 4.

Imagine that you have to meet a boy, but you haven’t seen him before. What will you ask him?

  1. What color is your hair?
  2. Is your hair long or short?
  3. What color are your eyes?
  4. What is your face like?
  5. What is your nose like?
  6. What have you on?

III. Підбиття підсумків уроку.


Children say what you have learned to do today.

  • to do crossword
  • to describe people
  • to ask questions
  • to make up a story…

How do you like the lesson?

Please, mark your answer in the card.


Boring                        card


IV. Повідомлення д/з. Оцінювання.

Draw or find a picture of your favourite literary hero and describe his/her appearance.


До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
30 червня 2022
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