Урок за темою: " We are what we eat" lesson plan for the 7th form

Про матеріал
Урок узагальнення знань за темою "Харчування" для учнів 7-го класу. Метою уроку є : збагачувати словниковий запас учнів; вдосконалювати навички діалогічного мовлення; формувати навички усного мовлення; розвивати навичеки критичного мислення, застосовуючи метод критичного мислення "Шість капелюхів критичного мислення".Учні повинні уміти: вживати лексичний матеріал у мові; усно висловлювати власні думки і припущення; запитувати, здобувати та надавати інформацію.
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Topic. We are what we eat. Lesson Plan for the 7th form.

Цілі уроку:
Навчальна: збагачувати словниковий запас учнів; вдосконалювати навички діалогічного мовлення; формувати навички усного мовлення. 
Розвиваюча: розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію, розвивати критичне мислення, запитувати та надавати інформацію; розвивати в учнів пам'ять, увагу, кмітливість та мовну здогадку; розширити знання учнів про здорове харчування.
Виховна: виховувати самостійність, зацікавленість у вивченні іноземної мови, чіткість висловлення думки.
Тип уроку: урок узагальнення, застосування знань, нестандартний урок.
Учні повинні знати: лексичний матеріал, основні правила здорового харчування.
Учні повинні уміти: вживати лексичний матеріал у мові; усно висловлювати власні думки і припущення; запитувати, здобувати та надавати інформацію.
Motto: Eat the right food.

Обладнання. Картки зі словами і виразами по темі для повторення; меню,  картки з написами назви кафе, теми, девізу, а також для роботи з окремими видами діяльності на уроці “Scrambled Dialogue”, текст “Believe It Or Not”, матеріали для гри «Right Food», картини з наборами їжі для здорового харчування, скатертини, вази з квітами, атрибути сюжетно-рольової гри, роздруківки з завданнями, кольорові капелюхи за методом критичного мислення                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Форма проведення уроку: Role Play “In the  Café Friends ”

Хід уроку
1. Організаційний момент(2 min.)

I. Greeting.

  • Good morning! Glad to see you at the English lesson.
  • How are you?
    2. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

II. Aim. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

  • The topic of our today’s lesson is We are what we eat . The motto of the lesson is Eat the right food. At the lesson we are going to talk about fast food, healthy food, you should be able to order meals if you are eating out, you’ll have to do a great piece of creative work, a great fun and pleasure. So, let’s start our lesson.
    - But first of all grab a small handful of M@M’s and based on the colors you have in your hand, share  facts about yourself. Don’t forget to eat it too…

III. Mind map. Warming up. 3 хв.

Teacher. OK! I need two assistants. Who wants to help me? Answer my questions and make mind map. What kinds of meals do you know? When  and where do you usually have meals? Well done, take your seats, please.

              in a cafe                                                    

 at home                    in a restaurant                 breakfast  time                            lunch 



in a pub             

          in a canteen   in a bar                                                                 supper 


                    national                                                      traditional

                festival                                                                 vegetarian


                        ritual                                                                    daily                                          

                                               family                         special


III. Reading.


How  much   do  know  about  the  food you  eat?  Your next  task is make up sentences.Go to the whiteboard and match the halves of sentence.

1 Milk and cheese

2 Potatoes, carrots and beetroot

3 Cheese, butter and oil

4 Fresh fruit and vegetables

5 Eggs and red meat

6 Rice, potatoes and bread

7 Nuts and dried beans

8 Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

  1. are rich in vitamins C.
  2. are high in cholesterol.
  3. are root vegetables.
  4. are good sources of protein for vegetarians.
  5. are  all high in carbohydrates.
  6. are dairy products.
  7. are needed in a balanced diet.
  8. have a high proportion of fat.                        

Teacher .Good job, sit down.

3.Перевірка домашнього завдання 3 хв.
Now, it’s a high time to check your homework. Well, who wants to present the dialogues?
Основна частина уроку           

IV. Group Work. Right Food

  1. Teacher:You know how important is healthy food but lot of people don’t think about this so I propose you some creative work- for each group I give the words your task is to match them and find out the correct color for your food. There are three colors: Red- Stop and Think what do you eat, Yellow-Eat Carefully, Green- Eat generously.

Group 1 – red – stop and think (these foods have a lot of fat or sugars or salt)    

        must -, - cream,  mayon -, choc-,  - naise, - food, ket -, spi -, - cakes, - ces,   

        pan -, - ard, ice -,  cri -, - olate, - sps, fried - , - chup,

Group 2 – yellow – go carefully

bis - , baked -, - zza, - urgers, pi -, - aroni, - ese soft -,  - beans, lem -, mac- , - 

onade,  spagh-, - etti,  - cuits, hamb - , che -, -drinks 

Group 3 – green – go right ahead 

         Cer -, - idge, porr -, -  ables, chi-, veget -, corn -, ju -, mineral -, - it, - urt, fru-,

          - ice ,- eals, - cken  - water, yogh -,  - flakes.

The captains or representatives of the groups make up the traffic light diet on the blackboard.

Teacher. Do your traffic light diet on the blackboard. You are good pupils!


                                   ketchup                                 crisps

 ice cream




                          chocolate                                                     fried food

                                  hamburgers                               pizza                                                                                                                                              


                        biscuits                                                   soft drinks 

                                                                                   baked beans

                           lemonade                                      cheese      

                                        macaroni  fruit


                            cereals                                                porridge


                             vegetables                                        chicken

                                        yoghurt                          cornflakes

                                                       mineral water                                                      

B) Well, what do you  think about fast food? Is it good for our health? What information do know about Fast Food? Which Fast Food came from France, which came from Germany? Pupil’s answers.(Critical thinking 6 thinking hats)
Well done, and now your task is to make up senkan about Fast Food.
1. Junk food
2. Adjectives_,_.
3. Verb_,_,_.
4. Sentence ….
5. Synonyms……

V. 1. Well and now it’s time to watch and listen dialogue from your students book, so be attentive please because after you have to answer the questions:
What do Alisha, Dan, Tommo and Skye order?(Dan-water and a toasted cheese sandwich; Alisha- apple juice and green cake; Tommo- melon-and-mango smoothie and green cake; Skye- hot chocolate.)

2. Game “Selections the Menu” (3 min.)  So, students now let’s do the group work and play the game ”Yes” or “No”   Group 1 put questions to Group 2, Group 2 put questions to Group 3 and Group 3 to Group 1                       

  1. It is useful to eat too much sweets and cakes. no
  2. It’s necessary to have meals 16 times a day. no
  3. You have to eat the right and fresh food which help you to grow. yes
  4. You must eat different kinds of food  such as fish, meat, milk to help your body to keep fit and to be strong and healthy. yes
  5. It’s useful for you to eat only macaroni. no
  6. You must eat vegetables and fruit because they have got a lot of vitamins. yes
  7. It’s necessary to drink coffee 3 times a day. no
  8. It’s useful to eat crisps every day because they have got a lot of vitamins. no

9.It’s necessary to eat too much before going to bed. no
10.  Over five million kilograms of crisps are eaten in Britain every week. yes
11.  The British spend about 1,26 billion pounds a year on hamburgers, double what they spend on medicines. no
12.  There are more Chinese take-always than there are fish and chip shops in the UK. yes


3. Scrambled Dialogue . There is one dialogue hidden in the four sentences which have been scrambled. Make up a dialogue, then present  it .(3 min)

Group 1. (B, D, A, C)

A.   You don't mean to say it's not tasty, do you?

B.    Help yourself to some more salad.

C.   By no means, Liz! I enjoyed it very much.

D.   I don't think I'll have any more, thank you.

Group 2. (B, A, D, C)

A.   Let's take some salad, soup, fish with boiled potatoes.

B.   What shall we have for dinner?

C.   I think a glass of apple juice will be just the thing for dessert.

D.   And what about the sweet?

Group 3. (B, D, C, A)

A.   Don't you know yourself? At dinner break.

B.   When do you usually have your dinner, Max?

C.   No, I mean here, at work.

D.   Well, that depends. At home I have it at six.
4.   Musical Relaxation. (3.5 min) Well done children you’ve worked hard and

 it’s high time for relaxation. Do you know  A Pizza Man? Let’s sing and dance together.

5. Role- play In the Friends Café  Group → Waiter (4 min)
Are you ready to visit our intellectual Friends café? Please, welcome.

 Waiter: Now, are you ready to order?  Customer: I think we are.

  1. Waiter: What would you like to have for starters?

      Customers: I'd like to have green salad, please. The same for me.

     Waiter: What would you like to start with?

     Customers: I'll start with the melon. I think I'll start with soup.

  1. Customer: I'm at a loss. I don't know what to order. Could you recommend something to       


           Waiter: Yes, certainly. Do you like sea-food? Why not start with the shrimp  cocktail then?                                     

           C:     It's fine with me. And what's "the soup of the day"?

           W:    It's onion soup: onions, chicken broth with melted cheese.

           C:    Sounds good.

           W:     It tastes good too.

c)  Waiter: What would you like to have for the main course?

    Customer:  I'll have steak and new potatoes.

d) Waiter: Do you want any sweet?

   1st Customer:    A cup of coffee and cheese to finish with, please.

   Waiter: How about pudding?

  2nd  Customer: Chocolate pudding for me. Please.

  1. Waiter: Are you ready to order your drinks?

1st Customer: A glass of mineral water for me, please.

     2nd Customer:    An orange juice, please.

6.  Game Always, Sometimes, Never

The next task is to make up sentences with Always, Sometimes, Never, for example:
You can always eat salad and drink green tea.

You can always eat (drink)… ( apples, bananas, tomatoes, oranges, mineral water…)

You can eat (drink)… (sweets, chocolate, coffee, sour cream , …) sometimes.

 Never eat (drink)… ( vinegar, oil, washing powder, soda, …).

VI. Homework (The Bill )  . Summarizing.       

Teacher: Dear customers! Our time is nearly up and let’s do the a summary  What kind of food do you know? Is junk food useful for us? Can we eat Fast Food every day?
So, write please your homework for the next lesson Student’s book p.40 ex.4.

Thank you for your preparations at the lesson. Your marks are in your bills.




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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
30 квітня 2021
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