Урок з теми "Communication Technology"

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Урок розвитку мовлення та читання, удосконалення навичок аудiювання з теми "Communication Technology" з англійської мови для учнів профільного 9 класу

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Урок для учнiв 9 класу.


Тема: Communication Technology.



  1. Удосконавлювати навики аудiювання;
  2. продовжувати тренувати учнiв в читаннi;
  3. продовжувати формувати комунiкативнi навички учнiв;
  4. Викоростовувати дiалогiчну мову;
  5. розширяти словниковий запас та розвивати образне мислення, активно використати граматичний матерiал;
  6. Сприяти встановленню дружньої атмосфери i взаемозв’язкiв мiж учасниками спiлкування.

Обладнання: комп’ютер, зошити, роздатнiй матерiал, пiдручник, картки для роботи в групах (НО1), для самостiйноi роботи (НО2).

Хiд уроку.

Пiдготовка до сприйняття iншомовного мовлення.

Greeting. Good morning everybody. I am so glad to see you. How are you?

Aim. We are to speak about Communication Technology. Today we will know more interesting things on our topic and check up our skills.

Check on Homework. Complete the dialogue with the replies (A-E).

  1.              so there must be something wrong with your connection.
  2.              – They should be there in an hour.
  3.              – What’s wrong with it?
  4.              –Could you send someone to fix it today?
  5.               –It hasn’t been working the past few days.

-I need somebody to come over and fix my Internet.


-For some reason it’s just not connecting.

-How long have you been having this problem?


-Does the Internet come up at all?

-It does, but it won’t connect to anything.

-Well, the Internet isn’t down, 3)___________


-I’ll send somebody over right away to fix it.

-When will they be here?


Warming up. Game ’’Guess the world’’. Make up riddles with the words: ’’communicate, web, computer, Internet, technology, phones.

Listening Comprehension. Now I’ll read you the text twice. You are to listen to it very attentively, try to understand the main idea of it and then do the task.

The task after reading the text ”Communication Technology” :Mark the following statements (1-5) true (T) or false (F).

1) According to the new studies, networking websites can have a negative impact on children’s mental health___________.

2) Researchers believe that fewer and fewer teens prefer online communication_________________

3) The report said parents should talk to their kids about bulling.______________________

4) A survey found that Facebook leads to the isolation of children.______________________________

5) All reports agree that 2% of kids use social media sites 10 times a day.________________________________

Reading. Read the text and complete it with the words: online, mobile-learning, digitize, tablets, the Internet, technology.

The World’s First “Smart Education” System

South Korea’s government has announced ambitious plans to revolutionize school classrooms and provide the world’s first “smart education” system. It intends to1)________all textbooks in all schools by 2015.This means bulky, paper-based books are out and handheld data2)________________________and e-readers are in .First in line to go digital are elementary schools, which will switch to3)__.____________devices by 2014.South Korea’ s Ministry of education says it will invest $2.4 billion to create and deliver the e-learning and4)________________materials. In addition to digital content in the classroom, the Ministry is also hoping to make online classes available for students who miss lessons. South Korea is well known for its embrace of5)________________________and high-speed 6)_____________________.A Ministry official stated: ”Korean students have ranked first in terms of digital literacy among developed nations. That’s why Korean students, who are already full prepared for digital society, need a major shift in education.”

Presenting Grammar. Let’s revise prepositions. For each item (1-4) choose the correct variant(A,B or C).

1) The searchers at last picked…a signal from the crashed yacht.

A) out;

B) up;

C) in.

2) I shall just print this…and put it in the post.

A) off;

B) into;

C) out.

3) Brian keyed…his personal code.

A) in;

 B) to;

C) on.

4) If someone hacks…a computer system, they break into the system, especially in order to get secret information.

A) into;

B) onto;

C) to.

Speaking. Describe your favorite Internet site.

Writing. Write a short e-mail to your pen-friend about your new smart phone.

Homework. Revise the words on the topic in your vocabularies.

Summarizing. What facts surprised you at the lesson today? What information seemed to be the most interesting to you? 




До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Любченко О. С., Любченко О. М., Тучина Н. В.)
7 травня 2018
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